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Gavryusha and beautiful. Andrey Belyaninavryusha and beautiful PrologueHouse in the alley

Gavryusha and Beautiful Andrey Belyanin, Igor Kasilov

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Title: Gavryusha and Beautiful

About the book “Gavryusha and Beautiful” by Andrey Belyanin, Igor Kasilov

It all started with the fact that the first-grader Yegorka found a brownie in his apartment. Normal, short, with a red beard, in bast shoes and a shirt out of the way. True, his new friend did not know how to tell bedtime stories. But perfectly involved both Yegor and his parents in the fairy tale itself, and then the fairy tale itself decided to appear in the real world. Why not? Moreover, Gavryusha did not bother to receive a diploma and a certificate for magic at home. But conjuring without permission is much more fun!

Let's go, brothers ?!

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House in the alley

In a narrow Moscow alley with the rare name Little Nest, there is a house. He is very old and looks like a retired officer of the imperial army. Its growth is two floors, attic and roof. In the cold winter, the veteran smokes chimneys like cigarettes. The entrance to the house is high, solemn, even when a lost cat rubs on the threshold. If you could walk around the house, you would surely limp and groan. His ear walls are hopelessly deaf, his eyes and windows often watery, and the wooden steps under the weight of the residents and guests will certainly complain about life. Here it is, the old age of a cultural monument.

In Soviet times, a hostel was located here, and when the time came for offices and banks, everyone was resettled. Fortunately, the house did not become either an office or a bank, because it was far from avenues and wide streets. In the house they arranged four apartments with amenities and settled new residents. The third is the Beautiful family. With a capital letter, because it is a surname. She went to Valentin Valentinovich the Beautiful, as expected, from the pope, and now he is his father twice. Valentin Valentinovich has a wife, Alexandra Alexandrovna, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Glasha and the seven-year-old son Egor. All too, of course, Beautiful. But who is Gavryusha, where he lives and what he does is not easy to find out.

But we will try to tell you ...

Chapter first,
in which everything strangely disappears and appears

The morning began when Papa ran into another puddle, this time with his bare left foot. The previous trouble went to the right foot, and it was less fortunate, because when your toe and your feet get wet, you are already overwhelmed with double feelings.

- Egor! - called dad, studying the location of wet places on the floor.

I had to call in a whisper, because, as my mother said yesterday, “only at your work they can guess to arrange a meeting on Saturday early in the morning.” Dad then silently shrugged and promised to pack quietly.

Traces led him to the bathroom. Unsuspecting son, passionate about the game, met his father with the team "Pli!" and a gulp of numerous splashes. Valentin Valentinovich did not have time to dodge, for which he was struck by a direct hit in the only ironed shirt. By the way, my mother’s next words were recalled that “only our dad, unlike normal people, dresses before washing”. Thank goodness he hadn't worn trousers yet.

Papa prudently closed the door and made a stern face. The bathtub was almost full. Son concentrated nozzles nearby and fumbled with paper boats.

- Egor! Why are you awake?!!

The boy flinched and turned around. After making sure that mom was not on the horizon (and you can always agree with dad), he began to roll up his wet sleeves of his pajamas.

- Dad, I'll clean it. She won’t even guess, dad. Cool, right? - Junior smiled, pointing to the boats. “The Royal Navy is defeated again!” The Black Pearl is gone at the last moment! Pirates are free! Let's play, dad? I'll give you a boat ... maybe ... one.

- Egor! Where is my sock ?! I am late!!!

“I don’t know,” the boy did not answer immediately, examining Valentin Valentinovich’s white foot and looking at his sock. “Can you lend me this one?”

- What for? - Dad also looked down.

“He's black, like the smallest pirate flag ever!” Black flag! Black flag! Black flag!

“Oh dear ...” Val Valych (relatives called Valentin Valentinovich for short) hastened to leave the bathroom and cautiously leaked into the bedroom.

- What is our son doing? - Mom asked in the pillow.

“He has it there ...” - Dad reached for the closet, but the drawer with linen categorically refused to advance, “a sea battle.” Sleep, Sasha, Yegor will clean up, wipe the puddles ...

For a moment, he bit his tongue and stopped to understand - the last two words were actually spoken aloud or he only thought about them. Mom did not ask for anything, but flashed past with the roar of a police car. Her lively conversation with a minor pirate dispelled doubts - her father blundered too much.

