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Consultation of age characteristics of children 4 5 years. Age features of the child. Relationships with peers

Rules for positive communication with the child:

  • Of course, accept and respect the child.
  • If you are angry with a child, you need to express your dissatisfaction, but not with the child as a whole, but with his individual actions.
  • You can judge the actions of the child, but not his feelings. Since he has feelings, then there are grounds for this.
  • Dissatisfaction with the actions of the child should not be systematic, otherwise it develops into rejection of the child.
  • Actively listen to their concerns and needs.
  • Be (read, play, study) together.
  • Do not interfere with the activities that he is coping with.
  • Help when he asks.
  • Maintain success.
  • Share your feelings.
  • Resolve conflict constructively.
  • Use friendly phrases in everyday communication.
  • Hug at least 4, and preferably 8 times a day.
  • Rejoice in your baby!


The child has noticeably changed, he develops dexterity and coordination of movements. Children can isolate simple shapes in complex objects. They increase their memory capacity. Arbitrary memorization begins to take shape: the child remembers the instructions of adults and memorizes small verses. Starts to develop creative thinking.

They have access to concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes, the ability to keep in memory when performing any action a simple condition. Speech becomes the subject of children's activity.

The main achievements of this age are associated with the development of gaming activity - the emergence of role-playing and real interactions; development visual activity, figurative thinking and imagination, memory, attention, speech, cognitive motivation.

Mental characteristics of a child 4-5 years old

The involuntariness of mental processes persists in children even in the fifth year of life. However, the most important new formations are two: basically, the completion of the process of formation of active speech and the exit of consciousness beyond the limits of directly perceived reality.

The age of 3 years was left behind, the children became more emotionally stable, less capricious. They begin to show interest in their peers as partners in the game. Peer opinion is of particular importance. Therefore, it is desirable to organize forms of interaction between children that involve cooperation rather than competition. A negative assessment, if it is inevitable, can only be heard in a situation of individual communication, when no one except the child himself hears it.

Thinking is still visual-figurative.

The middle age is quite special in relation to both the previous and the next. by the most effective way to make information attractive to a child of four or five years is "animation". At this age, as in no other, children listen to fairy tales with pleasure.

As a summary, we note the most important in terms of training and development psychological features preschool children:

Thinking is visual-figurative;

Children show interest in fairy tales and it is easier to perceive and remember information if it concerns someone alive.



Age features

children 4-5 years old

The age of four to five years is a period of relative calm. The child came out of the crisis and, on the whole, became calmer, more obedient, more accommodating. The need for friends becomes more and more strong, interest in the world around us increases sharply.

At this age, your child is actively manifesting:

Striving for independence. It is important for a child to do a lot on his own, he is already more able to take care of himself and needs less care from adults. back side independence - a statement about their rights, needs, attempts to establish their own rules in the world around them.

Ethical Views. The child expands the palette of conscious emotions, he begins to understand the feelings of other people, to empathize. At this age, basic ethical concepts begin to form, perceived by the child not through what adults tell him, but based on how they act.

Creative skills . The development of the imagination enters a very active phase. A child lives in a world of fairy tales, fantasies, he is able to create entire worlds on paper or in his head. In dreams, various fantasies, the child gets the opportunity to become the main actor to gain the recognition he lacked.

Fears as a result of a developed imagination. The child feels inadequately protected big world. He uses his magical thinking in order to gain a sense of security. But the rampant fantasies can give rise to a wide variety of fears.

Relationships with peers. The child develops a great interest in peers, and he moves more and more from intra-family relations to broader relations with the world. The joint game becomes more difficult, it has a variety of role-playing content (games in the hospital, in the store, in the war, playing favorite fairy tales). Children make friends, quarrel, make up, get offended, jealous, help each other. Communication with peers occupies an increasing place in the life of a child, the need for recognition and respect from peers becomes more and more pronounced.

Active curiosity, which forces children to constantly ask questions about everything they see. They are ready to talk all the time, to discuss various issues. But their arbitrariness, that is, the ability to do what they are not interested in, is still not sufficiently developed, and therefore their cognitive interest is best quenched in an exciting conversation or an entertaining game.

