Kindergarten      12/30/2019

What you need to know about the first days of a newborn baby's life? Newborn baby: the first month of a baby's life - infant development, behavior and care from birth

The first month of a baby's life is magical and restless at the same time. It is necessary in the first month of a newborn's life to learn how to feed, put to sleep and understand his constant requirements. And the beginning of the life of a newborn is saturated with them especially densely.

The first days of a newborn are pretty easy. All he really cares about is eating every few hours, sleeping well and often, having a dry diaper, and getting lots of love. But for you, as a new parent, caring for a newborn baby can seem a lot more difficult. Therefore, focus only on the main points and basic needs of the child.

Child development 1 month of life

Your newborn does little more than eat, sleep, cry. You will discover the child's reaction to things like light, noise and touch. You will see that the sense organs are working hard.

Vision in the first month of a child's life

Your baby sees things best at a distance of 20 - 25 cm. This is the ideal distance for gazing into the eyes of mom or dad.

Their eyes are particularly sensitive to bright light, so babies are more likely to open their eyes in low light.

Don't worry if your child sometimes squints or rolls his eyes. This is normal until your child's vision improves and the eye muscles strengthen.

Let your child look at many attractive things. People's faces, contrasting patterns, bright colors, movement is what newborns like the most. Black and white photographs or toys will keep your child interested longer than objects or paintings with many similar colors.

The child must be able to follow the slow movements of a person or object.

What can a baby hear before 1 month?

The baby heard sounds while still in the womb. The mother's heartbeat, the murmur of her digestive system, and even the sounds of her voice are all part of the baby's world before birth.

When a baby is born, the sounds of the surrounding world are loud and clear. A child may be startled by the unexpected barking of a nearby dog ​​or calmed down by the gentle buzz of a hair dryer.

Pay attention to the reaction of the newborn to the voice. The voices of people, especially parents, are the favorite “music” for a child. If the baby is crying in the cradle, see how quickly your approaching voice soothes him.

Taste and olfactory sensations of the newborn in the first month

Babies have a sense of taste and smell and will be attracted to sweet tastes rather than bitter ones. For example, a newborn will prefer to suck on a bottle of sweetened water, but will turn away or cry if given something bitter or sour in taste. Likewise, newborns will turn to smells they like and turn away from smells they don't like.

Studies have shown that mom's diet affects taste. These first flavors will help shape taste preferences later on. For example, a baby whose mother ate spicy food during breastfeeding is likely to favor spicy food.

Touch is important for a newborn. With each touch, the newborn learns life and its surroundings.

In the womb, babies are kept warm and protected, but after birth, for the first time, they feel cold, hot, hard seams of clothes.

Make sure the newborn finds the outside world a calming place. Give a lot comfortable clothes and soft blankets, tender kisses, caresses and comforting hugs.

From the moment of birth, babies begin to react to the world around them. Their reactions to a mother's hug or a loud sound are examples of normal child development.

Doctors use these factors to determine if development is progressing as expected. There is a wide range of what is considered normal, so some children develop skills earlier or later than others.

What should a child be able to do at 1 month of age?

Newborn behavior

  1. Turns head towards parent's voice or other sounds.
  2. Cries to communicate the need to pick him up or feed him, change diapers or put him to bed.
  3. Stops crying when his desire is satisfied (the child was picked up, fed or put to bed).

Motor and physical development of the child in the first month

From the very beginning, the child has a set of reflexes designed to protect him and provide the necessary assistance, even if parental instincts have not yet come into force.

These early reflexes include the searching reflex, which helps locate a breast or feeding bottle, the sucking reflex (helps you eat), the grasping reflex (the one that makes you squeeze your finger when it's in your baby's hand), and the Moro reflex (a nerve reaction that he feels when he is scared).

You can try testing your child for reflexes, but keep in mind that your results may vary and are likely to be less reliable than the doctor's test results.

Emotional and social development of a child up to 1 month of life

  • calms down from the voice and touch of parents;
  • can focus for a short time.

Cognitive skills (thinking and learning)

  1. Looks at faces.
  2. Follows the expression on the face of the parents.

Newborn care in the first month of life

If you haven't spent much time around newborns, their fragility can be frightening.

Rules for caring for a child in the first month of life

  • Be sure to wash your hands before handling an infant. Newborns do not yet have a strong immune system, so they are susceptible to infection. Make sure that everyone who interacts with the child has clean hands;
  • be careful to support the baby's head and neck when you carry him or put him in the crib;
  • do not shake the newborn, whether in play or when upset. Violent shaking can cause intracranial bleeding and even death. If you need to wake the baby, do not do it by shaking the baby. Instead, tickle your baby's feet or gently pat her cheek;
  • You need to make sure that the baby in the carrier, stroller or car seat is well fastened. Limit any activity that may be too rough or energetic for your little one.

Remember that a 1 month old newborn is not prepared for rough play such as shaking or tossing.

How to care for a newborn in the first month?

Newborn care at home includes feeding, changing diapers, changing clothes, caring for the umbilical wound, trimming nails, bathing, and going to bed.

Feeding a newborn

Mom decides for her newborn in the first month, breast or bottle.

You may be confused about how often to do this. As a rule, it is recommended, that is, every time he seems hungry. The baby may signal with crying, fist sucking, or smacking sounds.

A newborn baby should be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If you are breastfeeding, let your baby suckle for about 10 to 15 minutes from each breast. If you are formula feeding, give about 60 to 90 milliliters for each feeding. For each individual baby, you can individually calculate the one-time volume of the mixture.

When formula feeding, you can easily control the amount of food. But if you are breastfeeding the baby, it will be a little more difficult. If the baby seems satisfied, has about six wet diapers and stools several times a day, the baby sleeps well and gains weight well, then there is no shortage of food.

Before changing a diaper, make sure that all accessories are within reach so that you do not have to leave the baby alone on the changing table.