Val Valych rummaged through his drawer, but did not find a pair of socks. Sighing bitterly, he decided on the left in a dark green cage. “But it's dry!” - he consoled himself, pulled on a sock, ducked into his trousers, tucked his splattered shirt on and hastened to flee into the hallway.

Glasha Beautiful is an owl. Not a bird, of course, but in the sense that in the morning there are no hours for her until eleven or twelve. Unlike a mother who is ready to jump from any sound, the young girl is sure that no dog will wake her on Saturday.

This time she was mistaken.

Blame, of course, is their roommate, the bathrocologist Innokenty Ivanovich, who managed to start the repair and make friends with his parents. He didn’t feel a warm voice for him, because he was afraid of his giant toads, like ... like ordinary girls are afraid of reptiles. And he himself looks like a reptile: eyes with beads, bald, and the eternal smile of thin lips to ears.

The fact is that the cunning Innokenty Ivanovich persuaded his mom and dad to keep his old bicycle for himself during the repair. The same bike that dad, trying to rush off quietly, and dropped like the Eiffel Tower, on his own foot.

Glasha abruptly switched from the "sleep" mode to the "what the hell?" and hunched menacingly on the bed, rubbing her eyes. Angry Alexandra Alexandrovna leaned out of the bathroom and, instead of wishing her father a good day, was indignant:

- I asked to clean it on the balcony! And if he crashed into a child? !!

“So you don't feel sorry for me?” - Dad groaned, jumping on one leg and wincing in pain.

“I am more worried about parquet and Innokenty Ivanovich,” my mother honestly admitted and focused on her wet son. - Egorushka, promise that you will no longer breed the blue sea here, okay?

The boy hugged the sour paper ships, looking longingly at the water running into the drain hole.

“Mom, think about it, Mom!” It’s cold outside, the kitchen utensils are dirty, the toilet is cramped. Where else am I going? Will you give me a dryer to dry the boats?

- Here's another! - Glasha seized the right to answer from mom. She was eager to take the combined bathroom for about forty minutes with songs, a hairdryer and a couple of secret calls on her cell phone. - Stricter with him, mom, stricter as with dad.

Yegor greeted his sister with his tongue sticking out, she traditionally showed her. Then the boy decided to give a speech.

- As you do not understand, I grow, I know the world, I need to develop! I’ll grow up and will like you - sleep, eat, work and surf the Internet. And now I need to play with someone. You have no time, because while you need to sleep, eat, work and surf the Internet ... I understand everything, but you also understand me. You know what? - Yegor handed the wet fleet to his mother and looked around his women with a look of a man who possesses the innermost truth. - Real pirates wear earrings, like girls, only one!

Glafira rolled her eyes, and mom smiled.

- I won’t know where to get the earring? - Yegor admitted, watching the reaction of his sister.

“So, I see,” Glasha squeezed through her teeth and pulled the bathroom door toward herself. - But I can’t help with anything, very little.

Mom patted her son on the head and led to change clothes in another room.

- Mom, why don't you want to play with me? - The son obediently extended his arms, helping his mother remove his wet pajamas from him. - Yes, I understand that dad provides for his family, - (mom nodded seriously), - you cook, put things in order and tell dad what date you got married, - (mom nodded again, and Yegor allowed her to pull on a new t-shirt), - and Glasha ... wants to pick up a cool guy, I heard ...

- From here in more detail. - Mom squatted to see the honest face of her son.

- Mom, don't you understand? At their age, they need either a sports guy or an adult man on a BMW.

- Did Glasha say that?

“I can clarify ...”

- Do not worry, mom will clarify.

It's breakfast time. Egorushka sat in front of a plate of oatmeal carefully prepared by his mother, and showed this viscous slurry to two plastic pirates. The robbers "bent over", "looked" with painted eyes, and "fell dead." While mom was pouring herself green tea, Yegor poured some milk from a glass into a paper boat.

Alexandra Alexandrovna tried to be an example for her son and ate the first three spoons of porridge with almost convincing pleasure.

“Do you know, sailor, that every great pirate, especially the British, didn’t have breakfast without oatmeal and ...” “Mom Sasha made a reckless pause.

“... and bottles of rum,” the son mechanically finished, squinting at the glass.