It is important for you, as his parents:

  • Understand the rules and laws in your family that the child is not allowed to break. Remember that there should not be too many laws and prohibitions, otherwise they are difficult to comply with.
  • If possible, instead of prohibitions, offer alternatives, formulating them like this: “You can’t draw on the wall, but you can on this piece of paper.” It's just that prohibitions give rise in a child to either a sense of guilt, or anger and protest. If you explicitly forbid something to a child, be prepared to withstand his fair anger or resentment about this.
  • Tell your child about your feelings so that he better understands what kind of reaction in another person one or another of his actions give rise to. Be prepared to deal with him in a difficult ethical situation. Live in accordance with the ethical principles that you transmit to your child.
  • Do not overload the conscience of the child. Excessive disapproval, punishment for minor offenses and mistakes cause a constant feeling of guilt, fear of punishment, revenge. Passivity can also develop, initiative disappears.
  • Remember that you should not tell the child various horror stories, talk about serious illnesses and death, because for some children such information can become an overpowering irritant. It is important to listen to the child, to share his fears with him, allowing him to live them with you.
  • Give your child opportunities for creativity and self-expression. Be interested in any creative product, if possible, without evaluating it in any way, either positively or negatively, offering the child himself to evaluate his creativity.
  • To provide the child with the opportunity to play together with other children, realizing that such a game not only develops his imagination and imaginative thinking, but is also absolutely necessary for healthy emotional development. Offer the child to play not only toys that are complete in form, but also unformed objects that do not have a clear function: pebbles, sticks, sticks, etc.
  • Understand that the child is already able to do what he likes for a long time and enthusiastically, and it can be very difficult for him to interrupt the game, so you should warn him about the need to finish it in advance.

Advice for parents

"Age features of children 4-5 years old."

"The age of the "why".

The period of preschool childhood is a period of intensive sensory development of the child, when his phonemic hearing, color discrimination, visual acuity, perception of the shape of objects, orientation in the external properties and relations of objects and phenomena, in space and time are improved.

From manipulation with the object, children move on to familiarization with it on the basis of visual perception, while "the hand teaches the eye" (movement of the hand over the object determines the movement of the eyes). Visual perception often becomes one of the main processes of direct knowledge of objects and phenomena. In this age develops the ability to view objects.

Looking at new items (plants, stones, etc.), the child is not limited to simple visual acquaintance, but goes on to tactile, auditory and olfactory perception - bends, stretches, scratches with a fingernail, brings it to the ear, shakes, sniffs an object, but often still cannot name it, designate it with a word. An active, varied, detailed orientation of the child in relation to a new object stimulates the appearance of more accurate images. Perception actions develop due to the assimilation of a system of sensory standards (geometric shapes, spectrum colors, size, weight, temperature, surface properties, etc.). Here it is very important to play as much as possible with the child. You walk down the street and say what color the car drove by, what shape the house is, what kind of snow it feels like, etc.

Perception is combined with practical actions, they seem to help each other. Sensory education should be carried out in all forms activities : manipulations with an object, household, labor, constructive, etc.

Speech acquires a leading role in the development of the child's sensory processes. Naming the signs of objects, the child thereby highlights them. The enrichment of children's speech with words denoting the signs of objects, the relationship between them, contribute to meaningful perception.

The child is guided in the environment not only on the basis of perception. Important role in this process, memory images begin to play. Memory develops most intensively at this age. The child effortlessly memorizes many different words and phrases, poems, fairy tales. However, the child does not yet set himself the goal of consciously remembering anything and does not use special means for this. Material is remembered depending on the activity in which it is included.

Here, we should especially highlight several types of activities in which the child's memory develops. This is speech communication, the perception of literary works and a role-playing game. Therefore, communicate with your child as much as possible, read books to him, recite poems.

Thinking at this age is characterized by qualitative originality. The child is a realist, for him everything that exists is real. Therefore, it is difficult for him to distinguish between dreams, fantasies and reality. He is an egocentric, because he still does not know how to see the situation through the eyes of another, but always evaluates it from his own point of view. All surrounding objects are capable of thinking and feeling, just like he himself. That is why the child puts the doll to sleep and feeds it. Considering objects, as a rule, he singles out one, the most striking feature of the object, and focusing on it, evaluates the object as a whole. He is interested in the results of the action, but he still does not know how to trace the process of achieving this result. He thinks about what is now, or about what will be after this moment, but is not yet able to understand how what he sees was achieved.

Children easily lose focus. The ability to set goals is still in its infancy. formation : children experience significant difficulties when it comes to setting new goals on their own. They easily predict the course of only those events that they have repeatedly observed.

Speech takes on a controlling function

The development of speech takes place in several directions :

Its practical use in communication with other people is being improved;

Speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

The growth of vocabulary directly depends on the conditions of life and upbringing, individual characteristics are more noticeable here than in any other area of ​​mental development.


Introduce new names of objects, their qualities, details, with generalizing names; to encourage the use of words with opposite meanings when comparing.

To form the ability to establish links between the purpose of an object and its shape, structure, material from which it is made; learn to use objects in accordance with their purpose and adapt things for different needs.

Average preschool age- this is the period when the basic structures of the child's personality, responsible for his arbitrary moral behavior, begin to form. At this age, the formation of a personal attitude to the observance of moral standards comes to the fore.

At this age, the child listens to the opinions of other people. Evaluates others based on the assessments of seniors and their attitude to assessments ( "The good always do the right thing, and the bad always do the wrong" ).

