Development      09/04/2023

What examinations should you undergo before conception? Examination and tests when planning pregnancy. Is genetic counseling necessary?

Pregnancy planning begins with a comprehensive examination of the couple. Tests, the list of which includes cultural and specific studies, will help assess the reproductive capabilities of future parents. Based on the results of laboratory diagnostics, the doctor will be able to see the true picture of the health status of a man and a woman and identify factors that can negatively affect the success of conception.

At the Women's Medical Center you can undergo the full range of medical examinations to prepare for pregnancy, including an individual program.

Cost of preconception examination

Why and when to get tested before pregnancy

The reproductive system often fails even against the background of the patient’s general health. Problems with conceiving or bearing a fetus are a reason to turn to specialists. In this case, both men and women must be examined at the clinic. After taking the tests, it will become clear what causes infertility, and whether it is possible to correct the processes that interfere with the fertilization of the egg and the development of the embryo.

Knowing about chronic diseases, after a frozen pregnancy and operations on the mammary glands, uterus, and ovaries, women should undergo laboratory diagnostics at least six months before the desired pregnancy.

If you do not consult a doctor in advance (at least three months in advance), you may miss diseases that can complicate conception and lead to a complete loss of fertility.


What tests should a woman undergo before conceiving?

To assess the state of women's health, the MLC conducts various types of laboratory tests:

  • general clinical;
  • biochemical;
  • hormonal;
  • allergological;
  • immunological;
  • cytological;
  • histological.

The list of tests for women must include cytological tests for oncology and sexually transmitted infections.

What do tests show?

  1. Colposcopy is a diagnostic examination of the condition of the cervix.
  2. A general urine test allows you to assess the general condition of the body and suggest the presence of genitourinary tract diseases.
  3. A general blood test is carried out to diagnose inflammatory processes, a biochemical one is carried out to assess the functioning of the most important organs (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.), blood clotting is determined using a coagulogram.
  4. PCR diagnostics, including for TORCH infections, helps to identify infections dangerous to the development of the fetus (hepatitis A, B, C, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, rubella, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis).
  5. Hormone tests are carried out as prescribed by a doctor if there are indications (this could be excess weight, menstrual irregularities, unsuccessful pregnancies).

List of tests for men

To obtain information about fertility, the patient takes a Kruger spermogram. This is an advanced test that allows you to thoroughly examine the composition and structure of the ejaculate.

The general health of a man is no less important for the success of conception and normal development of the fetus than the readiness of the expectant mother for this process, so the patient is asked to take tests from the mandatory list (general urine and blood tests, biochemistry). Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a hormonal or immunological test.

Additional Research

Hormonal and genetic tests when planning pregnancy are prescribed additionally. They help to identify pathologies of internal processes - metabolism, cellular metabolism, and identify violations of DNA structure. Research is extremely important for those couples in which one of the partners suffers from inherited diseases.

After assessing the results, the doctor will be able to determine with a high degree of probability (up to 90-99%) whether conception is possible and how dangerous the identified pathologies are for future children.

Where to get tested before pregnancy

The capabilities of the MLC laboratory allow you to undergo all tests without leaving the clinic. We are ready to conduct a comprehensive examination of married couples seeking to have healthy children.

In addition to mandatory tests, we conduct tests for hormones and genetic abnormalities; to prevent hemostasis pathologies, patients can be tested for a hereditary predisposition to thrombophilia.

In order for the baby to be born healthy, it is worth getting tested before conceiving the baby.

Today, many parents approach the issue responsibly. And this trend cannot but rejoice. But often expectant mothers and fathers do not know what examinations they need, how and where to conduct them, and what to do if health problems suddenly arise that interfere with the conception of a healthy heir. Let's try to answer these questions.

2. Where to start?

With the understanding of the immutable truth - it is necessary to be examined not only by the expectant mother, but also by the father. Many problems with conception and pregnancy arise precisely because of the “male factor,” no matter how surprised our knights may be. Therefore, dear dads, we take our wife by the hand and with a brisk step we go to pay visits to medical offices.
First of all, the head of the family needs to be examined by a urologist and have a spermogram (a study of sperm and sperm quality). After examining the genitourinary system, the specialist will find out whether the patient suffers from chronic ailments (prostatitis and urethritis), or whether there are problems with the testicles. In case of illness, he will prescribe appropriate treatment.