- I came up with more! - affectionate mother almost choked and handed her son a spoon. - Here is your weapon. Join in

While she was trying to easily swallow the next three doses of porridge, Yegor made a few funny grimaces in a spoon.

- Mom, can I share with Glasha?

My sister flew into the kitchen, habitually squeezing a cell phone between her ear and shoulder, which greatly damaged my posture. The girl opened the refrigerator, took a bar of smoked meat and threw the booty on a cutting board in the middle of a "real pirate breakfast." The kitchen knife flashed.

The amount of pieces chopped by Glasha could easily be enough for one pirate feast with fireworks and parrots for dessert. The unfinished meat returned to the refrigerator, and the sister began to eat right from the cutting board, grunting and biting into the pipe. Her primitive breakfast was complemented by a glass of instant coffee with three tablespoons of sugar. She washed the meat with big sips of a hungry cave hunter.

Mom watched Glasha with envy, and Yegor with admiration.

“She has a great chance of becoming a pirate,” he said quietly to his mother. “But there is another option.”

- Which one? - as quietly, under the chewing and lowing of her daughter, my mother asked.

“If they accept me as a pirate, we will steal it and sell it to the Arab harem.”

Alexandra Alexandrovna covered her mouth with her hand.

“Mom, I'm going to Svetka’s birthday today,” Glasha said. Without parting with the tube, she began to examine herself in the abdomen. “We're getting back ...”

Mom drowned a spoon in the porridge and reached for a napkin. The daughter took the last delicious sip from the mug and left the kitchen. On the cutting board were several tempting fragrant pieces of smoked meat. Mom Sasha took a clean plate for the second and covered them to look at something else.

“The pirates did not eat oatmeal,” Yegor admitted disappointedly. - Clear as a day.

He pushed back his plate and boldly met his mother's disapproving look.

- And why is that? She asked, trying to be impenetrable.

- Because they did not have moms who are on a diet.

- I came up with it! - offended mom. - Do not want, do not eat.

- Thanks. - Yegor got down from his chair, collected toys and, obviously cheerful, ran to play.

Mom was convinced that they did not see her, and reached for the cutting board, raised the plate ... took off completely ... Empty!

The woman started. Which magician did this, did Yegor really? When managed? Glancing around, Beautiful bent over and looked under the table. She didn’t find anything there.

In the meantime, Glasha threw the phone on her messy bed and fluttered to the closet. She quickly picked up the dress and hung it on the handle. Preoccupations and preparations followed, everything moved like clockwork until the line of catkins came up. Of those that were needed, only one was found. A bad memory flashed through my head: before breakfast, my brother begged for pirate earrings. Suspicions made the girl tipto out of the room.

- Brother, where are you?

The answer to the strict call was a slight prick of a plastic sword in the back.

“Now you are my captive, lady!” He announced solemnly and bowed. “I will sell you to the Arab harem.” Expensively.

Glasha turned around, grabbed the end of the sword and dragged her brother into her territory. There he was silently presented with a single earring. He looked at the little thing for a long time, then broke into a smile and, as far as there was enough hands, hugged his sister.

- Thank you, you are kind! Is this really me?

- Where is the second? - The question canceled the process of family hugs and turned communication in a different direction.

- I did not take! - Yegor answered confidently and blinked.

He stepped back to return to the role of a noble robber and take a pose appropriate to the moment.

“Although I am a pirate, a young lady, I don’t take things from my sister without asking.”

- OK Go. - Glasha followed him with a look, which is usually accompanied by seriously ill patients, and sighed, realizing that it was necessary to pick up other earrings. Nothing to do about.

Proudly raising his chin, Yegor retired.

In the hallway, a bicycle collapsed again.

- Thousand devils! The boy screamed menacingly.

Mom came out of the kitchen, wiping the plate.

- You are mistaken, son, only one. What's so fast, Hell is closed for repairs?

Val Valych hugged the knee of one leg, dancing on the other.

- Just look! - exclaimed mother Sasha. - Yes, there are different socks on it!

“I forgot the rights,” dad said barely.

“Have you ever seen what you wore on yourself ?!” - She did not let up.

- Saw! I was looking for! There are no others in the house! They all disappeared !!!

Glafira joined the event, who subtly looked at the problem from the other side:

“Have you noticed?” Paired things disappear.