By the age of five, a child can evaluate the act he has done in terms of its consequences for the physical and emotional state of another person and himself. He understands the meaning reasoning: “If I do badly to another, it will be sad and unpleasant for him and me; If I do well, we will both be happy.” The child develops interests and value orientations, preferences certain types activities and behaviors that are characteristic of boys and girls (for example, "girls play with dolls and boys play with cars" and etc.) .

It is important for children not to be a carrier of bad qualities (they often They say: "I am not greedy", but not "I am kind"). Experiencing feelings of shame bad thing can arise only in the case of a positive experience accumulated by the child, when he has something to lose. If the child has not accumulated positive experiences, has not experienced pride in this regard, then it is useless to address him with the word "ashamed" .

At the age of 4-5, a sense of duty begins to form. The simplest ideas about it are inseparable from the corresponding act, as well as from what was previously denoted by the words "you must". The formation of a sense of duty is facilitated by switching from an interesting game to an obligatory task. This requires special training. An adult must explain why and what "We must now" .


Encourage children to openly and sincerely express their feelings, to recognize the connection between a clearly expressed emotional state and the reason that caused this state (I'm angry because you're acting up) .

"I'm good!" ).

Age Features

Speech begins to perform a controlling function.

Increased cognitive activity.

The ability to subordinate one's behavior to the rules of the game.

Interest in the other child as a reflection of himself. More often he sees negative traits in others. There is a reflection of their actions through the reaction of another child.

The emergence of awareness of one's own actions.


Controlling function of speech.

The appearance of elements creative imagination in a role-playing game.

The appearance of elements of randomness.

The emergence of an extra-situational - personal form of communication with an adult.

Goals and objectives for adults

1. Create conditions for the development of creative imagination.

2. Continue to form the ability to subordinate your actions to the rules, complicating the activity by increasing the number of rules.

3. Create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity.

4. Promote the manifestation of emotional responsiveness.

5. Create conditions for the transition of children from complicity to cooperation in different types activities.

Parent - an example to follow.


Maintain a high overall self-esteem of the child's personality ( "I'm good!" ).

Answer all children's questions fully and clearly.

Cultivate interest, attention and a friendly attitude towards others.

Encourage children to openly and sincerely express their feelings.

Explain to children in a language they can understand moral norms and rules of conduct.

Praise for manifestations of independence, initiative.

Consider and compare various objects, highlighting their features and properties.

It is forbidden!

Give sharp negative assessments of the child's personality (you are bad).

Keep the child away from you.

Ignore the initiative of the child when he shows his own achievements.

Leave children's questions unanswered.

-2190752686050 age features
children 4-5 years old
age features
children 4-5 years old
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten village Foki "Firefly"

