Pregnancy planning      12/17/2022

Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage. Planning for pregnancy after a miscarriage. Nutrition is the key to health

Violation of the reproductive system often makes pregnancy impossible after a miscarriage. In order for conception to occur, a woman has to undergo more than one examination to determine the cause of the interruption. However, the onset of pregnancy may end.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage?

When asked whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage a month later, doctors give a positive answer. This is due to the fact that the reproductive system continues to function as before: a mature egg ovulates and enters the abdominal cavity. Sexual contact without the use of contraceptives and drugs at this time can lead to conception.

To prevent pregnancy after a recent miscarriage, doctors advise using protection. For this purpose, a woman is prescribed hormonal contraceptives. These drugs not only prevent fertilization, but also restore hormonal levels, normalizing the reproductive system. It is necessary to apply them taking into account medical prescriptions, observing the dosage, frequency and duration of administration.

Pregnancy after an early miscarriage

Termination of pregnancy at the initial stages is often due to a violation of the implantation process. The fetal egg does not penetrate into the wall of the uterus, it dies and exits. Such a phenomenon may be of a single nature, so an attempt to conceive a child a second time becomes successful. However, a miscarriage at the beginning of the gestation process can also occur due to the Rh conflict (the second most common pathological factor).

In this case, an Rh-negative woman conceives an Rh-positive fetus. As a result, the maternal organism perceives the erythrocyte antigens of the embryo as foreign. As a result of the response from the female body, decay occurs, hemolysis of the erythrocyte cells of the fetus, and this can result in the death of the baby. In such a situation, pregnancy a month after a miscarriage is more likely to be interrupted.

Pregnancy after late miscarriage

Abortion in late gestation is often associated with a violation of the very process of bearing a baby. Failure to comply with medical instructions, appointments, regimen may lead to its interruption. At the same time, there are no violations in the female body, so pregnancy after a late miscarriage often occurs quickly. Doctors do not exclude the possibility of its onset in the next menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage - consequences

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage is associated with a high risk of re-interruption. This is due to a disturbed hormonal background and an unrecovered reproductive system. Hormones for some time continue to be synthesized in the same volume as during pregnancy. This prevents normal implantation, so if fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg cannot penetrate the uterine wall.

In addition, miscarriages are often accompanied by large blood loss. Against its background, the risk of developing posthemorrhagic anemia increases. With such a violation, the amount of hemoglobin in the woman's blood decreases. The onset of pregnancy at this time is fraught with the development of chronic hypoxia in the fetus. The constant lack of oxygen, which is carried to the baby along with the blood, leads to his oxygen starvation.

How to plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage?

A woman should carry out pregnancy planning after a miscarriage in accordance with medical recommendations. Before embarking on active steps to conceive a baby, she must undergo a comprehensive examination. The detection and exclusion of the cause that caused spontaneous abortion causes a relapse of the pathology.

When can I plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage?

A woman who has had an abortion is often interested in the answer to the question regarding how long after a miscarriage it is possible to plan a pregnancy. In such cases, doctors do not give a definite answer. It all depends on the cause that provoked a spontaneous abortion, and the state of the woman's reproductive system. Often the need for a break before planning the next conception is due to therapy.

It takes at least 6 months to restore the reproductive system itself. During this period, doctors recommend protecting yourself, using contraceptives. After six months, a woman can plan the next pregnancy after a miscarriage. You must first undergo a re-examination and, after obtaining permission from the doctor, proceed with active actions.

How to prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage?