To change a diaper you need:

  • clean diaper;
  • if the baby has a rash;
  • a container filled with warm water;
  • clean cloth, wet wipes or cotton pads.

After each bowel movement, or if the diaper is wet, lay the baby on the back and remove the dirty diaper. With the help of water cotton pads and wipes gently wipe the baby's genitals. When changing a boy's diaper, do it with care, as exposure to air can cause urination.

When drying a girl, wipe the perineum from the labia to the bottom to avoid urinary tract infections. Apply ointment to prevent and treat a rash.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after changing a diaper.

Diaper rash is a common problem. As a rule, it is red and convex. After a few days, it will disappear with bathing in warm water, using diaper cream and a small amount of time spent without it. Most breakouts are caused by skin sensitivity that is irritated by a wet diaper.

To prevent or treat diaper rash, try a number of ways:

  1. Change your baby's diaper frequently and as soon as possible after a bowel movement.
  2. After washing, apply a "barrier" cream. Zinc creams are preferred as they form a moisture barrier.
  3. Leave the baby without a diaper for a while. This gives the skin the opportunity to take an air bath.

If the diaper rash continues for more than 3 days or seems to get worse, see your doctor. The rash may be caused by a fungal infection that requires medical treatment.


You will change your baby many times a day.

Here Here are some tips to make work more enjoyable for you and your baby:

  • start with comfortable clothes. Look for stretch fabrics; wide necks; loose sleeves, cuffs and ankles; buttons, snaps or zippers front side clothes, not on the back. Lace may look adorable on your little girl, but it can be scratchy or even tangle your little one's fingers, so save it for special occasions;
  • Attach a bib if your baby is spitting up regularly. After all, it is much easier to replace than clothes.

Umbilical wound care and circumcision

Taking care of your umbilical cord is very important. Experts suggest wiping the area with alcohol until the umbilical cord dries up and falls off.

The baby's navel area should not be submerged in water until the umbilical cord falls off and the area has healed.

Consult a doctor if the navel area turns red, feels bad smell or there were discharges.

If the boy is circumcised, immediately after the procedure, the glans penis is covered with gauze lubricated with petroleum jelly so that the wound does not stick to the diaper. Gently wipe the head after changing the diaper with clean warm water, then apply petroleum jelly. The redness or irritation of the penis should heal in a few days, but if the redness, swelling, or pus-filled blisters get worse, call your doctor right away.

Nails were growing even before the baby was born, so you can get a manicure in the first week of life. This procedure should be carried out every 2 to 3 days in the first month, until the nails harden and stop growing so quickly.

When trimming, hold the child's finger, pressing the tip of the finger down and away from the nail. Gently cut nails following the natural curve of the nail. Make sure that you do not cut too low and do not make sudden movements. While holding your tiny toes, cut your nails straight without rounding the edges. Remember that toenails grow more slowly and therefore require less maintenance.

Although you won't feel well, try not to worry if you hurt your child. It happens to all well-meaning moms. Clamp the wound with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth or gauze pad, and the bleeding will soon stop.

Bathing Basics

You should wipe the baby with a soft sponge before the umbilical cord falls off and the navel is completely healed (1-4 weeks).

Prepare the following items before bathing a child:

  • clean soft washcloth;
  • soft baby soap and unscented shampoo;
  • soft brush for scalp massage;
  • towel or blanket;
  • clean diaper;
  • fresh clothes.


To do this, choose a flat, safe surface in a warm room. Fill a sink, if available, or a bowl with warm water. Undress the child and wrap him in a towel. Wipe baby's eyes with clean cotton balls dipped in water. Movement should be directed from the inner corner to the outer.

Use a separate cotton ball for each eye. Wipe your baby's ears and nose with a damp cloth. Then blot the cloth again and, using a little soap, gently wash your face and pat it dry.

Then lather baby shampoo and gently wash your baby's head. Try to wash off the foam as thoroughly as possible. Gently wipe the body with a damp cloth, paying particular attention to the underarm creases, areas around the neck, behind the ears and in the genital area. Then you need to dry the skin, put on a diaper and clothes.

When your child is ready to take a bath, the first baths should be short.

An infant bath will be added to the items listed above. A baby bath is a plastic bath that fits inside a large tub. This best size for babies, and bathing with it becomes easier.

Make sure that the water in the bath is no more than 5 - 7 cm deep. Undress your baby in a warm room, then immediately put him in water to prevent chills. Slowly lower the baby to the chest into the bath, holding the head with one hand.

Wash your face and hair with a washcloth. Gently massage the scalp with your fingertips or a soft baby brush.

When you are rinsing shampoo or soap off your baby's head, place your hand on your forehead so that the lather runs down the sides to keep the soap out of your eyes.

Gently wash the rest of the child's body with water.

During the entire bath, constantly pour water on the child so that he does not catch a cold. After bathing, immediately wrap your baby in a towel, making sure it covers his head.

Hooded baby towels are great for keeping a freshly washed baby warm.

When bathing a child, never leave him alone. If you need to leave the bathroom, wrap your baby in a towel and take it with you.

Sleep Basics

A newborn who seems to need you every minute of the day actually sleeps for about 16 hours or more. Newborns usually sleep for 2 to 4 hours. Don't expect him to sleep through the night. Babies' digestive systems are so small that they need to be fed every few hours, and babies should wake up if they haven't been fed for 4 hours.

Put your baby to sleep on their back or on their side to reduce the risk. Also, remove all fluffy things, quilts, sheepskins, Stuffed Toys and pillows to make sure the baby doesn't get tangled up in them and can't suffocate.

Also, in order to prevent unilateral flattening of the head, do not forget to alternate the position of the baby every night.

Many newborns have day and night mixed up. They tend to stay awake at night and sleep more during the day. One way to help them is to keep nighttime excitement to a minimum. Keep the light low by using a night light. Talk and play with your baby throughout the day. When the baby wakes up during the day, try to keep him awake a little more, talking and playing.