Gorbunova N.N.
The children were four years old, they moved to the middle group of the kindergarten. They became more accommodating and obedient. New features appeared in their behavior and activities, manifested in physical, intellectual, social and emotional development.
The physical abilities of children have increased: their movements have become more confident, diverse. Preschoolers are in dire need of movement. In case of limitation of active motor activity they quickly become overexcited, become naughty, capricious. Therefore, it is necessary to saturate the life of children as much as possible with all kinds of outdoor activities: dances, tasks, round dances, outdoor games, etc.
Emotionally colored activity becomes not only a means physical development, but also as a way of psychological unloading of children of middle preschool age, who are distinguished by high excitability. If adults notice the overexcitation of the child, then the child's attention should be switched to calmer activities. This technique will help the child quickly calm down and restore strength.
Children actively show a desire to communicate with peers. If a year earlier the child had enough communication with toys, then at 4-5 years old he needs contacts with peers. Children communicate about toys, joint games, common affairs.
Speech contacts of five-year-old preschoolers are longer and more active. In kindergartens, educators use this need of children and organize small interest groups. They help every child learn to negotiate with friends, to select right toys and create the right environment. centerbottom00
New features appear in the communication of children 4-5 years old with a teacher. Preschoolers willingly cooperate with adults in practical matters (joint games, labor assignments, caring for animals, plants), but along with this, they are increasingly striving for cognitive, intellectual communication. The age of “why” is manifested in the numerous questions of children: “Why?”, “Why?”, “For what?” The developing thinking of the child, the ability to establish the simplest connections and relationships between objects awaken a wide interest in the world around him. At the level of cognitive communication, children experience an acute need for respectful attitude by an adult. The friendly, interested attitude of the educator to children's issues and problems, support and guide the children's cognitive activity in the right direction, and on the other hand, it strengthens the trust of preschoolers in an adult. This promotes a sense of respect for elders.
A child of the fifth year of life is highly active. This creates new opportunities for the development of independence in all spheres of his life. The development of independence in cognition is facilitated by the development by children of a system of various investigative actions, methods of simple analysis, comparison, and the ability to observe. The child is able to analyze objects according to 2-3 features: color and shape, color, shape and material, etc. he can compare objects by color, shape, size, smell, taste and other properties, finding differences and similarities. right center
Paying attention to the development of children's independence, an adult widely uses techniques individual approach, following the rule: do not do for the child what he is able to do on his own. But at the same time, the educator proceeds from the real level of skills, which can vary significantly for different children. The teacher becomes a witness to different rates of development of children: some retain the properties characteristic of younger age, the restructuring of their behavior and activities seems to be slowing down, others, on the contrary, grow up faster and begin to clearly show the features of an older age level.
Children 4-5 years old actively show interest in the game. The game is a form of organizing the life of children. The child's ability to fantasize actively develops, as a result of this activity, the preschooler joins the chain of imaginary events, both himself and his relatives and friends. Adults can competently use the capabilities of children and guide them in a moral and cognitive direction. Such age characteristics should be supported by adults who can play along with them, offer options for the plot of the game, evaluate the actions of the characters, etc.
Children are actively developing and maturing emotional sphere: feelings become deeper, more stable; the former joyful feeling from communicating with others gradually develops into a more complex feeling of sympathy, affection. Supporting them, the educator specifically creates situations in which preschoolers acquire the experience of friendly communication, attention to others.
At this age, children are characterized by increased sensitivity to the words, assessments and attitudes of adults towards them. They rejoice in praise, but they often react sharply emotionally to approval or remark: outbursts of anger, tears, perceiving the remarks as a personal insult. The vulnerability of a child of 4-5 years old is not a manifestation of his individuality, but a feature of his age. The educator needs to be very attentive to his words, to the intonation of speech when communicating with the child and evaluating his actions. First of all, emphasize successes, achievements and aim at positive actions.
Since the parents are the closest and dearest people for the child, they should play the main role in the upbringing of the child. It is necessary to deal with difficult ethical situations together with the child. If you often blame the child and punish for any slightest act, then this will cause him to feel guilty, vindictive and fear of punishment. All this is the reason for the formation of uncertainty, lack of initiative and the development of passivity.
The peculiarity of this age is also that this is the final period of the formation of the character of the child. At this age, everything that you invested in it will take root and it will be impossible to correct the mistakes of upbringing.
What should a child of 4-5 years old be able to do? Mathematics
A child between the ages of 4 and 5 may be able to:
The child may be able to determine the location of objects on the right, left, middle, top, bottom, back, front.
The child may know the basic geometric figures(circle, oval, square, triangle and rectangle).
The child can know all the numbers from 1 to 5 in correct sequence and vice versa.
A child can be able to compare the number of objects, understand the meaning: more-less, equally. Make Unequal Item Groups Equal: Add one item to a group with fewer items.
The child gets acquainted with the graphic image of the number, learns to write numbers correctly.
Speech development
A child can use a thousand words, build phrases from 6-8 words. Even strangers should understand the child, and not just the parents.
The child can understand how the structure of the human body differs from the rebuilding of animals (name their body parts: hands-paws, nails-claws, hair-wool).
The child can be able to correctly put nouns in the plural form (flower-flowers, girl-girls).
The child may be able to find an object by description (apple-round, yellow, sweet). Be able to write a description of the subject.
The child can understand the meaning of prepositions (in, on, over, under, before, behind, etc.)
A child can know what professions are, what people in these professions do.
The child can be able to maintain a conversation: be able to answer questions and ask them correctly.
The child may be able to retell the content of the heard fairy tale, story. Tell by heart a few poems, nursery rhymes.
The child can say his name, surname, how old he is. Name the city where he lives.
Logical Thinking - Development of Thinking, Memory, Attention A child aged 4 to 5 years old can be able to: 1. The child may be able to find differences and similarities between two pictures (or between two toys).2. The child can be able to fold according to the model of the building from the designer.3. The child can be able to put together a cut picture from 2-4 parts.4. The child can be able to complete the task within 5 minutes without being distracted.5. A child can be able to fold a pyramid (cups, putting them into each other) without assistance.6. The child may be able to put the missing fragments of pictures into the holes.
7. The child may be able to call a group of objects with a generalizing word (cow, horse, goat - domestic animals; winter, summer, spring - seasons). Find the extra item in each group. Find a pair for each subject.8. The child may be able to answer questions such as: Can I go sledding in the summer? Why? Why are they dressed in winter warm jackets? What are windows and doors for in a house? Etc.9. A child can be able to choose opposite words: a glass is full - an empty glass, a tree is high - a tree is low, go slowly - go fast, a narrow belt - a wide belt, a hungry child - a child full, cold tea - hot tea, etc. 10. A child may be able to memorize pairs of words after being read by an adult: glass-water, girl-boy, dog-cat, etc.11. The child may be able to see incorrectly depicted objects in the picture, explain what is wrong and why.
The world around A child aged 4 to 5 years old can be able to: 1. The child can be able to distinguish between vegetables, fruits and berries, to know what they are when they ripen.2. The child can know the names of insects, be able to talk about how they move (a butterfly flies, a snail crawls, a grasshopper jumps)3. The child can know all domestic animals and their cubs.4. The child can be able to guess the seasons from the pictures. Know the signs of each of them.
Household SkillsA child between the ages of 4 and 5 can be able to: 1. The child already perfectly fastens buttons, zippers and unties shoelaces, a spoon and a fork obey him well.2. The child may be able to string large buttons or beads onto a thread.3. The child can be able to accurately draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper.4. The child can be able to shade the figures with even straight lines, without going beyond the contours of the drawing.5. The child can be able to trace and color pictures without leaving the edges.6. The child may be able to draw lines in the middle of the track without going beyond its edges.7. The child can distinguish between the right and left hand.