Pregnancy after a spontaneous abortion must be carefully planned. The woman will have to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the miscarriage. Its exclusion is the key to successful conception and childbearing. It is often difficult for a woman to ovulate after a miscarriage, therefore, in order to establish the time of its passage in the body, it is necessary to conduct a test. In parallel, the hormonal status is determined, since an excess of androgens often acts as a reason for terminating a pregnancy. Other required studies include:

  • determination of the level of ketosteroids in daily urine;
  • examination for latent infections - herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, cytomegaly;
  • - the structure of the uterus and appendages is examined, a violation of the structure of the reproductive organ is excluded;
  • genetic counseling.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

In some cases, after numerous examinations and treatment, conception after a miscarriage does not occur. In such a situation, doctors advise focusing on lifestyle and adhering to the following rules:

  1. Do not be nervous. A woman should exclude from her life all the factors that provoke stress and anxiety.
  2. To refuse from bad habits. Doctors advise not to use alcohol and nicotine to both potential parents.
  3. Do not take medicines on your own. The use of any drugs during pregnancy planning must be agreed with the doctor.
  4. Eat properly. In the diet, it is necessary to increase the content of protein foods: lean meats (veal, lamb), fish. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits helps to saturate the body with vitamins.

After a miscarriage, pregnancy does not occur

Turning to the doctor for help, women complain that they cannot get pregnant after a miscarriage. It should be taken into account that the absence of conception in the first months after an abortion is not a violation - the body recovers gradually, therefore there is no ovulation after a miscarriage. You can set its time in the body by measuring. Sexual intercourse during ovulation increases the chances of conception.

If regular, and pregnancy does not occur, it is necessary to check the quality of the male ejaculate. When examining a partner, poor sperm quality is often detected - there are few germ cells, they have an irregular morphology, their mobility is impaired. The only way out of the situation is the treatment of the partner, after which you can plan a pregnancy after an early miscarriage.

How to keep a pregnancy after a miscarriage?

So that pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage is not interrupted again, a woman must fully comply with medical instructions. You can not ignore any changes in well-being - everything must be reported to the doctor.

In order for the pregnancy after a miscarriage not to be interrupted, a woman should:

  1. Avoid physical activity.
  2. Follow the daily routine.
  3. Eat right.
  4. Protect yourself from stress and anxiety.

If the family plans to replenish, then it is necessary to prepare the body for pregnancy for both parents. To do this, they are advised to adhere to the right lifestyle and pass all the necessary tests. The attending physician, who is familiar with the anamnesis of both patients, will be able to advise the family in more detail on this issue.

If a disease is detected that interferes with the proper bearing of the fetus, then a course of treatment should be taken to eliminate it. That is why you should know in advance what needs to be done before conceiving a child.

In contact with


At the first stage, parents will need to pass all the necessary tests.

Child planning

For both partners, the following data are examined:

  • TORCH infections can be transmitted to the child during the gestation period and negatively affect its formation. They are dangerous and can even lead to the death of the fetus. The doctor prescribes blood donation for the presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis, rubella, hepatitis and cytomegalovirus.
  • Sexual infections can also play a negative role in shaping the unborn child. That is why both partners should be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. They need to be cured long before conception.
  • Both of the couple are recommended to take a general and biochemical blood test. Thanks to this, it will be possible to detect the presence of inflammation of the internal organs.
  • A woman must be checked for the presence of Rhesus conflict with a man.
  • To date, couples are also invited to undergo special genetic tests. Thanks to them, it will be possible to prevent or prevent the presence of anomalies in the development of the fetus.
  • Hormone analysis is not prescribed for all couples. It is recommended to take it in case of overweight problems in one of the partners. A negative role can be played by age (over 35 years), menstrual irregularities and the inability to conceive a baby for more than one year.

Important! Preparing for pregnancy in a woman also involves a mandatory visit to the gynecologist's office. If there are problems with the teeth, they are also recommended to be eliminated in advance. If during the period of gestation the child is not enough, then it is the bones that will suffer in the first place.

Examination by a doctor

How to start taking tests for a woman? The attending physician will prescribe:

  • examination of a smear of the microflora of the vagina;
  • Ultrasound of organs, mammary glands and thyroid gland.

The man, in turn, is recommended to visit the urologist's office. He will conduct a visual inspection, as well as prescribe the necessary tests. Spermogram - an analysis that will determine the ability of a man to conceive. The study studies the activity of spermatozoa, as well as other parameters of the ejaculate.