At the same time, you and your spouse will have to undergo a series of other studies. These include:

  • Determination of blood group and. This will prevent Rhesus or blood group incompatibility. If a child inherits a group or Rh that is different from the mother’s, antibodies may appear in her blood that will try to destroy the baby’s blood cells (after all, the mother’s body perceives them as foreign). This is especially important if the mother has the first blood group, and the father has any other blood type. Rh conflict is possible if a woman is Rh negative and her husband is Rh positive. Doctors take such pregnant women under special observation and periodically throughout pregnancy administer anti-Rhesus globulins. Of particular importance is the determination of Rh and blood group if the pregnancy is not the first, and the previous ones ended in premature birth or termination.
  • sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Even if you are absolutely confident in each other, this procedure is necessary. After all, some infections can “live” in your body in a hidden form for years, without informing you of their “registration”. But as soon as the baby settles in the stomach, the “guests” instantly become active. Other STIs, although they have a “telling name,” can enter the body not only through sexual contact (such as HIV and hepatitis B and C). So don’t be surprised when the doctor gives you both directions for tests: blood from a vein for syphilis (RW or Wasserman reaction), for the determination of antibodies to HIV and hepatitis B and C, infections chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, cytomegaly, herpes 1 and 2 types, Ebstein-Barr virus, toxoplasmosis. Doctors will detect these same infections by smears: in a woman - by the contents of the cervical canal, in a man - by the contents of urethral secretions.
  • 3. Second stage.

    His future mother will have to go through alone, without the accompaniment of her husband. And at this time dad should visit a therapist, ENT specialist and dentist. These doctors will scrupulously check the health of the head of the family and, if diseases are identified, prescribe the necessary treatment. In front of the woman is a string of medical offices. Yes, there are a lot of examinations to be done, but they are necessary if your goal is to produce a healthy baby.

    First of all, you will be sent for a bimanual examination of the reproductive system on a gynecological chair: the doctor inserts two fingers of one hand into the vagina, and with the other hand he probes the appendages and uterus through the abdominal wall. Then the vagina and cervix are examined using vaginal speculum. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the uterus and ovaries, cervix, in order to identify erosion, inflammation or deformation after previous births. If any diseases are discovered, they must be treated before pregnancy. During the examination, the doctor will take a smear from the vagina for flora. From it, the doctor will determine whether there is inflammation in the genital tract, as well as pathogenic flora (gonococci, candida, trichomonas), which is harmful to conceiving and bearing a baby. Another point is that rod flora should predominate in the vagina, and if a large number of cocci and “key cells” are detected (this condition is called bacterial vaginosis), then before conceiving a child, it is necessary to be cured.

    The presence of a large number of gardnerella in the smear is also noteworthy; they weaken the protective ability of the vagina, which entails the “attraction” of candida infection.
    This not only brings inconvenience to the woman (inflammation, itching and discharge), but is also harmful to the unborn baby - the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases. Therefore, the vaginal microflora is carefully restored.
    Another important study is the definition of so-called TORCH. This is an English abbreviation for the first groups of infections that are especially dangerous for pregnancy, causing severe fetal defects. The TORCH infection complex includes: Toxoplasma (toxoplasma infection), Rubella (rubella), Cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus) and Herpes (herpes). In this case, it is important to determine not only the presence of antibodies, but also their type - what class of antibodies (immunoglobulins M or G). If there are class G antibodies in the blood, this indicates a previous infection and the presence of immunity to the disease, which is not dangerous for the baby. But the detection of class M immunoglobulins (in combination with G or without them) indicates either an acute illness or activation of an infection, this is potentially dangerous for the baby.
    In this case, the mother requires treatment and pregnancy planning should be postponed until recovery.
    In addition, it is necessary to carry out a standard set of studies - a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test. These tests will help identify anemia, inflammatory diseases, give an idea of ​​​​the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and evaluate the functioning of the pancreas.