“And unpaired, too,” added Papa, after which he stopped feeling sorry for the bruised limb and with the appearance of a bear trying to find a toothbrush after hibernation, climbed into all the hallway boxes to look for a driver's card. He sniffed and groaned completely like a bear.

“You're right,” said mom, “the cut also disappeared, right from under that plate.” - She showed a snow-white plate for the second one, which she no longer parted with.

However, under the skeptical look of her daughter, she was embarrassed and backtracked.

“Unless, of course, Yegorushka ...”, Sasha's mother began quietly, as if making excuses. But she stammered and didn’t say anything else, watching how Papa energetically plunges the hall into chaos, throwing out everything that is possible from all the boxes.

“Pop my spleen if I don't know who it is!” - pathetically yelled Yegor.

“Tell me, son, tell me,” dad muttered under his nose, not getting up from all fours and plunging into another box. “Maybe it will be easier for us.”

- All set up a brownie, definitely!

- Brownie? - The sister leaned her back on the doorpost of her room. - One-eyed, lame and with a parrot on his shoulder?

“Well, no, an ordinary Russian brownie,” Yegor explained. - He plays. He hides things and watches what we will do.

Dad broke away from the search and stood with the letter G, resting his hands on his knees.

“Anyone who hides other people's things and watches me lose my job should be in prison.”

- I know what to do. - Yegor folded his hands in a pretzel. - I must say loudly: "Brownie, play and give everything back!"

“It was his grandmother who taught me,” the sister diagnosed immediately.

“I’m not charging your houseman like that,” my father responded in turn. - Here other words are needed, grandfathers, those that he told me in secret about the deputies.

- And I believe you, son! - mother supported Egor and winked at her daughter. - Brownie, play and give everything back! Hey, Val Valych, say sorry, or what?

- No pity. - Dad straightened and straightened his back, clutching his lower back. - Brownie, play and give everything back, but don’t give it, you will pay for the apartment yourself and put Glasha on the balance sheet. Glasha, daughter, do you agree?

- No, really. - The girl stood her hands on her hips and alternately looking at her father and mother. Then she spat, and was fortunate enough to pronounce a spell on Grandma: “Brownie, play and give everything back.” And also my lipstick is running out, someone’s stash, please, really need it!

- Dreaming, - cut off Val Valich and put his hands in the pockets of his trousers. His face became preoccupied. - What the hell?!

Dad took out his right hand, squeezing a driver's card.

- You see! You see! - the boy was delighted and jumped in place. - And you did not believe! He is good, just no one plays with him, as with me.

- We’ll check it now! - Mom with excitement ran into the bedroom, from where she soon returned with a pair of identical black socks. She laid them on Dad's outstretched hand. “Next time, dear, ask the brownie and pat you shirt.” He is good, he will not refuse.

“Good,” dad answered obediently, still not believing what was happening. - Well, will I go?

Quickly, like evidence, he scattered the finds in his pockets and, holding the bike, left the apartment. Mom turned to Glasha. She stood with her eyes hatching.

“It's your turn, daughter.”

“Go look,” the satisfied boy supported his mother. “Your earrings are together again.”

- Oh, what ?! - turning around, Glasha snorted, but returned to the room.

Brother and mother, unable to resist, followed.

- Here they are, on the box !!! - Yegorushka squeaked cheerfully and took the pose of a flying Superman. - Thanks, brownie! You are a good guy!

“Lucky for you, brother.” - Sister picked up the earrings. “Okay, so be it ...” She opened the box, rustled there and took out a couple of clips. - Here, take it. One is broken, and the second is still holding. Use it. Just tell your housekeeper that I wasn’t joking about lipstick.

Yegorushka, having received such a long-awaited and unexpected gift, went to piracy at the nursery right now, and her mother hugged Glasha and silently kissed her on the temple.

Until the evening, Alexandra Alexandrovna wandered around the kitchen, muttered under her nose, picked up a tablecloth, looked into the refrigerator. The smoked meat of the brownie never returned to her.

Chapter two
in which Yegor meets Gavryusha

Egor thoughtfully felt the plastic pirate. It was a gloomy December evening, not a child’s time, so the boy was lying in the bed, and his mother was sitting nearby, on the edge, and stroking his whirls.

- Understand, son, it happened. My dad and I are working, Glasha needs to go to college, and the school quarantines. Do you know what happens when you quarantine somewhere?