Encouraging the newborn to learn

As parents take care of their newborn, he learns to recognize touch, the sound of voices, and the sight of faces.

In the first weeks, you can start a few simple, age-appropriate toys that develop hearing, vision and tactile sensations.

  1. Rattles.
  2. Kids toys.
  3. Musical toys.
  4. Unbreakable bed mirrors.

Try toys and mobiles with contrasting colors and patterns. Strong contrasts (such as red, white and black), curves and symmetry stimulate the development of a child's vision. As vision improves and children gain more control over their movements, they will interact more and more with their environment.

While the focus these days is naturally on keeping the baby healthy, it becomes much more difficult if the mom doesn't stay healthy herself. Therefore, make your health a priority in the first month after giving birth. A short fifteen-minute sleep will allow you to refresh a little.

Keep stocks of easily accessible yet nutritious foods such as cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, and cooked vegetables so you can eat often. Know that your nutritional requirements will be higher if you breastfeed your baby.


When the child is 1 month old, he needs to be fed at least 6 times a day. Try not to control the time of feeding too strictly, let the child determine how much and how often he wants to eat.

Let the baby sleep enough at 1 month, be sensitive to his signals.

Even at this early stage, try to put the baby in his crib when he is tired, but not yet asleep. Most young children go to bed shortly after feeding, and their "sleep window" can be very short.


Perhaps you will observe early smiles when the newborn is one month old. But most likely this will be due to their reflexes, and not to the reaction. Closer to six weeks, the baby will give a true smile. Many children develop colic at the age of 1 month of life.

Motor skills of a 1 month old baby

A 1 month old baby will be stronger than a newborn. He may be able to lift his head for a short time when he is held upright or lying on his stomach. He might even be able to turn it from side to side. But you still need to give him support.

Your baby also becomes more expressive and may start to hum when he sees his family. Be sure to respond to his efforts to encourage these communication skills.

How to develop a child in 1 month?

  • provide the child with daily laying out on the tummy. This will help develop muscles in the neck and upper torso;
  • turn on the music and try not to filter your child's world. While it may be tempting to tiptoe around at home when the baby is sleeping, this will cause the baby to become sensitive to environmental noise. Babies who come to families with many small children do not react to household noise and learn to adapt because they have to.

All children are unique and go through developmental stages at their own pace. Development recommendations simply show what the baby can implement. And if not in this moment, then as soon as possible.

If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor for suggestions on how to help you and your baby grow together.

In a newly born baby, the skin, as a rule, is bluish in color. This is due to which the child experienced while passing through the birth canal. Blueness of the skin newborn will pass within a few minutes, when the baby begins to breathe on his own and his blood is saturated with oxygen. The skin of the newborn becomes, as a rule, bright red. This is due to the state of the subcutaneous vessels, which first narrow after childbirth due to a sharp change in temperature, and then expand reflexively. This reddening of the skin persists for the first 2-3 days of life.

If the baby is premature (born before 37 weeks of gestation), the skin may be dark red. This is due to the fact that the subcutaneous vessels in these children are located very close to the surface of the skin due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is very thin. That is why the skin of premature babies easily gathers into folds and forms wrinkles.

The palms and feet of the crumbs may remain cyanotic for some time. This is due to the imperfection of the circulatory system: the parts of the body that are more distant from the center are less well supplied with blood in the absence of active movements. As soon as the child becomes more active, he will move his arms and legs more, the skin of the palms and feet will turn pink.

2. Original lubricant on the skin of a newborn has a bactericidal effect

Another feature of the skin of a newborn baby is a curdled lubricant, consisting of fallen skin epithelial cells, fats. Before birth, she protected the skin from soaking, as the baby was in a liquid environment ( amniotic fluid). During childbirth, this lubricant helps the baby pass through the mother's birth canal. She also possesses bactericidal properties preventing infection from entering. More lubrication occurs on the back of the body, on the face, ears, in the folds of the skin (axillary, cervical, inguinal, etc.). At the first toilet of a newborn, which is carried out by a midwife already in the delivery room, the original lubricant is removed, as it becomes useless.

3. The head of a newborn usually has an elongated shape.

The head of a newborn baby looks large compared to the body. The head circumference of a newborn is on average 33-35 cm, while the girth of the chest is on average 30-33 cm. This is normal. These two values ​​\u200b\u200bare aligned only by 3 months of the life of the crumbs, and then the girth of the chest gradually becomes larger than the circumference of the head.

7. A newborn has fontanelles on its head.

Stroking the baby on the head, the mother can feel two soft grooves. These are large and small fontanelles of a newborn. Fontanelles are formed at the junction of the bones of the skull. The large fontanel of a newborn has the shape of a rhombus, is located on the top of the head at the junction of the frontal bone with two parietal bones and is different sizes(usually about 2x2 cm). By placing your hand on it, you can feel its pulsation. A large fontanel closes by 12 months. Small has a triangular shape, is located in the back of the head and is formed at the junction of the parietal bones with the occipital bone. His larger size is about 0.5 cm. But most often, by the time of birth, the small fontanel is already closed. If it is still there, then in 2-3 months it will completely close.

8. The face of a newborn in the first hours of life may be swollen.

And sometimes, because of the swelling, the baby cannot even open his eyes. This is due to a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the face when squeezed during passage through the birth canal. It's not worth worrying about this. Such edema quickly passes in the first days of life.

On the face of some babies, red stripes or irregularly shaped spots may also appear - vascular spots of newborns. It's nothing but shining through thin skin bundles blood vessels. Most often they are located in the upper eyelids, between the eyebrows, on the back of the neck and in the ears. Some babies are born with these spots, and for some they appear on the 2nd or 3rd day of life. They usually disappear by the age of three without outside intervention.

