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Opening the Heavenly Gate is the main holiday of shamans. Opening of Heaven's Gate - the main holiday of shamans

Every week I will publish a post about the Gate, then about the Stars and Spirits. I want you to have a correct understanding about them) I will share interesting topics about Qi in the future, reading life, for example, I want to talk about a past life, but without understanding the Gates, Stars, Spirits I don’t understand this.

To begin with, we will find ourselves in the Qi Ming life map, then the Gate that stands with your Heavenly trunk of the day. Below is a video on how to do it right.


We go to my site site


On the right you will find “CALCULATOR QI ME” and click on “PRESS”


Choose your date, month, year, hour (required). Click the checkbox “Local sunny time” and enter the place of birth.

“System” - select Tea Boo. We leave the “layout” for an hour.

Click "APPLY"


The pillar called DAY is you. We look only at the Heavenly Trunk (NS) of the day.


We are looking for your NS of the day in the Qi less life map.

If you still could not figure out where your Palace of Life is and what your Gate is - write me your details in the comments, I'll see!

I wanted to start with the Open Gate , perhaps because they are standing in my Palace of Life)

Gate of Discovery   - this is a happy Gate. They make it possible to act in all directions. They favor long journeys, meetings with noble people, careers, making money and so on. In all matters there will be happiness and luck.

Gate of Discovery   - this is the spirit of the Metal, and if they fall into the Zhen and Xun Palaces, where the Metal overcomes the Tree, the situation becomes unfavorable. When the Gates cross the Palace, they exert pressure, and then a happy business will not take place.

Symbolic meanings of the Gate

  • In the sky - an early dawn, a thick fog.
  • On earth there is a wide field, a plain.
  • Of the people - a wise man, Taoist, an employee of the observatory, the head of the economy in the temple and monastery.
  • Mood, character - stability, strong, independent, decisive, strict.
  • In the body - the intestines, forehead, sweat, hair.
  • Of the objects are yellow objects, medicines.
  • Buildings and constructions - temple, monastery.
  • From food and drink - cereals and boiled food.
  • Of the classes - Taoism, Buddhism.

Open Gate at the Palace of Life

If the Open Gate stand in your Life Palace - it means you have leadership skills, independent and ambitious, there is enthusiasm and desire to achieve great success. Strong, decisive and unwavering in their beliefs - nothing can stop a person with an Open Gate that has a specific purpose.

Open Gate   - this is the door of action.

As a natural leader, you feel comfortable taking responsibility for any situation. It is difficult to remain subordinate and do not like to accept instructions. There is a strong sense of honor, responsibility for one’s life. You can easily develop your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

You can usually create your own luck. Those who prefer to make money will find a way to do this. If you want to focus on other things, you will find success in other places.

Hard work is your secret to success.

As soon as you can discover your talents, money will certainly come true. Thus, you have good financial prospects in general.

One of the strengths is the willingness to take risks. When it comes to money, risk is reward.

You are one of the most job-oriented and career-oriented people. Learn better and faster when you start from scratch.

You are allowed to learn from your mistakes)

As already mentioned - you are a leader of natural origin. Possess all the necessary qualities for leadership positions. Endowed with excellent organizational skills, you can easily and successfully manage any business.

When it comes to work, you can succeed as a department head, director, executive director, manager, chairman and representative, business owner, contractor, freelancer and, in general, as an independent person.

Faithful and courageous partners. If you feel that your loved ones are in trouble, then come to the rescue and provide support.

If you make friends with you, then the relationship will be very friendly. You have a sense of humor. You can laugh at you and not worry if it does not concern your reputation or the work done.

The fastest way to end a relationship with a person is Open Gate   - it is to indulge and flatter you.

This will make you lose respect for this person, you will not be able to communicate with people for whom you do not have admiration or respect.

You may be hypersensitive to criticism and prone to anxiety because you live at a speed of 100 miles per hour. Must learn not to take criticism to heart.

We must also find ways to balance work and life, especially if you want to learn how to manage stress. Chronic stress can lead to mental health problems and aggravate the physical.

Aggressiveness, competitiveness and stubbornness - this can help you advance in life, but it also affects blood pressure.

Who also has the Open Gate   in the palace of life? There are such?)