Vitamins and preparations

Important! If the couple lives in an area with a lack of iodine, then you will also have to take a special drug.

Preparation should begin three months before conception. Both partners are encouraged to take additional micronutrient complexes.

What vitamins should a woman drink? In any pharmacy you can find a wide range of products that are designed for high-quality preparation of the body for conception.

It would be good to start taking 12 weeks before the planned date. Thanks to this drug, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of developing neural tube defects in a child.

Parents should not forget that some medications can have a negative effect on the fetus. That is why drugs to prepare for pregnancy should be prescribed only by the attending physician. During the planning period for conception, self-medication should be avoided. Medicines cannot be used without prescription both partners . It is also not allowed to carry out x-rays and other similar procedures. They can have a negative impact on the formation of the embryo.

Pregnancy after miscarriage

Premature termination harms the mother's body. That is why you should know how to prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage. To do this, you must adhere to the following scheme of behavior:

  • Do not succumb to stress and emotional overload. A woman must remove emotional stimuli from her environment. A change of scenery has a positive effect on the body. However, we should not forget that it is strictly forbidden to take sedative drugs during this period.
  • When planning a conception, each of the parents must completely eliminate bad habits from their lives.
  • Take medicines only when absolutely necessary or as directed by your doctor.
  • Eat properly. You should ask a nutritionist in advance how to prepare your body for conception. The food should contain all the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • After a miscarriage, the body suffers from exhaustion. Folic acid and other vitamins can help him.

Alcohol and conception

To date, the problem of the use of strong alcoholic beverages is acute in modern society.

That is why pregnancy planning should begin with a complete rejection of their use. Otherwise, it is difficult to predict the anomalies that this process can cause.

Alcohol and pregnancy planning two incompatible things. A woman should stop using it a few months before the planned conception.

The body will need a certain period of time in order to prepare and fully establish its work.

In turn, it doesn’t hurt to know what you need to do to cleanse your body:

  • eat exclusively healthy food;
  • subject the body to moderate physical activity;
  • give up bad habits.

Important! Smoking has an extremely negative role on the body of the mother and child. This addiction is best left in the past long before conception.

Pregnancy after 30

The procedure for preparing for pregnancy at 30 and later is somewhat different from the standard one. However, in any case, a woman and a man should undergo a medical examination, ultrasound and tests. Plays an important role hormone research and vitamin preparation. All chronic diseases must be completely eliminated, because their treatment is not allowed during the period of gestation.

At this age, one should think not only about how to tune in to pregnancy, but also undergo a mandatory consultation with a geneticist.

Such a visit must be carried out by parents over 30 years of age. During pregnancy, from a certain age, the risks of mutations increase markedly.

They occur against the background of the accumulation of toxins in the body due to malnutrition, poor environmental conditions and general aging of the body. The picture is exacerbated by stress and regular medication.

These accumulations are reflected in the DNA structure. Against this background, rice genome deviations are increasing. The embryo may develop chromosomal or genetic abnormalities.

Most often, embryos with genomic abnormalities die at an early stage of development. This explains natural selection, which leaves only the strong. Statistics say that out of a hundred mutated embryos, only one can fully mature.

This fact scientists explain the delay of the menstrual cycle. Quite often, such a pregnancy ends in a miscarriage or a frozen fetus. However, there is a group of diseases that is inherited. For example, the likelihood of giving birth to a child with a Down or with an abnormally developed neural tube increases markedly with the age of a woman.

Before you tune in to pregnancy, you need obligatory genetic consultation. A married couple should choose the best specialist in this field. He will be able to draw up a genealogical chart correctly. Thanks to it, it will be possible to determine possible genetic abnormalities in the future. As a result, future parents will be able to receive a scheme in which the disease will be written, as well as the likelihood of its development in the future.

woman pregnancy

In some cases, it is impossible to do without special tests. They are often prescribed to couples over the age of 30. Research is carried out in several areas at once:

  • Cytogenetic examination is necessary to establish structural characteristics. At the same time, attention is paid detailed study of chromosomes parents.
  • Research at the molecular and biological level allows you to determine the risk of developing a tumor, allergies or other autoimmune diseases.