9. There may be vellus hair on the body.

In many newborns, on the skin of the body, you can notice the original fluff - lanugo. This fluff covered the entire body of the fetus from about the 7th month of pregnancy. Most of the original cannon disappears before birth, but some of it can be seen after birth, more often under the shoulder blades and on the shoulders. And in premature babies, the cheeks can also be covered with fluff. As a rule, vellus hair disappears by the age of two weeks.

10. The genitals of a newborn seem very large.

It can cause a lot of questions for moms and appearance genital organs of the newborn. At birth, in both boys and girls, the genitals are most often swollen and appear very large. This is due to the presence of placental estrogens in the blood. This is a temporary phenomenon. The swelling usually subsides within one to two weeks of the baby's life.

11. The skin of a newborn may have a yellowish tint.

This physiological jaundice newborns. It occurs in many babies, their skin and mucous membranes become yellowish. Jaundice occurs most often on the 3-4th day after birth. It is associated with the breakdown of erythrocytes (red blood cells) that contain fetal hemoglobin (a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to body cells) specific to the fetus. One of the breakdown products of red blood cells is bilirubin. The enzyme systems of the liver are still imperfect and do not have time to quickly remove bilirubin, as a result of which it accumulates in the blood, causing a yellow color of the mucous membranes and.

Jaundice disappears within one to two weeks as the bilirubin excretion systems mature and due to the completion of the breakdown of red blood cells with fetal hemoglobin.

With severe jaundice, the baby may be prescribed intravenous infusions of glucose, UV irradiation, choleretic drugs that help remove excess bilirubin from the body. Thus, doctors help the child's body cope with this condition. Ignoring severe jaundice can cause irreparable harm to the child's body due to a pronounced toxic effect. advanced level bilirubin on the baby's body. There is a general intoxication of the body, the nervous system especially suffers, in particular the brain, as well as the liver and spleen of the newborn.

12. You can often see "pimples" (milia) in a newborn.

On the 2-3rd day of life, the child may develop a small rash in the form of yellowish blisters filled with a clear liquid. These are the so-called milia, or "millet spots". Their appearance is associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Milia usually disappear in the first months of life and special treatment do not require.

13. The skin of newborns is very flaky.

On the 3-5th day, peeling of the skin may begin, which is more common in post-term children (born after 42 weeks of pregnancy). Thus, adaptation skin to new environmental conditions. Since this condition is not a pathology and does not require any medical intervention, you should not lubricate the skin of a newborn with a moisturizer: this will only interfere with the natural process. Peeling goes away after 5-7 days on its own.

14. The mammary glands of a newborn swell.

It happens that on the 3-4th day, both in boys and girls, swelling of the mammary glands occurs. Within a week, they can increase in volume. Moreover, they swell symmetrically, there is no redness around, but a white liquid similar to milk may begin to be released from the nipples. The composition of this liquid is similar to the mother's colostrum. Such changes occur due to the circulation in the blood of the newborn mother's sex hormones - estrogens (they are transmitted to the child through the placenta). Soon these hormones will be removed from the body, and within a month the mammary glands will return to normal.

15. After giving birth, the baby will have an umbilical cord remnant.

The navel of a newborn does not immediately take on the form we are used to. After the umbilical cord is tied up during childbirth and then cut off, the umbilical cord remains, which doctors remove in the maternity hospital for 2–3 days. An umbilical wound remains in its place, which heals by about the 20th day of the baby's life. Until that time, it requires careful care and respect. In the hospital, the children's sister will show. For this, hydrogen peroxide and an antiseptic solution are used (“potassium permanganate”, “brilliant green”, chlorophyllipt solution). During processing, you need to carefully remove dried crusts. It is necessary to treat the wound twice a day in the morning and after bathing the crumbs until it is completely healed. Until the umbilical wound heals, it is recommended to bathe the child in a baby bath, adding a solution of potassium permanganate to the water until it turns slightly pink.

You need to constantly monitor the condition of the wound. If you notice reddening of its edges, an unpleasant odor or various discharges (usually white or yellow color), you should immediately consult a doctor, as all these can be signs of infection.

16. Strabismus in a newborn is a variant of the norm.

Another feature of some babies is strabismus. The eyes can periodically move apart in different directions or, conversely, move to the bridge of the nose. This is a completely normal phenomenon due to weakness of the eye muscles. The child cannot fix his gaze on an object for a long time, the eye muscles get tired and stop working normally. For most children, this goes away by 3 months, but for some it lasts up to six months - this is a variant of the norm.

Even if during pregnancy you read all the books about children that you could reach, anyway, upon returning from the hospital, you will probably feel as if an alien has suddenly settled in the apartment. Today, few people have experience with infants before having their own children. The main thing is to remember that soon you will learn to understand the child a little better. Rest when you can, watch your diet and allow yourself to treat this strange creature like a normal, strong and healthy person with very little life experience. Do not be nervous over trifles!

Having thoroughly wrinkled in the birth canal, children are swollen, with bruises, with red eyes; skinny, with thin and long arms and legs; with scaly red skin, a scattering of pimples, or with black silky hair on the ears. Do not worry, after a couple of months the baby will smooth out, eat fat, and excess hair will fall out. By the age of three months, most babies finally look like model baby photographs. However, some are beautiful right away, but be prepared for anything.

Newborns sleep a lot

The first 2-3 weeks of his life, the child spends 16-20 hours in a dream, interrupted by food, soiling diapers and trying to understand what is happening around. Getting ready for with a baby, you might be surprised. Use this opportunity to recover after childbirth, sleep yourself! By the third week, many begin to have colic, with which everyone struggles with varying degrees of success, and that's when all the fun begins.

Babies make sounds all the time

They sneeze, sniff, creak, scurry. Most often, the cause of sneezing is too dry air in the apartment, causing the mucus in the nose to dry out and the appearance of familiar boogers. A child with boogers can become a real tyrant, because the nasal passages of a newborn are narrow and tortuous, and without nasal breathing it becomes difficult to eat and sleep, which the child honestly reports with the only means available during this period - screaming. The way out is air humidifiers and instillation into the nose of saline or its analogues “with the water of some sea”, of which there is darkness in any pharmacy.