Attached files

Have you ever thought about the fact that often, behind everyday worries, we do not notice how our children are changing?

That is why it is very important to know about the age characteristics of the child, his capabilities and needs, as well as be ready for change in his character or type of behavior, which become particularly evident during age crises .

A crisis is not something that happens to "wrongly brought up children". It is something that must happen to every child in order for him to move to a new stage of his development. In a crisis, a child's behavior changes, and this creates an opportunity for him to move away from previous patterns of behavior and relationships with the world and acquire new models necessary for further development.Therefore, crises are inevitable and necessary, they should not be scared.It is important just to know what is happening with your child, and understand that this is natural.

Undoubtedly, all children are different, and each child grows in his own way, but, nevertheless, there are general patterns of development. For example, at 2-3 years old a child cannot concentrate for a long time, is easily distracted, at 3 years old he can be naughty and do the opposite, at 6-7 years old his desire for independence intensifies, etc. In order not to rush, putting forward unbearable demands on the child, and at the same time keep up with his real capabilities, in order to be patient and calmly treat all the manifestations of your child, you need to know about the characteristics characteristic of a particular age period.

Age features of children 2-3 years old

At this age, the baby still cannot control himself at will, his behavior is mostly involuntary character. He is very emotional, but his emotions are fickle, it is easy to distract him, switch from one emotional state to another. The speech of the child is actively developing.

At this age, it is important for your child to:

move a lot , because through movement he develops and cognizes his body, and also masters the surrounding space.
Master small movements fingers through games with small objects, because the development of fine motor skills in children is directly related to the development of the brain and speech.
as wide as possible master speech , because it helps both in the development of the child's contact with the world, and in the development of his thinking. A child at this age is rapidly growing vocabulary, and the number of spoken words is always less than the number of understood.
Play , since it is in the game that important mental functions begin to actively develop: perception, imagination, thinking, memory. Through the game, the baby masters the world around him, learns the laws of interaction.
Continue build relationships with adults . A child at this age is very dependent on parents, emotionally tuned in to them, needs support, participation, care and safety. He expects from an adult direct participation in all his affairs and the joint solution of almost any task facing him. A peer is not yet of particular interest to the child; children play "next to each other, but not together."
Receive adult help at the moment when something does not work out for him, because a child at 2-3 years old can react to failures very effectively : get angry, cry, swear, throw things.
Have enough time to choose something. All his desires have the same strength: at this age there is no subordination of motives and it is difficult for the child to decide what to choose in life. this moment. He wants everything at once.
What's happening right now . The child reacts emotionally only to what he directly perceives. He is not able to be upset that troubles await him in the future or rejoice in advance that he will not be presented soon.

It is important for you as his parents:

Understanding that an energetic and active child is natural, although sometimes tiring. Therefore, you need to be prepared for this and, if possible, organize a safe space in which the baby could freely use his energy for outdoor games. It will be great if you are his partner in the game at least sometimes.
Give the child the opportunity to play with small materials: buttons, cereals, designer parts, pebbles, cones, and other objects that feel different. Be sure to be supervised by an adult!
Talk with the baby more often, read fairy tales, books to him, discuss what he saw or took part in. Periodic contacts with unfamiliar children or adults are useful, since the child is forced to pronounce more diligently what the mother usually understood perfectly.
Provide opportunities for the most different games, mostly with items. Some children themselves can enthusiastically put objects one into another, take them apart, shift them, mastering the initial stages of analysis and synthesis. But at 2-3 years old, in the process of playing, the baby most often needs the company of his mother or adults who love him, since he needs compatibility and friendly cooperation.
Treat your child in a calm and friendly manner. Understand it as much as possible emotional condition and urgent needs, since at this age the child is not always able to articulate and state them clearly.
Remember that reasonable safety should not deprive the baby of the opportunity to discover something new and interesting. Your parental anxiety should not replace the opportunities for development for your child, which occurs at this age through perception, and therefore through constant exploration of the new.
Understand what you have small child completely different perception of time. For him, there is only the present. And your attempts to appeal even to the near future are not perceived by them at all.
Relate calmly and with understanding to the emotional outbursts of the child in case of difficulties. Anger or tears when a child does not succeed in some difficult task for him is quite natural. If the affect is not very strong, it can be ignored; in case of a strong upset, the child should be comforted or his attention should be switched.

