
Menu for a nursing mother in the first month of a newborn’s life

What should a nursing mother's menu be like in the first month of her baby's life? This question worries all mothers without exception, because the taste and quality of breast milk depends...

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Drawing up the correct menu for a nursing mother by month

The correct diet of a nursing mother is especially important in the first month after the birth of a child. This is due to the fact that the newborn's digestive tract is just beginning...

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Drugs to stop lactation: list of drugs

Weaning a baby from the breast is a very delicate process. During this action, both mother and child experience psychological discomfort. It's good when women have...

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What is the period of menstruation when breastfeeding?

All women may experience bleeding immediately after giving birth, even if it was by caesarean section. However, this does not mean that he has recovered...

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How to tighten sagging breasts after breastfeeding

After lactation ends, many women face the problem of breasts sagging, losing their firmness and shape. To avoid such troubles, it is important...

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Menstruation during breastfeeding: when does it start?

The return of the menstrual cycle in a nursing mother is an individual process. For some, discharge begins three months after birth, for others the cycle does not...

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What do you need to know about the menu for a nursing mother in the first month?

The amount and chemical composition of milk and the duration of the lactation period directly depend on the woman’s nutrition. On average, a nursing mother excretes a liter per day...

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Proper nutrition for a nursing mother by month, by age of the child: table

In order for the baby to receive only benefits from breastfeeding, the nursing mother needs to eat properly and nutritiously. Breast milk is the most...

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Pill to stop lactation: list and reviews

Benefits both mother and baby. Doctors believe that long-term breastfeeding promotes the harmonious development of the child. But there are situations when...

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How to tighten breasts after childbirth at home

The article discusses the causes of sagging breasts after pregnancy and provides ways to tighten the mammary glands using wraps, exercises and massage...

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