As a result, recommendations will be formed for parents that will allow pregnancy to be carried out in favorable conditions.

Today, medicine has all the necessary techniques that allow for a detailed screening of the whole organism. Diseases are detected at an early stage. Thanks to this, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of developing serious diseases in the future.

A miscarriage is one of the most painful and unpleasant situations that can only happen to a woman. Many women, after suffering a spontaneous abortion, become depressed, they have thoughts that they will never be able to have children, and so on. Some women are afraid of a possible pregnancy, and some, on the contrary, seek to get pregnant as soon as possible after a miscarriage. Is this step justified and what is the danger of a pregnancy that occurs immediately after a miscarriage? Or maybe you should listen to the recommendations of doctors and postpone a new pregnancy for a while?

Miscarriage and its causes

A miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion for up to 28 weeks, and according to new data up to 22 weeks (a child at this time can already survive outside the mother's womb with special equipment). On this basis, miscarriages are early, that is, those that occurred before 14 weeks, and late - in the period from 14 to 28 weeks.

By the way, miscarriages also include missed pregnancy. They say about a missed pregnancy when the fetus died in utero, and the uterus for some reason could not push it out (missed miscarriage).

Reasons for miscarriage:

  • genetic and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus (in this case, nature itself is in a hurry to get rid of the unviable little man);
  • acute infectious diseases of the mother (flu, rubella, chickenpox and others);
  • severe chronic genital and extragenital diseases of a woman;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • pregnancy against the background of an intrauterine device;
  • immunological reasons;
  • taking certain medications (glucocorticoids, anticonvulsants, antibiotics);
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (incompetence of the cervix);
  • hard physical work.

Why are doctors against pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage?

Many women who become pregnant immediately after a miscarriage receive a certain portion of reproaches, dissatisfaction, and sometimes even threats from the doctor in the antenatal clinic. As women write on the forums, they say that doctors do not understand anything about how they want to have a baby. Well, where are they?

And gynecologists swear not out of their malice, but out of fear for the woman's health and her pregnancy. In such a short time (usually this month - two after a miscarriage), the body has not yet had time to recover, gain strength before the next pregnancy.

As you know, during pregnancy there is a strong hormonal restructuring, and a sudden termination of pregnancy leads to hormonal disruptions. So, against the background of an unsteady hormonal balance, the risk of repeated spontaneous abortion is very high.

In addition, miscarriages are often accompanied by massive blood loss, which leads to the development of posthemorrhagic anemia, and a pregnancy that develops against the background of a lack of hemoglobin will not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, which is fraught with a lag in the fetus in growth and development. The possibility of ectopic pregnancy (infections, chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages) is not excluded.

Also, during this period - from the day of a miscarriage to a new pregnancy - a woman simply does not have time to undergo the necessary examination to find out the cause of the abortion and, if possible, eliminate it.

What to do?

If it really happened, and a woman accidentally or accidentally became pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, you should not be upset in the first place, especially if the pregnancy is desired. Pregnancy after its previous spontaneous termination must be maintained, whether it is desired or not. Each new abortion reduces a woman's chances of getting pregnant again and bearing a healthy baby.

First of all, with the onset of pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, it is necessary to limit physical activity and weight lifting (as they say, do not lift anything heavier than a spoon).

Secondly, the diet should be dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables, and as soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she should immediately start taking folic acid (prevention of neural tube defects). The doctor in the antenatal clinic will recommend preventive therapy (possibly in a hospital) in order to maintain the pregnancy.

You should not refuse hospitalization, because the first task of a woman is to maintain and endure pregnancy. Preventive treatment includes antispasmodic drugs that relax the muscle tone of the uterus (no-shpa, spazgan, papaverine).