Hiccups are rarely caused by hypothermia.

The most obvious cause of hiccups in a newborn is air entering the stomach during feeding or. A full stomach presses on the diaphragm, the nerve endings of which are irritated, send an impulse to the brain and immediately receive a response back - the diaphragm begins to contract often, often, while the lungs grab air, producing a specific sound. You can hold the baby in a “column” so that he burps. The child himself does not suffer from hiccups, although sometimes it lasts a very long time and prevents him from falling asleep.

It is not necessary to bathe a newborn

Of course, bathing a baby is a pleasant process for everyone, but it is during the neonatal period that it is complicated by an umbilical wound, which is not recommended to be wetted. Here you can get out: bathe in a small baby bath, in boiled water, or you can simply wash it after defecation under the tap or wipe it with a damp baby wipe until the umbilical wound overgrows. Then - complete freedom, bathe as much as you like.

newborns can swim

The sight of a baby floating in a bathtub can completely change your ideas about a child's adaptability to the outside world. It's really impressive. Unfortunately, the umbilical wound greatly complicates the child's acquaintance with water. However, after 3-5 weeks, he will still be able to swim, later the ability will be lost without training. If you take the trouble to accustom the child to an inflatable ring or free swimming, it will be possible to let him into a large bath, and sit next to him and be touched. It is categorically impossible to leave a child in the bathroom unattended, either with a circle, or even in an inflatable spacesuit as a whole.

Breast milk will be as it should be

The child will receive all the trace elements needed at the moment, even if you eat poorly and irregularly. Your body's resources will be enough to compensate for the shortcomings of your diet for the first 2-3 months. The child will definitely receive calcium, you must choose from where: from your teeth or from the cottage cheese you ate.

Sterile cleanliness around the newborn is not needed

Of course, you should wash your hands with soap and, if possible, limit your child's contact with snotty relatives. But daily boiling, sterilizing and washing everything around with bleach is superfluous. With elementary household bacteria, the child's body must learn to cope on its own.

Don't lick a baby's pacifier

You can just rinse it off wet wipe, pour boiling water over if you are very afraid of germs, but does it really occur to someone that your saliva is able to neutralize something other than visible debris? If you are absolutely confident in the health of your and your partner's teeth, don't smoke, drink enough fluids - okay, lick (I'm still against it!).

Don't try to make your breast milk fatter

No need to eat sour cream instead of kefir while breastfeeding. Most of the calories will likely end up on your sides, and full-fat milk will be harder for your baby to suck out and much harder to digest. In the first month, the child should gain only 600 grams. Despite the fact that it is traditionally customary for us to brag about well-fed babies, it will be difficult for you to carry it yourself, and all physical activity is given to a chubby child with great difficulty.

Babies are born with a specific set of reflexes

There are about 75 of them in total, it is absolutely not necessary to know everything, but the following look pretty funny:

  • Sucking reflex - the child begins to rhythmically suck on any object that is in his mouth: your nose, chin, collarbone, knee. Hungry babies are furious and picky.
  • The hug reflex - with a sudden noise, for example, a loud clap next to the child, he first takes the arms to the sides, while opening his fists, and then, as it were, covers himself with his arms.
  • Reflex of support, straightening and automatic walking - if the child supported under the arms is placed on a support, he straightens the body and stands on half-bent legs on a full foot; if it is slightly tilted forward, then it makes stepping movements on the surface.
  • Babinski's reflex - if you run your fingertip along the outer edge of the sole of the baby in the direction from the heel to the fingers, then they fan out.
  • Grasping reflex (monkey) - when pressed on the palm of a newborn, he grabs and firmly holds the fingers put into his palm. The child can even be raised in this way above the support.

Healthy skin does not need to be smeared with anything

If your baby is not irritated, the multi-step diaper change routines (remove, wash buttocks, dry, sprinkle with powder, cream, put on a new diaper) can and should be simplified. You really only need to rinse your ass or wipe it with a damp cloth and dry it. If there is irritation, there can be a great many reasons: too many clothes under which the child sweats corny, too much baby cream that clogs the pores of the diaper and prevents the rapid absorption of secretions, poor-quality diapers, errors in the mother's diet. The easiest way to soothe a little irritation is to leave the child to ventilate more often with a bare, clean booty. If the skin of the armpits and under the diaper is noticeably redder than the rest of the body, the problem is overheating. No need to stop using diapers, it is better to reduce the temperature in the apartment or wear less clothes.

Baby poop is very different from adult poop.

This fact must simply be accepted. While the baby is eating, growing and sleeping (that is, doing everything that a newborn is supposed to do), the contents of his diaper can be anything. Any color and consistency. If you are breastfeeding, there may be no stool for 2-4 days at all, and this is also the norm: milk is absorbed completely. The motherly “I don’t like our poop” is perhaps the bread and butter of probiotic makers. Don't like it, don't eat it.

There are no identical children

Comparing your child to someone else's is not the best the best activity. Compare it with the norms of development at the current age, this is quite enough. A child is born with character, usually the character of the next of kin. Perhaps you will finally have the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside in some way. Relax and receive.

After the baby was born, he is the most beautiful and beautiful for his mother. But every mother, looking at her baby, can be frightened when she sees white pimples on her nose and chin, a blue wreath on the bridge of her nose. She may be seriously scared when she sees that her baby is blue or yellow. Let's dispel all the worries of a young mother. White pimples on the nose and chin are wen, which will pass from the baby in 7-10 days. No need to smear them with anything, in no case should they be crushed or torn off. If you do not touch them, they will very quickly come off unnoticed by you and your baby. In extreme cases, if they bother you very much, you can lubricate the baby's face with your milk.

A wreath on the nose. Your baby has worked very hard and has come a long way during childbirth. Most often, a wreath appears if the birth was long. Don't worry. By a year or a year and a half, it will disappear. Gradually it will become less and less noticeable.