“I know,” he turned to the wall, “the parents take the children out of school, leave them alone at home, and they run to work, like a sale ...”

- Nobody is leaving anyone. - Mom smiled a warm, summer smile. - During quarantine, school doors are closed to everyone.

“Even for the director?” - Yegorushka glanced incredulously at her.

“Even for the director.” And anyway, why are you upset? You just have to wait a grandmother for a couple of hours, she will be here by dinner and sit with you until my dad and I come back.

- Will he sit or play?

- And he will sit, and play, and feed dinner, and tell a fairy tale. Promise me to behave myself, okay? Do not touch anything, especially the washing machine and microwave.

- What, son?

“Do something delicious for breakfast ...”

“Good,” she reassured, but honestly amended: “If I don't oversleep.”

An idea flashed in the boy's eyes.

- And you ask for a brownie! He will definitely wake you up! - Egor even sat down at the thought that dawned on him. - Do you want me to ask?

- Deal! - Mother Sasha eagerly played along. - Ask. Only, chur, without tickling the heels, I'm terribly afraid of this. Now sleep, honey.

The son nodded and plopped down on the pillow. With a sense of accomplishment, mom got up and quietly left the nursery.

“Our hero has a new trick,” said mom, returning to her husband’s bedroom and pulling the blanket all the way to the chin (dad was in a half-nap). “I think the pirates will be over soon and he will completely switch to the brownie.”

“Our leadership also has a new topic,” said Papa slowly, “to stand in the street in the morning and meet the latecomers.” Dear, if I oversleep, it’s better to shoot me at home ...

Mom stroked her husband's ear and kissed the back of her head.

“Sleep, my good one, your son ordered a wake-up call from the brownie.”

“That's how ... and what we fools have set alarms?”

Soon they fell asleep.

At exactly five, when only snowflakes and rarely passing cars were sleeping outside the window, Innokenty Ivanovich’s bicycle collapsed.

Parents sat down, looking at each other with frost-bitten gophers.

“Thieves,” the worst mother suggested.

“Cat,” dad said optimistically.

- Where from?

- Alien. We forgot to close the door, she went in, rubbed herself and dropped ...

- And what if she was hurt to death ?!

Both parents climbed into slippers and with the appearance of experienced intruders began to sneak into the hallway. Turning on the light and making sure that the front door is locked and that there is no cat at all, they set off to fill up.

Mom and dad got up strictly according to the alarm clock, so after they left for work, Yegor read this note: “SON! TO BREAKFAST OF A SANDWICH AND MILK. Sorry, I did not succeed. WAIT FOR THE GRAND AND DO NOT BE SAD! ”

The boy threw the leaf away, rubbed his sleepy eyes and sighed. He sat at the kitchen table, looking at the hated glass of milk from the Kuban Burenka. I had to hold my sleepy head with my hands, resting my elbows on the tablecloth. Sandwiches with paste evoked a strong desire to put them in the bin and forget forever.

Egor crawled out of his chair, deciding to look for a replacement for sandwiches in the refrigerator. I wanted hot, fragrant pancakes with blackberry jam, dried fruit compote and for the whole family to sit nearby, including Glasha - so be it. The contents of the refrigerator did not inspire, he slammed the door, turned and ... saw a little uncle with red hair, in pajamas with patches and knitted striped socks, sitting on his chair, chewing a sandwich from a bin and sipping his milk.

“Mom overslept,” the boy said reproachfully. When he really wanted to meet, but was a little embarrassed, Yegor began to speak with the person as with an old acquaintance. - Breakfast could be just wonderful if mom woke up on time. If you woke her ...

There was not a drop of doubt left that the arrogant red glutton was the brownie on which all hopes were pinned.

“And then some,” the boy continued, entering the role of the prosecutor, “could have a much better breakfast now.” Yes Yes!

Red grunted and said loudly, with a mouth full:

- Here are the children, ah! You try for them, you don’t close your eyes all night, you drop your bicycles, and you won’t wake the Tsar Cannon yourself. Now it will be going all day. And after all, what moment I picked up, it’s just as if he really sees me!

- I see! - Confidently confirmed Yegor and pointed to a red finger. “You are sitting on my chair, eating a sandwich with a paste, but you yourself have probably not washed your face yet and have not brushed your teeth.”

