Gender of the child      09/30/2021

Determination of the sex of the unborn child: signs by the shape of the abdomen, diet, fetal activity

Today, parents, already 4 months pregnant, can find out what the sex of their unborn child will be. Just a few decades ago, medicine could not boast of such technologies as it is now. However, future mothers always wanted to know in advance whether to prepare for the appearance of a boy or a girl. Our ancestors were able to determine the sex of the child by signs during pregnancy. These superstitions have been carefully passed down from generation to generation. Their veracity has been tested for centuries.

Our great-grandmothers believed in the omen that chills in early pregnancy indicated a future girl, and hot flashes meant that there would be a boy.

Is this knowledge necessary in today's world?

The sex of the baby is determined during pregnancy using an ultrasound scan. Happy future parents today can not only give out the first photo of a little man, but also show a baby in real time in the womb on the monitor screen. But even modern medicine is powerless in some situations.

Sometimes the baby's body is located so that it is impossible to see the genitals. Doctors, in such cases, shrug their shoulders and say that the child does not want to "reveal his secrets" before meeting with the parents. Then there is only one way left, to turn to the origins and determine the gender according to folk signs.

If the first movement of the child, the expectant mother felt on the left side of the abdomen, then a girl will be born. If the baby moves on the right side, then a boy will be born

Each pregnancy for the same woman can be different. Quite strong changes take place in the body and appearance, which are noticeable not only to the future mother herself, but also to those around her. There are several common ways to find out the sex of an embryo by the condition and appearance of a woman:

  1. The shape of the belly of a pregnant woman. If the tummy “looks” to the right and has a pointed shape - there will be a boy, to the left and rounded shape - a girl.
  2. In the form of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is believed that the poor health of the expectant mother can be caused by "confrontation of the sexes." That is, a male child will give a woman more discomfort than a female child.
  3. Fetal heart rate and activity. The signs of determining the sex of a child say that the little boys “toss and turn”, and the girls “kick”.
  4. Weight gain and women's diet. If mom actively eats and gains kilograms, there will be a hero. If a pregnant woman eats little and keeps to the weight recommended by the doctor, you can prepare for the birth of a beautiful lady. It is also believed that pregnant women who carry a female fetus under their hearts cannot deny themselves sweets and pastries.

If a married couple dreams of the birth of a daughter, it is worth starting to prepare for this event a month before conception. It is recommended to consume more foods containing magnesium. Refuse to eat bananas, lean on dairy products and eat fish.

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They also say that if a wife loves her husband more than he loves her, then she will give birth to a girl, if vice versa - a boy

It is these products, according to scientific research, that contribute to the formation of the feminine. You should give up meat or reduce its consumption to a minimum.

Simple Formula

Not so long ago, a formula was developed that allows you to “order” a son or daughter even before conception. To do this, you need to divide the number of full months of the future dad lived by 16 and multiply the resulting number by 4. Then divide the number of full months of the expectant mother by 9 and multiply the result by 3. Whose indicator will be higher than that gender and the child will be conceived.

The menstrual cycle of a woman during conception plays a big role. If the parents go to the son, the period of ovulation, that is, the middle of the cycle, will be considered favorable. For the birth of a daughter, conception should be planned before or after ovulation.

The more often young people have sex, the more likely it is that a girl will be conceived.

Superstitions that allow you to find out gender

Some omens sound rather ridiculous in our time. Others have helped more than one modern couple to find out the sex of the baby before he was born. For example, it was believed that if a dad has a bald head or very sparse hair, a son will be born, and dads with dense vegetation on the body and head can safely prepare to braid their daughter's braids. The veracity of this popular belief is still in question. But there are more real signs of pregnancy:

  • pay attention to mom's hair, if it grows very intensively - to be a son;
  • severe swelling of the legs during pregnancy, also prophesies the appearance of a boy;
  • in the early stages, mothers who will nurse their son often complain about the heat in the body, those who are expecting a daughter, on the contrary, always want to warm up;
  • a path of hairs that appeared during pregnancy on the mother's stomach indicates that the birth of a son should be expected;
  • mother, waiting for her son, prefers to sleep on her left side;
  • the heartbeat of the boy's fetus will be up to 140 beats per minute;
  • offer a pregnant woman to eat a clove of garlic if the smell will haunt her longer than a boy is usually born;
  • a sharp change in the mood of a pregnant woman suggests that you need to prepare for the birth of your daughter;
  • a pregnant woman prefers to eat crusts of bread for the birth of a boy, pulp for a girl;
  • if the mother's hands during pregnancy are always wet and warm - there will be a girl, dry and cold - a boy;
  • the sooner the conception of the second child occurs after the birth of the first, the more likely it is that the children will be same-sex. Our grandmothers knew how to find out the sex of the embryo even in the early stages of pregnancy. To do this, it was necessary to take the engagement ring of a young mother, thread a thread into it and, holding the fingers of the hand, “hang” it over the tummy. If the ring begins to loosen - wait for the appearance of a daughter, rotate - a son.

If a pregnant woman prefers to eat slices of bread - there will be a boy, the crumb - a girl

If you are impatient to find out the sex of the child, use several methods and signs at once. But do not be upset if the ultrasound does not show the sex of the baby. Do it yourself according to the signs. For parents, knowing the gender of the baby before birth is not just an interest. When you can find out in advance what color vests and sliders to buy, it will be much easier to prepare for the birth of a new family member.

You can not only determine who will be born to a pregnant woman, but also plan in advance the gender of a new family member. Whether to use the old secrets that tell how to find out the sex of a child is up to you. But even today there are parents who prefer it to remain a secret and a surprise until the baby first meets his parents.