Age features of children 3-4 years old

Three years is an ego age that can be considered as a certain milestone in the development of a child from the moment of his birth. The crisis of three years completes the period of "merging" with the mother, the baby is becoming more and more aware of his own "separation". The basic needs at this age are the need for communication, respect and recognition. The main and most important activity for the child is a game .

At this age, your child:

There is a formation "counter-will" , which is expressed in the desire to do everything in their own way. It is absolutely necessary for the child to have a successful separation. He has to recognize himself as independent person. The child, separating from adults, tries to establish new, deeper relationships with them.
Manifestations awareness of oneself as an individual will be expressed in his need to reject almost everything that his parents offer, and do something himself, even if he does not really want to or is not yet able to. The child gives a negative reaction not to the action itself, which he refuses to perform, but to the demand or request of an adult. At the same time, a child can obey one parent and contradict the other in everything.
It becomes possible to act not under the influence of any random desire, but to act proceeding from from others, more complex and stable motives . This is an important achievement in its development and the next step in gaining independence.
There is an urgent need communicate not so much with the mother And family members, but also with peers . The child learns the rules of interaction through the feedback of both adults and children on his actions.
The game is getting more collective . Playing with objects can already have some kind of plot content, it is becoming more and more figurative and role-playing. In it, the child imagines himself to be anyone and anything and acts accordingly. But at this age, it is enough for a child to play for 10-15 minutes, then he wants to switch to something else.
Children in the game with their peers learn to feel and protect their personal boundaries and perceive their presence in other people. The child is forced to learn to take into account the desires and feelings of partners in the game, otherwise he risks being left alone and bored.
There are many new words. Child actively learns speech , inventing non-existent words, giving already known words their own special personal meaning.

It is important for you as his parents:

With patience and understanding, treat the manifestations of the "counter-will" of the child. Remember that the will of the child suppressed at this age can subsequently lead to passivity, apathy, dependence and infantilism. You should allow the child to insist on his own (if it is not harmful to his life and health), even when it seems ridiculous or unnecessary to you.
Remember that the so-called stubbornness is the reaction of a child who insists on something not because he really wants it, but because it is important for him that his opinion is taken into account.
Prepare the child for kindergarten or provide him with another opportunity to communicate. To do this, you need to help him master self-care skills, develop a suitable daily routine a few months before entering kindergarten, set the child up for a positive attitude towards kindergarten and be prepared for possible negative reactions when parting. They are natural. The child can and has the right to experience grief from the loss of the world familiar to him.
Dealing with conflict situations with your child kindergarten or on the playground. Teach him to respect his own and others' personal boundaries. To do this, it is important to be an example for him - that is, to respect him and your family members.
Handle the child's feelings with care. Empathize with his grief, understand anger, share joy with him, feel his fatigue. It is important not to suppress his emotions, but to teach him how to deal with his own emotional reactions correctly.
Continue to actively develop coordination of movements (learn to jump, stand on one leg, play with the ball), fine motor skills(This is facilitated by modeling, various lacing, folding pyramids). It is desirable that at home the child has a sports corner where he could work out physical exercises.
Realize that speech turns and vocabulary will be formed in him mainly from the speech that he hears in the family. Reading together children's books, appropriate for the age of the child, is extremely beneficial. This will expand the child's vocabulary, help in the development of his imaginative thinking, create emotional closeness and warmth in your relationship. Talk to your child more, discuss the events of the day with him, ask him about what happened to him, and also patiently answer his questions.

Age features of children 4-5 years old

The age of four to five years is a period of relative calm. The child came out of the crisis and, on the whole, became calmer, more obedient, more accommodating. The need for friends becomes more and more strong, interest in the world around us increases sharply.

At this age, your child is actively manifesting:

Striving for independence. It is important for a child to do a lot on his own, he is already more able to take care of himself and needs less care from adults. The reverse side of independence is a statement about one's rights, needs, attempts to establish one's own rules in the world around one.
ethical ideas. The child expands the palette of conscious emotions, he begins to understand the feelings of other people, to empathize. At this age, basic ethical concepts begin to form, perceived by the child not through what adults tell him, but based on how they act.
Creative skills. The development of the imagination enters a very active phase. A child lives in a world of fairy tales, fantasies, he is able to create entire worlds on paper or in his head. In dreams, various fantasies, the child gets the opportunity to become the main character, to achieve the recognition he lacks.
Fears as a consequence of a developed imagination. The child feels insufficiently protected before the big world. He uses his magical thinking in order to gain a sense of security. But the rampant fantasies can give rise to a wide variety of fears.
Relationships with peers. The child develops a great interest in peers, and he moves more and more from intra-family relations to broader relations with the world. The joint game becomes more difficult, it has a variety of role-playing content (games in the hospital, in the store, in the war, playing favorite fairy tales). Children make friends, quarrel, make up, get offended, jealous, help each other. Communication with peers occupies an increasing place in the life of a child, the need for recognition and respect from peers becomes more and more pronounced.
Active curiosity, which causes children to constantly ask questions about everything they see. They are ready to talk all the time, to discuss various issues. But their arbitrariness, that is, the ability to do what they are not interested in, is still not sufficiently developed, and therefore their cognitive interest is best quenched in an exciting conversation or an entertaining game.