Opening of the Heavenly Gate, April 30, on this day the spirits of the Upper World descend to earth to sanctify it, to make it fertile. On this day, the connection with the Spirits of the Upper World is the most durable and accessible. Spirits heed the requests of people to bring health and happiness to the family and the whole race, to give prosperity, wealth and prosperity to the house. On this day, shamans of the whole world are flailing, turning to spirits for help to their wards.

Flailing - a ritual with offerings

Shamans are such a ritual when a shaman directly   communicates with spirits, lets them in, makes offerings to them in exchange for fulfilling his requests or gaining knowledge.
Since ancient times, hundreds of generations of our ancestors have resorted to the help of shamans to ask spirits through them for happiness, for love, for prosperity, for a successful hunt and a rich harvest, for health for themselves and loved ones, for getting rid of diseases and failures, and much more.
There used to be no medicine, no medicine, no pills, no doctors, no psychotherapists, neither psychologists, nor coaches. There were only shamans - people of knowledge who healed people physically and spiritually, cleaned the earth, dwellings, space from evil spirits, changed and improved relationships, corrected situations, influenced the past, present and future!

Irina Maschitskaya graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. Since 2002, a member of the International Art Fund. Her works are in the collections of the Russian Culture Fund, in the Central State Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, as well as in private and corporate collections in Russia and abroad. Large-scale personal exhibitions of the artist were held in the Central House of Artists (“Cloud of Ignorance”, 2001; “Music of the Spheres”, 2002); in the Russian Culture Fund (2002); Moscow Art Fund (2002); Museum of Modern History of Russia ("The Epidemic of Love", 2003); Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg (2007); at the State Institute of Art Studies (2009). In February - March this year, the International Center of the Roerichs hosted the exhibition “Opening of the Gates of Heaven”. The exposition presented 32 works, including two programmatic works of the artist: the multi-part composition “Eternal Truth” (2001) and the triptych “Cloud of Ignorance” (2001).

  “The impact of the acute angle of the triangle on the circle can be as stunning as the result, as the image of the finger of the Lord touching the finger of Adam in the work of Michelangelo,” said the famous Russian artist V. Kandinsky.
The gates of heaven are always open. But apparently, there are times when a person is most susceptible to the flow of spiritual energy emanating from them. For Irina Maschitskaya, this was the period from 2000 to 2006, when she wrote more than 300 paintings and graphic works. This was preceded by years of intense spiritual search, the study of various religions and philosophical systems. But the appeal to painting itself was spontaneous. She suddenly felt that for her it was a way of revealing her nature. Later, reflecting on her understanding of art, Irina was surprised to find that her views echoed the Buddhist principles of dharmic art (art that is consistent with Buddha’s teachings). First of all, the artist believes, the motivation of the creator should be selfless. He should not chase after fashion, fame or money, be guided by the market or try to impress the viewer. “The goal of creativity is dedication, not luck, not success ...”, the poet B. Pasternak once said. Of course, it is important to possess mastery, but even more important is the state of mind in which the artist begins to work. It should not have nervousness, anger, envy, any negative emotions, because they all leave imprints on the picture, and through it are absorbed by the audience. It is also necessary to free consciousness from everyday life: ordinary worries and problems, and from the usual vision of the world. Meditation makes the process of creation spontaneously contemplative. The world of phenomena is perceived with a sense of primordial goodness, peace and beauty, the conflict fades away, and this is what allows us to see reality clearly and completely. The "I" of the artist disappears. He becomes both the creator and the spectator. Sometimes even a novice can take a brush and, being in the right state of mind, create a masterpiece. “It seems to me that an artist is not a profession. The framework of the profession involves limiting, limiting its development. When we bring our receptivity and art to perfection, we cannot be anyone! This is the Way. Being an artist is not a kind of professional activity, it is life and being. ”