A drug such as Magne-B6 is very effective. It contains magnesium, which has an antispasmodic effect, and vitamin B6, which serves as a conductor of magnesium into the cell. Hormonal preparations (progesterone analogues) Duphaston and Utrozhestan are also prescribed (both for enteral administration and for insertion into the vagina). Courses of preventive therapy for the entire pregnancy are carried out repeatedly, at critical times: 6-8 weeks, 10-12 weeks, 14-16, 18-20, 22-24 and so on.

Anna Sozinova

A miscarriage is a very unpleasant and painful event. It entails many consequences: a woman can become depressed, lose faith that she can one day become a mother. She begins to experience a strong fear of a new pregnancy, or, conversely, seeks to become pregnant as soon as possible. In this regard, women may have a lot of questions. What is a miscarriage? Can I be a mom again? Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Deciding on terms

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy for up to 7 months (28 obstetric weeks). An early miscarriage occurs before the 14th week of pregnancy, and a late one - from 14 to 28. There are times when a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant. An early termination of pregnancy, she can take for painful sensations during menstruation.

Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester. It is then that the fetus is most susceptible to negative influences.

A frozen pregnancy is also considered a miscarriage. This is a phenomenon in which the fetus freezes, and the uterus cannot push it out. Doctors call it a failed miscarriage.

Why is this happening?

What causes a miscarriage? For what reasons can the fetus freeze?

  1. The so-called natural selection. The mother's body may simply not accept a fetus with developmental defects. He rejects it already in the early stages of pregnancy.
  2. In some cases, the fetus is perceived by female immunity as a foreign body.
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes infection and other similar diseases that can lead to the development of inflammatory processes. During pregnancy, the female body is weakened. For this reason, inflammation of the uterine membranes, for example, the endometrium, to which the fetus is attached, may worsen. The inflammatory process not only provokes a miscarriage, but also prevents you from getting pregnant again.
  4. Abortions, operations on the organs of the genitourinary system, damage to the uterus, malformations of its development, adhesions. Sometimes the uterus may have an abnormal shape: bicornuate, saddle-shaped. In some cases, it may be bent. It also happens that the weakened cervix is ​​simply not able to hold the fetus and amniotic fluid.
  5. Violation of the hormonal activity of the body. The correct course of pregnancy largely depends on how the glands work - the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. When their work fails, a miscarriage can occur.
  6. Diseases that have a chronic form. These are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, organs and systems involved in the metabolic process. Anorexia and obesity are also diseases that can have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy.
  7. Infections. These include cytomegalovirus, rubella, HIV.
  8. The likelihood of miscarriage increases if a woman used intrauterine contraceptives. When the spiral is in the body of a woman, the tone of the uterus increases, the risk of various infections getting into it. Placental abruption and even bleeding are possible.
  9. A woman taking illegal drugs or undergoing unacceptable procedures.


Experts strongly recommend that you undergo an examination in cases where a miscarriage occurs several pregnancies in a row. In such situations, women ask themselves a few questions. What tests can I take to identify the cause of what happened? What can I do to prevent miscarriages in future pregnancies?

Several tests are required:

  • For sexually transmitted infections. These are cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. It is advisable to do it twice during the menstrual cycle.
  • Twice you need to be tested for hormones such as progesterone, testosterone and others.
  • Blood test: general and sugar.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Genetic analysis for karyotype. It is important that both future parents pass it.
  • A blood clotting test is required.
  • Study on the compatibility of the blood of the father and mother.

If a woman has a miscarriage, she may be afraid of becoming pregnant again. A new pregnancy can raise many concerns and questions. Can pregnancy occur immediately after a miscarriage? What can I do to bear a child?

One thing is certain: many doctors do not welcome pregnancy after a miscarriage if it occurs after a short period of time:

  1. The body of a woman simply does not have time to recover. There is a hormonal failure, which can lead to a repeated tragedy.
  2. When a miscarriage occurs, a woman can lose a lot of blood. As a result, she develops anemia. Hemoglobin can drop by several tens of units at once. The fetus will not receive as much oxygen and nutrients through the placenta as needed for its normal development and growth. This can lead to the fact that the child will lag behind in development.
  3. Pregnancy a month or two after a miscarriage may be accompanied by infections and inflammation of the uterus or appendages.