    Good day, my dear readers! I recently thought about this: usually all topics related to pregnancy planning are dedicated specifically to women. We know very well what we should eat to get pregnant, what days are the best to try to conceive, what exercises to do, what examinations we need to undergo, what medications to take, and so on. Right? What about men?

    There are two people involved in the process of conceiving a child! And if a woman fails to get pregnant for a long time, this does not mean that the problem is with her. And the health of a newborn depends not only on the mother, but also on the father. It would be logical if a man were examined together with a woman before conceiving a baby.

    Again, if a woman knows perfectly well that she needs to see her GP or find a paid specialist, then the man immediately has a question: where to undergo a medical examination and whether it is necessary to undergo it at all. Let's find out!

    I have already mentioned that the health of a newborn depends not only on the mother, but also on the father. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is extremely important to undergo a comprehensive examination. Unfortunately, this is how it is accepted: a woman becomes pregnant, she carries it to term - even if she goes to the clinic once or twice a week for 40 weeks.

    However, even the condition of a pregnant woman during the period of bearing a child largely depends on the future father. We, adults, understand perfectly well that during sexual intercourse there is a risk of “catch” an infection, which in turn can negatively affect the condition of the mother and fetus.

    So what! Everyone has heard of such a thing as the “Rh factor”, right? If a woman’s body does not match her father’s blood type, problems such as:

    • impossibility of conception;
    • spontaneous abortions;
    • Rhesus conflict (the pregnant woman will be constantly under the supervision of doctors);
    • and others.

    If this fact is established at the stage of pregnancy planning, doctors will make efforts to ensure that the period of gestation of the baby is as safe as possible for mother and child.

    2. Minimum examination package for men

    In general, there are several options for undergoing a medical examination. This could be a regular medical examination at a local clinic (not the best option, but better than nothing), completing a minimum program or a maximum program.

    The minimum program includes the most necessary examinations, including:

    1. examination by a urologist (the doctor will make a conclusion about the man’s sexual function);
    2. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.

    The PCR method itself is aimed at identifying possible bacteria (ureaplasma, gonococcus, chlamydia and others) and viruses (herpes, cytomegalovirus, and others). Also, using the PCR method, the man will have to be tested for toxoplasma.

    Men like to take tests using the polymerase chain reaction method, because usually, in order to get the result, the doctor recommends that the patient take a medicinal or food provocateur on the eve of the examination (and this could be a favorite spicy dish or alcoholic beverages).

    If during the examination even one pathogen is detected in a man, he will need to undergo a course of treatment before conception (as well as his partner).

    3. Maximum examination complex for men

    There are young couples who take the process of conceiving a child very seriously. In this case, the man can undergo a full examination. In addition to the above medical tests, such a complex includes a number of additional examinations.

    Initially, the future father will have to visit a therapist, who will familiarize him with the upcoming medical examination and also give him a referral for mandatory tests:

    1. urine test (to examine the genitourinary system);
    2. blood test from a finger and/or vein (analysis results that are abnormal are often the first “call” about the presence of a disease);
    3. biochemical blood test (helps to identify diseases of internal organs even before the first signs of illness appear);
    4. analysis aimed at determining blood group;
    5. blood test for hormones (to determine testosterone levels);
    6. blood test for HIV and hepatitis B, C;
    7. analysis to establish the Rh factor (often blood is taken simultaneously with a biochemical analysis).

    Moreover, the man will need to have an electrocardiogram (especially if he is overweight or has heart problems) and an ultrasound examination of the chest.

    Such a list of examinations is important, because even if the future dad has no problems with the possibility of conceiving, this does not mean that he does not have other diseases (especially chronic ones) that are transmitted at the genetic level.

    3.1. Male sperm examination

    Unlike the abbreviated male examination program, a full medical examination includes a sperm analysis. This examination is aimed at studying spermatozoa. The obtained result makes it possible to find out:

    • what is the motility and structure of sperm;
    • a man’s predisposition to natural conception;
    • testicular function;
    • methods of treating infertility (if this diagnosis has been made);
    • and other.