Abstract painting does not have to be analyzed. Symbols, shapes, colors - this is the oldest universal language that uses our subconscious to communicate with what we call our "I". Triangles and circles, squares and rectangles, spheres and rhombuses, all this can be seen in Christian and Buddhist temples, and on the walls of the Egyptian pyramids, and in the pyramids of the Indians of pre-Columbian America. This is proved by the studies of the remarkable psychologist and philosopher Karl Gustav Jung. Many founders of abstractionism agreed with him. In their art, they tried to express the inexpressible, to reveal the essence, the "soul" of a thing, and not to reproduce its appearance. Vasily Kandinsky believed that it is best to use colors and shapes for this purpose. “A form, even if it is completely abstract and similar to a geometric one, has its own internal sound, it is a spiritual being ...” Colors affect the viewer as physically, causing certain sensations: joy, delight, or vice versa, irritation - this effect is superficial; and mentally, "when, upon careful scrutiny, the psychic power of the paint is revealed and the color reaches the soul." So, the more attentive the viewer, the more spiritual depths he can discover by following the artist.
  The paintings of Irina Maschitskaya are able to convey both the unforgettable colors of The First Kiss, and The Excitement of the Soul caused by Shostakovich's symphony, and the alarming, prickly chill of Solitude.
  Unusual and in a special way in the work of Irina sounds the eternal theme of love. “Connection of hearts”: in the sphere (symbol of harmony) two triangles, the vertices of which are directed towards each other, their contact creates love, a new sphere, a new harmony.
  Kandinsky was right: “The impact of the acute angle of a triangle on a circle can be as stunning as the result as the image of the finger of the Lord touching the finger of Adam in the work of Michelangelo.” In its highest manifestation, Love is a force capable of creating and sustaining worlds: the masculine and feminine principles, Spirit and Matter, combined together create the “Polar Star”, which shines on so many souls seeking a path in our world.
  The artist attaches particular importance to the possibilities inherent in the human mind, the “Flight of Thought”, which has overcome the limits and limitations of everyday thinking, and soaring freely in the heavenly spheres.
This theme develops in the film “Ball of knowledge. The tunnel of reality. " The ball of knowledge is "a spirit that has reached a state where time and space do not exist, thought is material and not material, and there is an answer to any question." A tunnel is the path by which consciousness enters this state; it also allows it to return back without losing touch with the earth.
  Polyptych “Eternal Truth” is Irina’s most beloved picture, and the most significant for her. It is a black square of 16 squares-stamps. In the center - “Eternal Truth”: “always existing, always unknown, always attractive” spiritual substance, in which “Faith, and Hope, and Mercy are united. It has power, infinity and infinity. ” The painting was born from meditation on the crucifixion of Christ. This is He - Light, in the very heart of Darkness, His hands nailed to the cross are already open for flight from darkness to light, from suffering and death to Eternal Life. Empathy with the crucifixion was so strong that the artist felt that her soul also goes this way. “A break through the Black Square was so necessary for the Soul that it demanded it, - demanded persistently and with tremendous strength. Passage into another dimension ... A long, long corridor, and you are a shell inside ... Light, Light, Light ... Nothing more than an inherent desire to move to where the Soul was, and was repeatedly. The joy of returning. The joy of meeting. Happiness".
  But not everyone is interested in the endless possibilities of the human spirit and flights from darkness to light. The triptych “Cloud of ignorance” shows us an amazing city, resting on a huge poppy flower. The poppy is the divine fire of the spirit within man. In order for it to open, the soul must first be cleansed by tests and sufferings, show persistence, perseverance and patience in overcoming difficulties. They are symbolized by mountains, which must be climbed to get into the city. Inside the city we see temples of all religions. Among them there is no dominant. The task of each temple is to develop the highest love in the soul. Only then the soul is able to go into the spirit world, symbolized by a luminous golden ball. But most people live shrouded in a cloud of ignorance, this opportunity is hidden from them. Red poppies - souls that Christians call blessed, Buddhists - enlightened, should remind those who remain that the gates of heaven are open for them.

18.05.2015 18:02

Spring taylgan or a great holiday of shamans. In Ulan-Ude, the ceremony “Opening the heavenly gates” took place. Almost 50 shamans from the Trans-Baikal Territory, Irkutsk Region, Buryatia and Mongolia came together to pray to the deities and ask them for help in solving various life issues and general well-being. Details in the next plot.

The awakening of nature for shamans is always something special. On this day, Mother Earth and Father Sky are awakening. Shamans by common efforts first open the heavenly gates, then the ceremony of revitalizing the trees. Birches decorated with ribbons represent wealth. For heavenly deities, a table was laid - tahil and a sacrificial ram was prepared.