The brownie choked and coughed.

- Here are those times! - He was confused and ducked under the table. - I am not here! You dream about it, boy. You're still sleeping!

Egor hobbled to the table in a businesslike way, lifted a tablecloth and laughed, as children usually laugh, catching a cat in the process of selflessly licking ... a bowl of sour cream. The stranger did not understand this and continued to play unconscious:

- Hey, man, are you? Why are you talking to me? I didn’t show you! He didn’t show, right ?! Oh!

The boy unceremoniously poked the little man with a finger on the cheek. Stiffened by surprise, he only mumbled:

- Okay, yours has taken, I give up ...

- Come on out! - Yegorushka shouted joyfully. “You have no idea how bored I am!”

The brownie got out from under the tablecloth, almost dropping the table and everything that mom had put on it. The look of the red crank was, to put it mildly, peculiar. The hair is disheveled, like after a whirlwind, linen clothes are stained, and a finger sticks out of a hole in the sock. Realizing that they were looking at him, the peasant covered his finger with his other paw and wiped his palm on his shirt in a peasant way.

- Let's get acquainted, or what?

- Come on! - The boy shook his outstretched hand. - My name is Egor.

- And me Gavryusha. Well, what do you want?

- The name is funny, so I laugh.

- Actually, my name is Gavrila Kuzmich, and even the name is there, only I forgot it. And I call myself Gavryusha for tenderness, to make people like you laugh.

“Do you know what my grandmother will say when she arrives?” - Egor became serious.

Brownie glanced toward the table and suggested:

- Will it make you get out?

“She will say that you, Gavryusha, are a sloven, and you will drive to wash.”

- Here's another! On, look how I can! - And with a click of his fingers the eccentric instantly dressed in old boyar clothes embroidered in gold. - Look, not a single grandmother can resist!

- Perhaps this is too much. You have to look modern.

- And what do you understand! - He waved his hand and exchanged a suit for screaming jeans pop stars, a shirt with a neckline to the navel and a baseball cap in the stars. - Here you are, nowhere is more modern. Arranges?

- Well I do not know. Grandmother says that there is only depravity on TV, and now you’re just like from TV ...

The brownie sat displeased right on the floor, and then it dawned on him:

- Fuck you! Here is a blabber, tomboy! She won’t see a shisha.

- Why? - Yegor walked around a new friend. “I see you.”

“You are another matter, only one who believes in me sees.” - Gavryusha with disgust pulled colorful rags. - So you believe that I am?

- Sure! - And in confirmation of what was said, the boy poked a brownie with his finger on the other cheek. He had already returned to his old shirt and sighed more freely.

“That's right, and my grandmother will not believe in anything, for I am a product of magic, which you call a fairy tale.”

- The magic? - Egorushka thought. - And the granny believes in advertising. Mom tells her not to believe, but she still believes and orders all kinds of medical magnets on the radio ... And she knows a lot of fairy tales ...

- Well, you, brother, compared me and advertising! Incidentally, I, unlike your advertisement, have been hanging around the world for nearly three hundred years, I have seen all the grandmothers of today in diapers being slobbering. It's not like the first TV, I personally turned on the first light bulb, but you tell me ...

“Have you seen the pirates?”

The simple question was a little embarrassing to the boastful creation of magic. It scratched itself and reported:

“I probably haven’t seen any pirates.” In Russia, somehow more robbers and bribes take root. But if you want ...

The face of the man changed this very second, and the kitchen disappeared, and the air became different, and the floor swayed. Egor and Gavryusha with heroic faces stood proudly on the deck of a formidable frigate. High on the top of the mast, the Jolly Roger swayed. A team fussed around, someone warned of danger and pointed to the horizon.

They were pursued by a ship from a British trading company, about to open a shot from black side guns. The heroes drew their swords, and when the shooting started, they were not afraid, rushing to the side and cheering the rest. The British inexorably caught up, the wind was on their side.

- Take the enemy on board and pour on the first number! - Egor boldly suggested, while the whole team scattered in horror. Some jumped overboard, although where to sail in the ocean ...

“And indeed, Egorka, we will show the adversaries what the Russian pirate is capable of!” - Gavrila Kuzmich yelled and showed the enemy a long, long tongue. The boy did the same, but the length of his tongue could not be compared with the capabilities of the brownie.