It is not surprising that, having studied all this data, a woman again asks herself many questions. How to get pregnant after a miscarriage? How many months after a miscarriage can I plan a new pregnancy? How can I prepare for conception?

Preparing for a new pregnancy

There are a few basic tips, following which will help restore the body and easily become a mother.

  1. Say no to stress. Women who have experienced a miscarriage need to calm down as soon as possible. They need to clear their environment of all irritants. You can go on vacation or change the situation in some other way. If you can’t calm down, you can drink sedative infusions or teas, for example, with mint. How much and in what quantities to take them depends on the woman herself.
  2. Bad habits should be left in the past, and both parents.
  3. Keep your medications to a minimum. The ideal option is not to take them at all.
  4. Nutrition should be complete and balanced.
  5. Vitamins and folic acid. Pregnancy after a miscarriage can deplete the body. That is why it is necessary that it contains the necessary supply of nutrients.

Can I get pregnant after a miscarriage? Can I bear a healthy baby? The answer is unequivocal - yes. Pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible. When can you start planning? After how many months? Preferably no sooner than 6 months. During this time, the body will be able to rest and recover.

To be sure how to get pregnant after a miscarriage, you first need to identify the causes of what happened, and then work on your lifestyle. And then the dream of becoming parents will become quite feasible.

Pregnancy planning- this is one of the main conditions for its proper development, prevention of pathologies and congenital diseases. If a woman has already experienced a miscarriage, then planning becomes not only a desirable step, but an obligatory and necessary one to protect her life and health from a possible recurrence of a miscarriage.

Possible causes of miscarriage

The exact reasons that led to the loss of a child can only be established by a doctor. But the most common are the following:

  1. Genetic disorders. They can be hereditary, but more often they are acquired (viruses, harmful production, radiation).
  2. G hormonal disorders - lack of progesterone and an excess of male hormones.
  3. AND mmunny conflict. It is observed at different Rhesus parents.
  4. H presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. AND infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body.
  6. P previous abortions.
  7. P the use of medicines (even homeopathic ones).
  8. From stress.
  9. H Wrong lifestyle (bad habits, abuse of coffee, fatty and spicy foods).
  10. P adenia, strokes, heavy lifting.

Examinations after a miscarriage

Regardless of the reasons that led to the miscarriage, a woman needs to undergo a set of examinations, including:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • consultations of an endocrinologist, neurologist, genetics (by decision of the attending physician);
  • histology - sampling of material from the uterus immediately after a miscarriage. This is the most important analysis that reveals the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • biopsy - sampling and examination of the endometrium for the presence of pathogenic bacteria;
  • tests for sexually transmitted diseases (for both partners);
  • hormonal studies;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis to detect disorders of the internal organs and blood circulation;
  • immunological study of blood coagulation.

After the examination and elimination of the causes of miscarriage, the question arises of preparing for a new pregnancy. Someone wants to plunge into the joy of waiting for a child as soon as possible, hoping to pacify their grief in this way. Someone, on the contrary, is afraid of a recurrence of a miscarriage. In each of these cases, it is better to follow the general rules:

  1. Do not plan pregnancy less than 6 months after the miscarriage. If the termination of pregnancy was not caused by an infection, genetic or hormonal pathology, then the body will recover after 2 menstrual cycles. The rest of the time is necessary to strengthen the immune system and psychological preparation. If pregnancy has come earlier, then especially careful supervision of the doctor is necessary.
  2. Consult with your doctor about the method of protection for the period of pregnancy planning. If possible, give up heavy workloads.
  3. Avoid anxiety and stress.
  4. Switch to a healthy diet.
  5. Do moderate exercise.

A healthy and successful pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, undergo a full examination and not hide anything from the doctor. It is worth remembering that the health of the father of the child is half of a healthy pregnancy, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of diseases and pathologies in a man, it is necessary to undergo all the necessary examinations.