Bair Tsyrendorzhiev, head of the shamanistic center "Khaan Tengari":

- Shamans will go into a trance, introduce precisely their ancestral ancestors, explaining the purpose of our tilgan. And after that the higher deities descend - this is Burkhan Sagaan Garbal, the divine white principle, which will bless the awakening of nature. And also the governor of the eternally blue sky Buche Noyon, who precisely owns our region.

Opening the heavenly gates, as it were, gives a start to all other prayers, including worship of the masters of the area. Families came here with their gifts in the form of milk, vodka, sweets and tea in order to receive well-being and health in return. Mongol shamans also flew to the taylan; they, unlike ours, use animal skins and bird feathers for rituals, although the principle of stone-throwing is the same.

Members of the environmental expedition from the United States of America also glanced at the opening of the heavenly gate. They happily shared their impressions with us.

Patrick Robertson, USA, Arizona:

  - The fact is that when a drum plays, you feel this rhythm, this is a special sensation, and it is very strong, this is what I now feel along with these drums. For me it is a very strong feeling. From where I come from, we do not have such a shamanistic tradition. But I was in Mongolia and we also have tribes in America, there are American Indians who hold similar ceremonies, also plays the drum and makes offerings to the deities.

Sirafina Nes, Navajo Native American Tribe (Arizona):

  - This is my first visit here, to this part of the country, to Russia as a whole. I am so surprised that I found so much in common, in this ceremony, with what we are doing in the United States in our tribe. We also make offerings, but usually we do it in the morning. From the pouch and salute the deities to the East who descend from heaven.

Such big holidays in shamanism take place twice a year. Opening the gates of heaven in spring and closing in the fall. In winter, the deities retire and fall into a dream.

Each person is an integral part of Nature (matter and all elemental forces), a link in the chain of his Family (collective soul of ancestors), part of a collective superconscious (personified in the faces of Gods and spirits).

And only the ego, like a kind of shell, separates a person’s microcosm from the macrocosm of the world, thereby depriving him of energy, internal forces, integrity and harmony.

At present, a special time of the year is coming - the natural forces of spring are awakening, the energy of life begins to manifest itself everywhere: buds appear on trees, insects come to life, animals come out of hibernation ... The same awakening must occur in the body, psyche, soul, consciousness of every person .

But many modern people live divorced from nature, and the process of spring energy awakening may not occur, not to mention the spiritual awakening ...

In the subconscious of a person, his birth canals should also awaken in the spring, because each of us is a continuation of our ancestors: parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, etc., as well as a reflection of the natural forces, energy of the area, home, etc. subconscious in the form of certain spirits.

The worldview of a person who feels his unity with the world, nature, ancestors, has always been based on people turning to Gods, ancestors, forces of nature, spirits, etc.

And the most important day in which the inner forces of man were awakened, allowing to spend the whole year most productively (in unity with the universe), is considered the day on which the spring energy begins to awaken - the energy of a new life cycle.

On this day, a ritual of the Opening of the Heavenly Gates is carried out, through which the Bright Deities descend to earth, awakening the forces of fertility and a new cycle of life. The ritual is also carried out in order to help each person to feel in his soul the awakening of new forces and unity with natural cycles.

Man tuned with the energy of nature directly feels the awakening of her life in his soul in the form of bright spirits, spirits of the kind, spirits of the locality, etc.

On this day, communication with the spiritual world is the most durable and accessible. Bright Spirits heed the requests of people and bestow prosperity.

Ritual fire, embodying the fire of the new summer and the Supreme Spiritual Fire, with the help of which all worlds were created, cleanses from sins of the past period and gives new strength.

The rite of cleansing and tuning will allow you to get rid of all the negativity of the past period and lay health and success in all matters of a new period of life. It is on this day that you can change the course of fate for the better.

After the opening of the Heavenly Gate and attunement of the subconscious with a new life cycle, one can conduct tribal rites, commemorate the ancestors, ask for their help and support, and also attract helpers to help in the affairs of spirits. When asked how appropriate it is to use this force to harmonization   and improvements   of your life, the answer is obvious: your ancestors live in you, in your subconscious in the form of "tribal spirits", and the purpose of their life is your survival and your well-being, their main motive is to help those living.

Appeals to Gods, ancestors, the forces of nature and domestic rituals have always been an important part of the life of every person living in harmony with the environment, ancestors (genus), nature, and this brought health and harmony in all areas of life.