It is important for you as his parents:

Understand what are your family rules and laws which the child is not allowed to violate. Remember that there should not be too many laws and prohibitions, otherwise they are difficult to comply with.
If possible offer alternatives instead of prohibitions , formulating them like this: "You can't draw on the wall, but you can on this piece of paper." It's just that prohibitions give rise in a child to either a sense of guilt, or anger and protest. If you explicitly forbid something to a child, be prepared to withstand his fair anger or resentment about this.
Tell your child about your feelings so that he better understands what kind of reaction in another person one or another of his actions give rise to. Be prepared to deal with him in a difficult ethical situation. Live in harmony with those ethical principles that you broadcast to the child.
Do not overload the child's conscience . Excessive disapproval, punishment for minor offenses and mistakes cause a constant feeling of guilt, fear of punishment, revenge. Passivity can also develop, initiative disappears.
Remember that not worth with the child tell different scary stories , talk about serious illnesses and death, because for some children such information can become a super strong irritant. It is important to listen to the child, to share his fears with him, allowing him to live them with you.
Provide a child opportunities for creativity and self-expression . Be interested in any creative product, if possible, without evaluating it in any way, either positively or negatively, offering the child himself to evaluate his creativity.
Provide the child with the opportunity playing together with other children , realizing that such a game not only develops his imagination and imaginative thinking, but is also absolutely necessary for healthy emotional development. Offer the child to play not only toys that are complete in form, but also unformed objects that do not have a clear function: pebbles, sticks, sticks, etc.
To understand that the child is already able to do what he likes for a long time and with enthusiasm, and it happens to him very hard to interrupt the game , therefore, it is worth warning him in advance about the need to finish it.
Be open to the child's questions , be interested in his opinion, turning his thirst for knowledge into the ability to find answers to his questions on his own. It is useful to discuss with the child any events and phenomena that interest him, and in his language to formulate the results of your joint reasoning and conclusions.

Age features of children 5-6 years old

This is the age of active development of the child's physical and cognitive abilities, communication with peers. The game remains the main way of learning about the world, although its forms and content are changing.

At this age, your child:

3 Continues to actively explore the world around. He not only asks a lot of questions, but also himself formulates answers or creates versions . His imagination is involved almost 24 hours a day and helps him not only to develop, but also to adapt to the world, which is still difficult and hard to explain for him.
Wants to show himself to the world. He often attracts attention because he needs a witness to his self-expression. Sometimes for him negative attention is more important than none, so the child can provoke an adult to attract attention with “bad” deeds.
With difficulty, he can measure his own "wants" with other people's needs and capabilities, and therefore all the time tests the strength of boundaries set by other adults wanting to get what he wants.
Ready to communicate with peers, learning through this communication the rules of interaction with peers. Gradually moving from role-playing games to games by the rules, in which develops a mechanism to control one's behavior , which then manifests itself in other activities. At this age, the child still needs external control - from his playmates. Children control each other first, and then each of himself.
Strives for more independence. He wants and can do a lot on his own, but he still has it is hard to concentrate for a long time on what he is not interested in .
Very wants to be like significant adults , therefore, likes to play "adult affairs" and other social games. The duration of the games can already be quite significant.
May become aware of gender differences. On this occasion, he can ask a lot of “uncomfortable” questions for parents.
Begins to ask questions related to death. Fears may intensify, especially at night and manifested during the period of falling asleep.