If the baby is blue. Blue babies are in cases where entanglement has taken place. Do not worry, in 2-3 days the child will be with normal color faces.

If the child is yellow. The baby may be born with jaundice or it may appear on the 3rd-5th day of life. Sometimes mom is kept in the hospital until the jaundice is cured. They prick a child, give vitamins, put it under a lamp. Such procedures are not always justified, especially if the jaundice is not strong. In this case, it is enough to feed the baby every 2 hours. And in 2-4 weeks it will pass.

Newborn hygiene

To comply with the baby's hygiene, you will need: a bath, potassium permanganate, baby oil and baby cream, bathing products for newborns, gauze, cotton wool, salt drops in the spout, cotton swabs. bathe the child can be the next day after you brought the baby from the hospital. You can bathe a newborn only in boiled water. Therefore, you need to boil and cool one bucket of water in advance. And before bathing - boil the second. Until the baby's navel has fallen off, it is necessary to bathe him in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the navel has fallen off, you need to bathe in a decoction of chamomile, walnut, succession and other herbs.

At first, when bathing the baby, wrap him in a diaper, so the baby, bathing, will not be afraid and will not freeze. Do not wash your baby with soap. There are special products for bathing newborns, use gauze instead of a washcloth. It is more convenient to bathe the baby together with your spouse. One holds the head - the other waters the baby. After bathing, you can do exercises for the baby. After that, smear the whole body with baby oil. Put on a clean diaper, swaddle and feed.

Wash your baby in the morning. Wash with warm boiled water using a cotton swab. Wipe eyes, cheeks, forehead. I also wash my hands. If the apartment is hot enough and the air is dry, drip the baby's spout with saline - it is safe and will not cause harm. Wipe the nose with a cotton swab or cotton flagellum. We also clean the ears with a stick or a cotton flagellum, but not too deep, we wipe only the sulfur that comes to the surface of the auricle.

Changing a baby's diaper needed every three hours. If the baby poops, then be sure to change the diaper, even if you just did it. At night, when the child wakes up, we also change his diaper and wash his ass (or wipe it with wet wipes). In order not to carry the child to the bath, you can do the following: pour boiled water into a half-liter jar, add a little potassium permanganate there, you should get a weak solution. In the evening, boil water and pour it into a thermos. When the baby wakes up and it's time to change his diaper, instead of taking him to the bath, add warm water to the prepared jar, take a cotton swab and wipe the baby with it. You can also use wet wipes if you are sure of their quality.

Iron baby clothes Need from two sides, the first 40 days. Then you can iron on one side - the inside. It is better to wash with baby powder to avoid allergies. One of the best to date is "Eared Nanny".

Newborn nails definitely needs to be trimmed. Do not listen to the advice of some grandmothers who say to bite off your nails or not to touch them at all, so that they break off by themselves. It is not right. Buy a special manicure set for kids. It consists of nippers, nail scissors with rounded ends and a nail file. Some are more comfortable with wire cutters, others with scissors. Both of these options have their place. Choose what is more convenient for you to wield. When you cut your nails, you need to hold the baby’s handle or leg firmly enough so as not to injure if the baby jerks sharply. You can cut your nails while the baby is sleeping. Trim your nails preferably every other day. If the child strongly resists, then at least once a week.

Navel Care

If you are discharged from the hospital on the 7th day, then usually the baby's navel already disappears, if you were already discharged on the 3rd day, then the navel can still be attached to the baby. Usually, it is already dry, but it is necessary to process it. For this we need: brilliant green (alcohol) and hydrogen peroxide. At least once a day, you need to treat the navel as follows: we draw hydrogen peroxide into the syringe, without a needle. We moisten the navel from all sides with peroxide, then we process it with brilliant green or alcohol. Be sure to treat the navel with brilliant green before bathing, so as not to infect. And after bathing, we treat with peroxide and brilliant green.

When the navel has fallen off, we continue to process it with brilliant green. Morning and evening, before and after swimming. It needs to be processed up to 1 month (until the umbilical wound is completely healed). After the child is one month old, the navel can not be processed.

Newborn's first walk

Previously, they were not allowed to go outside with a newborn child at all. Now the opinion of doctors on this matter has changed, but there are such rules:

  • if a child weighs more than 3500g, then in the warm season you can go out for a walk already on the 5th-7th day of life;
  • if the child weighs less than 3500g, then you need to wait until he gains the desired weight;
  • in the cold season, you can go outside on the 10th day after birth;
  • if the frost is more than -5 degrees outside, we don’t go outside until the temperature rises.

How to dress a child. In summer, dressing a baby is very simple. What you wear at home, wear it outside. In winter, the baby should be warm, so we always swaddle him in 2 diapers. Next, in a blanket and put in an envelope. If it is very cold, use a duvet.

The first walk of the baby should not last more than 20 minutes. Every day we increase the walking time by 5 minutes. In summer, we gradually increase the walking time to 2-3 hours and you can go out 2-3 times a day. In winter, the walk should not exceed 1.5 hours. It is better to go out once - in the afternoon. In autumn and spring we walk until 2 o'clock. If the weather is warm, then you can go out 2 times, if it's cool, then one walk will be enough.

Playing with a newborn

The vast majority of people believe that a newborn only eats and sleeps. And there's just nothing to play with. This opinion is wrong. Firstly, the baby is still awake, maybe not for long 15-30 minutes, but this is not a dream. And this time can be spent playing games. Of course, these are not active games. Since the baby is still watching its surroundings. The first toy that a baby should have above the crib is a mobile. The kid will watch the bright, beautiful toys, which also move. Usually the movement of the mobile is accompanied by a pleasant melody. Thus, we train the eyes and hearing.