    In order to take a spermogram, the patient needs preparation - 4 days before the test, the future father will have to refuse:

    • from alcoholic products;
    • from narcotic drugs (including sleeping pills and painkillers);
    • from spicy, fatty and spicy foods;
    • from physical activity;
    • from sexual intercourse.

    Moreover, a man should also avoid hypothermia (and vice versa) and stressful situations.

    If deviations from the norm are detected in the analysis, it is necessary to undergo a re-examination.

    3.2. Examination of prostate secretions

    Initially, this test is prescribed if the patient complains of pain during urination or in the perineum. Usually these signs are a symptom of an inflammatory process. Often, the analysis shows a man’s predisposition to a disease such as the prostate (or its presence).

    With this disease, conceiving a child must be postponed until treatment is completed.

    And this is not the entire list of doctors whom a man can visit during a maximum comprehensive examination. Other specialists may be included in the list:

    • ophthalmologist;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • neuropathologist and neurologist;
    • psychotherapist;
    • dentist;
    • and others.

    Often, in paid clinics, a man can choose an individual “maximum” program, which will include exactly those specialists that the future father wants to undergo. Here the question is the patient’s wishes and price.

    4. What are the prices for comprehensive examinations?

    Everyone is well aware that pregnancy management can be carried out not only by a women’s doctor from a local clinic, but also by a specialist from a private clinic. Of course, not for free. A man also has the opportunity to seek help from a paid institution.

    Fortunately, nowadays it is quite easy to find such an establishment. Many clinics offer their services.

    • Firstly, a man can undergo a general medical examination in a regular clinic (unless it will take more time and effort), and undergo special tests (for example, a spermogram) in a private clinic. Issue price: 1,000 – 1,500 rubles.
    • Secondly, the future father can undergo a “minimum” program or a “maximum” program in a specialized institution. The cost varies depending on the chosen program and the number of specialists. The average cost of such an examination in Moscow is 7,000 rubles.
    • Thirdly, a married couple can undergo a joint examination. There are clinics that provide services under “happy family” programs. It’s difficult to talk about price here, because in each individual case the cost varies greatly.

    In any case, the very fact of the need for a man to undergo a comprehensive examination is obvious. You can never say for sure what influences the difficulties in conceiving a child. Moreover, if there are no such problems, but you are planning to conceive a healthy and healthy baby, medical examination is mandatory!

    You can watch a video about preparing men for planning pregnancy here:

    On this note, I propose to say goodbye, but not for long! Subscribe to my updates, I have something to tell. Bye bye!

    ​Pregnancy planning helps future parents to properly prepare for the period of gestation and childbirth. Doctors recommend starting planning 3-4 months before conceiving a child, or even a year. During this time, the woman prepares her body for the development of a new life, and the man does everything to ensure that fertilization is successful.

    The main stage of planning a child is examination. A married couple should take it together to check the health of both partners. What examinations should a future parent undergo? In our new article you will receive a detailed answer to this question.

    Features of pregnancy planning

    Planning a pregnancy is the most important stage in the life of a girl who intends to give birth to healthy offspring. All patients must undergo a full examination before conceiving a child.

    Women with chronic diseases or those whose previous pregnancy was unsuccessful (frozen pregnancy, ectopic or miscarriage) should pay special attention to medical measures. Preparing for fertilization will help protect the expectant mother from possible problems during pregnancy.

    When a couple decides to have a baby, the first thing they should do is visit an obstetrician-gynecologist and tell him about all sexual problems, health complaints and failures to conceive, if any. The doctor will draw up an examination algorithm and tell the patient when and which doctor she will need to see.

    Both women and men need to prepare for pregnancy. In approximately half of cases, fertilization does not occur precisely because of the male factor.

    Therefore, it is best for two partners to come to a consultation with a gynecologist. By following all the recommendations and passing all the tests, a married couple will be able to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

    Where can I get a preliminary examination? In municipal clinics under the compulsory medical insurance policy or in private medical institutions as part of a paid pregnancy preparation program.

    Examination before planning pregnancy

    An individual list of activities is drawn up for a man and a woman, which must be completed as part of a medical examination.