It is important for you as his parents:

Respect his fantasies and versions without grounding his magical thinking. Distinguish between "lies", defensive fantasies and just a play of the imagination.
Encourage your child to develop positive self-expression , allowing his talents and abilities to develop, but without emphasizing or exploiting them. Try to provide the child with opportunities for a wide variety of creativity.
To be attentive to the wishes of the child, but also to be able to set a boundary where his desires are harmful to himself or violate the boundaries of the people around him. It is important to remember that you should not set the border that you are not able to defend and withstand .
provide the child opportunity to interact with peers helping your baby only in case of his emotional difficulties, discussing the current difficult situation and together considering options for getting out of it. Provide communication with loved ones, organizing holidays with the whole family, discussing joint plans with the child.
Gradually reduce control and guardianship , allowing the child to set himself a wide variety of tasks and solve them. It is important to rejoice at the independent successes of the child, and support him in case of problems, jointly analyzing the causes of failure.
Remember that at this age (and always) your child will be more willing to respond to a request for help than to an obligation and obligation . Realize that by referring to him as an assistant, you are developing an “adult” position in him more. By making him subordinate and obligated to fulfill your requirements, you develop his "infantile-childish" component.
If possible, do not be frightened and do not evade questions that are “uncomfortable”, but very important for the child. Answer clearly and as simply as possible only to those questions that he asks, without spreading and without complicating. Be able to explain to him the specifics of the difference between the sexes in his language , in accordance with his age, in case of difficulties, stock up on children's literature on this topic.
But questions about death should be answered as honestly as possible. in accordance with your, including religious, ideas. Remember that the lack of information on this topic gives rise to fantasies in the child, which can be more disturbing and scarier than reality.
Help the child (regardless of gender) deal with fears , without condemning him and not urging "not to be afraid." Listen carefully to the child and sympathize with him, sharing his worries and anxieties. Support him in the process of living through fear, being as close as possible when a shy child needs it, but also gradually giving him the opportunity to cope with something less scary himself. In case of obsessive fears, seek help from psychologists.

Age features of children 6-7 years old

Senior preschool age is a period of learning about the world of human relations, creativity and preparation for the next, completely new stage in his life - schooling.

At this age, your child is most likely to:

He is practically ready to expand his microworld if he has mastered the ability to interact with peers and adults. The child is usually able accept the new rules , a change in activities and the requirements that will be presented to him at school.
Gradually socializes, that is, adapts to the social environment. He becomes capable move from one's narrow egocentric stance to an objective one , take into account the points of view of other people and can begin to cooperate with them.
Small child draws conclusions about phenomena and things, relying only on direct perception. He thinks, for example, that the wind is blowing because the trees are swaying. At 7 years old, a child can already take into account other points of view and understands the relativity of estimates. The latter is expressed, for example, in the fact that a child who considers all big things heavy, and small lungs, takes on a new idea: a small pebble, light for a child, turns out to be heavy for water and therefore sinks.
Able to focus not only on activities that fascinate him, but also on those that are given with some volitional effort. Cognitive interest is added to his playing interests, which already include games by the rules. But arbitrariness still continues to form and therefore it is not always easy for a child to be diligent and do boring things for a long time. He is still easily distracted from his intentions, switching to something unexpected, new, attractive.
Often not only ready, but also wanting to go to school, because the shift social role gives him the maturity he longs for. But the complete psychological readiness of the child for school is determined not only by his motivational readiness, but also by intellectual maturity, as well as formed arbitrariness, that is, the ability to concentrate for 35-40 minutes, performing any series of tasks. Most often such readiness is formed precisely by the age of seven .
Very focused on external evaluation . Since it is still difficult for him to form an opinion about himself, he creates his own image from the assessments that he hears addressed to him.

It is important for you as his parents:

To be the main assistants of the child in adapting to the school environment, choosing for him the most suitable school for his personality type . If possible, first find out the level of requirements and the specifics of the attitude towards children in the school where he will study.
Do not rush to go to school, if you notice that the child's gaming interest significantly prevails over cognitive, he does not want to go to school, it is difficult for him to sit still, doing some simple task. Can arrange gradual involvement your preschooler academic life through a system of diverse pre-school groups.
line up daily regime for the child in such a way that there was time for rest, games, walks . To understand that cognitive motivation at this age is most radically destroyed by boredom, obligation, coercion. If possible, organize an interesting and exciting cognitive process for the child.
To understand that the desire of a child to become a schoolchild does not always mean a real opportunity to fulfill all the duties corresponding to this role. Therefore, it is important to help to kid master new for him the level of independence , gradually moving away from hyper-control and excessive guardianship, giving him more and more freedom. For the prevention of the infantile position, it is important that the child does on his own what he can handle on his own.
Be aware that any of your assessments of the child create his idea of ​​himself, affect his self-esteem. If the expectations and assessments of parents do not correspond to the age and personality characteristics of the child, his self-esteem will be inadequate (underestimated or overestimated). Your negative assessments can form in him an idea of ​​himself as an unworthy, bad person, unable to cope with difficulties or failures. If possible avoid inferences about the child's personality in general , evaluate only his action or deed.
Ask the child's opinion about the results of his work. A strong dependence on external evaluation makes the child anxious and insecure. The ability to self-assess one's own performance creates a desire motivation, as opposed to an avoidance motivation.
Even before the child will go to school, to realize that the success or failure of the child in the learning process is not an indicator of his success in the future. Schooling only reflects the ability of the child to cope with the learning situation, but is not a clear indication his personal fulfillment.