Children love to look at the faces of adults. Especially mom and dad's face. You can play with it. Take the baby in your arms, bring it to your face at a distance of 20-30 cm. And gradually open your eyes wide, then your mouth, you can puff out your cheeks, etc. The main thing is not to do everything at once, otherwise the child will be confused. During such a game, your child learns to focus on the subject, and, of course, he gets to know his parents better. When the baby is 2 weeks old, it's time to play peepers with the baby for a rattle. Take a bright toy, put the baby on the bed and slowly move the rattle in one direction or the other. At first, the child will quickly lose sight of the toy, but gradually will follow it for longer and longer.

A newborn is considered an infant from the minute of birth until the end of the fourth week. With the birth of a child, there are many difficulties that loving parents nice to decide. In the very first days, young mom and dad are usually a little confused, although they were preparing for the arrival of a new family member: they read literature on caring for a baby, studied everything about newborns, were interested in psychology and education.

The development of the baby in the first weeks and months depends on its full-term or non-term maturity. The main parameters - height and weight - depend on the age of the mother and father, their state of health and living conditions. A full-term baby develops in the womb for 40 weeks. Such babies normally weigh from 3.2 to 3.5 kg, although the spread can be quite large - from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. Height also ranges from 47 to 54 cm.

Immediately after birth, the child's body undergoes a restructuring of organs and their functions due to a change in the environment - from intrauterine life to life in the outside world. In the first few days, he can lose 5 to 8% of his weight. This is normal, because after a week the weight will be restored, and during the first month the weight of the child will increase by about 0.7 kg.

During the first weeks, the temperature is unstable and depends on the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor and maintain comfortable conditions for the baby so that he is not hot or cold. On the first day, there may be a slight startle and tremor of the arms and legs, which quickly pass. Babies respond well to bright lights and loud sounds. They already have a developed sense of smell and hearing. At times, muscle tone may be reduced and individual reflexes may be depressed. It depends on how the birth was. After a few days everything is back to normal.

The structure of the baby's body

At first, the baby maintains the posture that was in the womb. The body of the baby looks plump due to the evenly located subcutaneous fat layer and poorly developed muscles. The arms and legs are equal in length and much shorter than the body. The spine does not yet have physiological curves, it does not arch, and the ribs are attached to it at a right angle, the chest is shaped like a barrel. The fontanel between the bones of the forehead and crown is open.

The newborn breathes unevenly: not too often and shallowly. A normal heart rate of 120 to 140 beats rises when a baby cries.

The horizontally located stomach is still small, and the intestines are characterized by underdevelopment nerve endings, delicate mucous membrane, a large number of blood capillaries, lack of intestinal glands. The intestinal walls are highly permeable. There is a lack of saliva in the oral cavity, and the oral mucosa is poorly protected. But there are already all the enzymes required for digestion. From the first hours, the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system of the baby are populated with the necessary microorganisms.

The normal stool of a newborn baby is established by the 5th or 6th day of life. The first 2 days the baby urinates several times, then increases the daily number of urination up to 20 times.

Of great importance for maintaining the functions of the baby's body is the balance of water. Most of his body consists of water, but the balance is fragile and easily disturbed. A child needs about 180 g of water per day per 1 kg of weight, which he receives from mother's milk.

Various departments nervous system babies are developed in different ways, but basically all are ready to function. Visual and auditory analyzers are much better formed than motor ones. Already in the first days of life, the baby knows how to stop looking at a bright spot, on the mother's face. He listens to sounds and even makes some faint sounds.

The baby moves uncoordinated, stretches. Arms and legs move erratically, unable to fully straighten. Fingers clenched into fists.

How much should a baby weigh

In order for a child to fully develop from the first days, many factors should be taken into account, and the most important of them is weight. If the weight has changed even by 100 g in one direction or the other, this is an indicator that there is a health disorder.

The weight gain of the baby before birth depends on the diet and lifestyle of the mother. If a newborn weighs more or less than normal (3.2 - 3.5 kg), then this may mean a failure in his health. Excess weight signals a possible diabetes. And with a lack of weight, it is likely that the baby has weak immunity or developmental deficiencies. An important role in determining the weight factor is played by hereditary predisposition. If parents and other children in the family are large, then the birth of a baby with a weight above the norm is natural and should not cause alarm.

Neonatologist examination

In the maternity hospital, a neonatologist examines the baby every day. To make sure that the baby has no health problems, and the development of his body is normal, the doctor must examine every millimeter of the body in the little one.

  • The doctor fixes attention on the posture of the child, on the color of his skin, on the intonations of the voice. He is interested in how he blushes or grunts. Then, carefully feeling the head, examines the fontanelle and the seams between the bones.
  • When examining the mouth, the doctor must exclude the non-occlusion of the palate, having which, the baby will choke or choke during feeding.
  • The neonatologist runs his hand over the collarbones, checking to see if the baby has a fracture. A timely detected injury received during childbirth is fixed with a bandage and quickly treated.
  • The doctor checks the chest, arms and legs. He must make sure that there is no dislocation of the hip joint or clubfoot.
  • When examining the genitals, the testicles and anus are checked, and he asks if the baby poops.
  • The doctor checks heart activity and lung function.
  • Feeling the baby's belly, determines the volume of the liver and spleen.

It is also important to study muscle excitation and physiological responses.

Early identified deficiencies are much easier to treat.

Should I swaddle a newborn baby?

Swaddling a baby is currently causing a lot of controversy among parents and doctors. There are a lot of arguments for and against. Many believe that this is good for the baby, for others, diapers complicate care. Only the parents themselves decide this issue for themselves positively or negatively.

The custom of wrapping babies in the first months of life appeared a long time ago and has survived to this day among many peoples, especially in cold areas. In the old days, this rescued families due to the lack of children's clothing.

Parents' reasons for diapers:

  • Swaddling helps babies adjust to the world around them.
  • The child feels protected, being wrapped in a cloth, calms down and falls asleep faster.