    Let's take a closer look at what procedures are included in this list.

    For men

    Despite the fact that a girl will carry the future baby, half of the child’s genes will come from the father. Therefore, he also has to visit doctors. True, a man will not need to undergo as many procedures as a girl.

    The future father must pass:

    1. General analysis and urine (helps determine whether there are infectious or inflammatory processes in the body, shows the general health of the body).
    2. Blood test for group and Rh factor (needed to determine whether there is a risk of Rh conflict with the girl and child).
    3. A blood test to determine sexually transmitted diseases (if there are any pathologies, they must be cured before fertilization).

    If necessary, the doctor prescribes a number of additional studies:

    • hormonal blood test;
    • spermogram;
    • prostate secretion test.

    If the results of the study are normal, but the girl still fails to get pregnant, a test for the compatibility of sexual partners is prescribed.

    For women

    The first thing a woman should do before pregnancy is to visit a gynecologist.

    At the clinic appointment, the patient should be told whether she had any problems with her health or previous pregnancy. And also show your medical record so that the attending physician can see the whole picture of the expectant mother’s health condition. After a gynecological examination and study of the medical record, the doctor draws up an examination program.

    The expectant mother should undergo the following doctors:

    1. Gynecologist. This is a doctor who will accompany the girl throughout her pregnancy and postpartum period, so visiting him is mandatory.
    2. Dentist. Examination of the oral cavity and timely treatment of diseased teeth minimizes the risks of developing infectious diseases during pregnancy.
    3. Otolaryngologist. Chronic and infectious diseases of the organs of hearing, vision, and breathing can negatively affect the development of the fetus.
    4. Cardiologist. Diseases of the cardiovascular system can negatively affect pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, before planning a child, it is important to find out whether there is any danger and what load the heart can withstand.
    5. Allergist. While carrying a baby, chronic diseases can worsen. The doctor will help you find out if the girl is allergic and to what exactly. The gynecologist still needs this data in order to know what medications and products can be prescribed to the girl.

    The list of women's screening programs includes:

    • gynecological smear;
    • general blood and urine analysis;
    • blood chemistry;
    • taking a sample from the cervix for PCR testing;
    • taking hormonal tests;
    • test for the presence of viral cells of herpes, rubella, papillomavirus in the body;
    • test for HIV, AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis;
    • E. coli test;
    • diagnostics of blood clotting;
    • hepatitis test;
    • colposcopy.

    All tests are taken on a certain day of the menstrual cycle. When issuing a referral for diagnostics, the attending physician must advise the patient when to take a particular test.

    If there are any inaccuracies in the collected history, the couple is sent to a geneticist. A genetic study will determine whether there are any diseases and the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

    Additional examination methods for women

    When the diagnostic results show any deviations, the doctor prescribes additional tests to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Let's look at what is included in the complex of additional diagnostic methods.

    If you have problems with the cervix and vagina

    If the patient has been diagnosed with inflammatory processes in the vagina, then bacterial culture for microflora is prescribed. The test determines sensitivity to antibacterial drugs and finds out whether a woman has trichomoniasis or gonorrhea.

    When lumps are noticed on the cervix, a colposcopy is performed. During the procedure, the doctor uses a special device with a magnifying glass to examine the walls of the uterus and find out what the problem is.

    If changes are detected in the analyzes

    If abnormalities or the presence of antibodies are detected in blood or urine tests, future parents are referred to a general practitioner. Based on the diagnostic results, the therapist determines which specialist the parents should be referred to.

    Depending on the results, patients may be referred to:

    1. Hematologist.
    2. Infectious disease specialist.
    3. Hepatologist.
    4. Endocrinologist.
    5. Venereologist.

    The specialist will conduct a repeat examination, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe appropriate treatment for the problem.

    If pathology is detected during ultrasound examination

    Problems with the reproductive organs or uterus may require surgery. If the cause of ill health lies in low activity of the thyroid gland, then the woman is sent to donate blood to determine hormonal levels. Here you cannot do without consulting an endocrinologist. You may need hormone therapy.

    Some patients are intimidated by the large list of medical interventions. After all, it will take more than a month to go through them. But don't be afraid in advance. If the girl is young and healthy, the diagnosis will take place quickly and without problems.

    If deviations are detected, it is better to begin immediate comprehensive treatment. This will help avoid possible complications and increase the chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy and strong child.

    How to improve survey results

    To improve the results of the examination, experts recommend that couples give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol) within 1–2 months and consciously take charge of their health. It is best to review your diet and daily routine.

    Fresh air will saturate the body with oxygen, help you relax and unwind. It will be good if future parents spend more time outside.

    Gynecologists also recommend, after consultation, to start taking special vitamins to strengthen the body and prepare it for a new position. Most often, patients are prescribed folic acid to improve the functioning of the reproductive system.

    A man also needs to take care of his health so that the conception is successful and the child is born strong and strong. It is recommended to protect yourself from stress, anxiety, and outbursts of emotions. It is better for the future dad to go in for sports, but it is important to remember that physical activity should bring pleasure and energy, and not exhaust the body.

    It is better to reduce sexual activity before diagnosis. After all the tests have been completed and the doctor says that the health of the future parents is normal, you will have time to have sex with the goal of conceiving a baby.

    The gynecologist explains the algorithm of actions when planning pregnancy.


    Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every parent. In order for it to be successful and for there to be no problems while carrying the baby, a married couple needs to plan this period correctly.

    Before getting pregnant, it is worth undergoing a comprehensive medical examination to make sure that your health condition allows you to have a child, and there are no risks of miscarriage. There is nothing terrible in diagnostics; on the contrary, it is a civilized and effective way of taking care of your health and the health of your future children.

    Recently, more and more married couples are seriously preparing for the birth of a child. After all, the better prepared the expectant mother is, the greater the chance that her pregnancy will be easy and a healthy baby will appear in the family.

    Before planning, it is necessary to undergo a number of tests and visit several doctors in order to identify possible health problems in both women and men, and have time to eliminate them before conceiving a child.

    Where to start the examination? What does it include?

    For a woman, the examination first begins with a visit to the gynecologist’s office. First of all, you will be examined in a chair, the condition of the cervix will be assessed and cytological smear . After this, you will be given directions for tests and undergoing ultrasound examination.

    In addition, the list of tests for pregnancy planning includes general blood and urine test, necessary to check the condition of the body, determine the level of hemoglobin and blood sugar, identify possible inflammatory processes, as well as to determine the condition of the genitourinary tract.

    Another of the most necessary procedures is PCR diagnostics of infections . Diagnostics is a blood test for the presence of dangerous infections that pose a great danger to the development and life of the fetus.

    The results of PCR diagnostics will also show whether you have infections such as:
    1. ureaplasmosis;
    2. gardnerellosis;
    3. chlamydia;
    4. mycoplasmosis

    In addition, the doctor can give a referral for testing such dangerous diseases as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV and syphilis.

    Features of the blood type and Rh factor of spouses when planning

    It is also necessary to find out blood type and Rh factor of both the woman and her husband . A positive Rh factor in a wife and a negative Rh factor in a husband does not cause cause for concern. But if, according to the results of blood tests, the expectant mother is found to be Rh negative, and the man is positive, then when pregnancy occurs, a Rh conflict is possible.

    This is especially true for women who have ever undergone a blood transfusion, pregnancy, abortion or other surgical operation, because the likelihood of specific antibodies forming in their blood increases.

    An Rh conflict may occur between an Rh-positive child and an Rh-negative mother, leading to immune complications, such as hemolytic disease of the newborn.

    If a woman is Rh negative, a man is Rh positive, and if there is no Rh antibody titer, Rh immunization is performed before pregnancy. Blood type conflicts are less common, but doctors should take this fact into account.

    Blood test for hormones

    Another important criterion for assessing a woman’s health is determining the concentration of hormones in her blood, this hormone analysis is optional, and examination can be prescribed for menstrual irregularities, excess weight, unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant for more than a year and previous pregnancies with an unsuccessful outcome.

    The exact list of hormones that will need to be tested is determined by the doctor. Most hormones are examined on days 5-7 and days 21-23 of the cycle.