Arguments against:

  • Swaddling reduces the child's motor skills, which causes a delay in the development of motor skills: such children later begin to move independently and stand up. However, they quickly overtake in the development of their peers.
  • If the child is swaddled tightly, the blood supply may be disturbed.
  • Toddlers themselves disapprovingly perceive diapers.
  • This procedure requires a certain skill: not all parents immediately succeed.
  • It will be difficult for a baby accustomed to diapers to wean them after a while.

Some consider using a sling as a substitute for swaddling. In it, the child feels in the “cradle” position, as in diapers, and calms down.

The traditions of caring for newborns have been developed over the centuries, so the swaddling practiced in the old days is surrounded by a huge number of myths. For example, it is believed that a baby who has grown up without diapers will have crooked legs and a back. This statement is not true, on the contrary, tight swaddling can lead to a curvature of the hip joints. It must be remembered that when swaddling, you can not straighten the child's legs.

The next myth claims that without diapers, the baby randomly jerks his legs, arms, and can inflict some kind of injury on himself. If you cut your nails in a timely manner, and even better, put specially sewn mittens on your hands, troubles can be avoided.


Feeding a newborn provides his body with useful substances necessary for growth and proper development. They are usually fed with women's breast milk or its substitutes - milk of animal origin, or dry mixtures. The digestive system of the baby is still imperfect, and is able to absorb exclusively liquid substances.

According to how much a baby receives women's milk, 3 types of feeding can be distinguished:

  • breast (completely female milk),
  • artificial (milk mixtures only),
  • mixed (mother's milk and mixtures).

Modern scientists say that it is preferable for a child breast-feeding. Although advertising of baby food guarantees its benefits and high quality, but not a single mixture can yet repeat the content of women's food. breast milk. The highest quality baby food, developed by impeccable manufacturers, includes about 40 useful elements, and women's milk contains more than 400 of them. Dry formula feeding deprives the baby of the most important substances that he can get only from mother's milk - hormones that encourage the development of the stomach, intestines, nervous system.

In some cases, it makes sense to transfer the child to formula feeding. A serious reason is the illness of the mother, who is forced to take drugs that are harmful to the child, as well as a hormonal disorder, due to which milk ceases to be produced. In such cases, changing the type of feeding is justified.

The following are not serious reasons for replacing natural milk with artificial:

  • baby colic;
  • increased formation of gases (can be eliminated in other ways);
  • if the baby hiccups;
  • loose stools or a long absence of it;
  • the baby is not gaining weight well (it seems to the mother that she does not have enough milk);
  • mother's ailments associated with colds.

In our time created medications from a cold, which are allowed to be taken by nursing. It is almost impossible to infect a child, because he acquires immunity along with mother's milk.

You should not rush into the decision to introduce complementary foods, it is better to consult with those who understand. There are means to enhance lactation, using which you can extend the child's intake of nutrients contained in breast milk. All leading experts unanimously recognize breastfeeding as the most appropriate and completely appropriate needs babies.

Breastfeeding Benefits:

  • Scientists say that newborn babies who received breast milk have a higher IQ than those who were artificially fed.
  • At the time of feeding, the baby is in contact with the mother, which also stimulates the development of his brain.
  • Breastfeeding not only saturates the child, but also satisfies his emotional needs for communication with a loved one. Such children are less likely to come into conflict with relatives, understand their parents more easily, communicate better in a group, and adapt to society.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer or breast cancer.
  • Helps fight postpartum depression by stabilizing hormonal background women.
  • Serves as a natural contraceptive breastfeeding chance of getting pregnant is very low.

Artificial feeding of an infant

If the mother does not have milk and it is impossible to find a nurse, goat's or cow's milk should not be chosen. It is better to switch to adapted milk formulas, which are easier for the baby to digest. It is advisable to start using them from the age of six months.

When choosing adapted mixture for a baby, the age indicated on the package is taken into account, as well as additional qualities of the product, for example, the absence of lactose or the content of probiotics that improve bowel function. In this regard, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Newborn hygiene

The baby has very sensitive skin that requires scrupulous care. It must remain dry and tidy at all times. It is necessary to change diapers after each sleep, feeding or check if the baby is worried. It is recommended to use high quality diapers that perfectly absorb moisture so that the baby's butt does not feel damp, but is always dry.

In the first weeks, it is advised to clean the skin with wet wipes, on the packaging of which it must be marked that they are intended for sensitive skin. It is necessary to check all the folds every time: they must also always be dry and clean.

You should carefully handle the navel of the newborn as taught in the hospital. During the first days after discharge, there is no need to bathe the baby daily. It is enough once every 3 days to gently dip it in water for a short time and lightly water it with water, using your own hand for this. To replace bathing at first, wiping individual parts of the baby's body with a soft, damp cloth or cotton can. A clean baby will feel comfortable and less naughty. Many children sleep much better after bathing and disturb their mother less.

The hygiene features of a newborn girl are that washing is carried out only under a weak stream of water, while slightly opening the large labia to avoid accumulation of feces and urine residues in them.

Exercises for babies

Gymnastics for newborns, if it is properly selected and appropriate for age and personality, can positively affect the development of many organs and systems of the child's body. Physical activity the baby, the variety of his movements, create favorable conditions for the proper development of even the brain by improving blood flow, accelerating metabolic processes and deep breathing.

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on a child's appetite and sleep. During exercise, blood flow to the muscles and bones increases, which accelerates their growth.

In order not to harm a small person who has not yet formed muscles, bones, ligaments are quite tender and fragile, one must take into account his age and individual characteristics. The first exercises are usually shown by the doctor.

Charging should be done daily at the same time, then the baby will quickly get used to the regimen. Gymnastics should be started if the child is full, calm, he has good mood. It is undesirable to do it immediately after feeding in order to avoid regurgitation.

The benefits of charging will increase if the child is completely undressed. However, the room should be warm and ventilated, and in the summer you can do it outdoors.

For a newly born baby to grow and develop in comfortable conditions, you must follow the rules for caring for him. Then life with a new family member will be a joy.