The British bravely moored to the pirate vessel, with a hoot and shots they ran across, jumped over and jumped to the deck. The pirate team cowardly raised their hands, surrendering to the mercy of the winner. And only two desperate brave men, one of whom had just turned seven, and the other almost hit three hundred, were met by the military forces of Britain - back to back, ready to fight to the end!

They took an unequal battle, but soon realized that the enemy forces outweighed, and their own irrevocably leave.

- Barricade ourselves in the captain's cabin! - Yegorushka pulled the brownie along with him.

Friends rushed off, fighting off and kicking off the stubborn British. The door for some reason was very similar to the front door of their apartment. The cabin opened and a grandmother appeared on the doorstep. The sea disappeared, instead of the sky a familiar ceiling hung. Gavryusha disappeared ...

- Hello, grandson! What are you doing?

- Oh, hello, women! This is happening here! The whole team got scared and hid, only Gavryusha and I fought like real heroes!

- What did you eat? - strictly asked Svetlana Vasilievna. - What did my daughter feed you? Porridge, I hope?

Val Valych called the arrival of his grandmother a prosecutor’s check. Yegorushka did not know what it was, but he felt his dad shy and shrink.

Granny quickly hung up her coat, changed her shoes and confidently took up her chores, no longer asking questions. Having washed her hands, mother’s mother took a huge rustling bag to the kitchen, from which it began to appear that Yegor loved: a stack of still hot pancakes, a thermos with dogrose, a jar of blackberry jam, two plastic containers with the first and second dishes and a healthy piece of meat pie .

The boy carefully watched the process of extracting products, remembering that today he did not have time to have breakfast. Yes and when? The British attacked them! He nestled on a chair on his knees, leaning on the table with his hands.

- Come on, sit down normally!

- Granny, feed Gavryusha too, please! He woke his mother in the morning, but did not!

Grandma smoothed the bag.

- What kind of Gavryusha doesn’t let such mom sleep? Did I miss anything?

“Granny, you missed so much!” - The boy clung to the cake, chewed a large piece and continued: - Firstly, he is terribly old, his name is Gavrila Kuzmich, but I have to call him Gavryusha, otherwise he is offended.

- Old, you say? - Granny’s eyes also somehow got old at once. - And this ... Kuzmich has been living with you for a long time?

- For a long time, only he used to hide, and today he ate my breakfast and got caught!

- I ate your breakfast ?! - Svetlana Vasilievna again turned into attention itself. - And what's next?

- He showed me his outfits ...

- Pirate him just right. - Yegor took a sip of a rosehip broth, poured from a thermos, and encouragingly stroked his nosy granny on his plump hand. - Relax, he’s kind, says that he’s seen you in swaddling clothes.

From such revelations, my grandmother almost fell off a chair.

“Why is this happening without my knowledge ?!” - She could not resist, blushing with rage. - And where is your father looking? I would give him in the face once, like a man! Gavrila Kuzmich fucking !!! But how does the earth wear it, in a dress does he dress with a child ?!

- Bab, calm down! Dad just doesn't know anything yet.

Svetlana Vasilyevna nervously invited her sparse dyed hair. Her hands trembled, and her lips twisted in silent curses. Little Yegor first saw so many conflicting emotions in one glance ...

- Dad does not believe in Gavryusha, although I told everyone.

“Yes, this is your dad hat,” my grandmother was ready to cry, “I would tell him ... Well, nothing, I’ll tell my mother ... Where is he?”

“Why did your dad give up on me ?!” He is what is, what is not him. Where is Kuzmich?

“It should be in the apartment, but only those who truly believe in it see it.”

“A sectarian, then,” the elderly woman said quietly and pressed her grandson to her. “And how long have they been torturing you with hunger, my bloodlet?”

Egor heard her big heart beating.

- Granny, Gavryusha is an ordinary brownie.

Added: 08/24/2016

It all started with the fact that the first-grader Yegorka found a brownie in his apartment. Normal, short, with a red beard, in bast shoes and a shirt out of the way. True, his new friend did not know how to tell bedtime stories. But perfectly involved both Yegor and his parents in the fairy tale itself, and then the fairy tale itself decided to appear in the real world. Why not? Moreover, Gavryusha did not bother to receive a diploma and a certificate for magic at home. But conjuring without permission is much more fun! Let's go, brothers ?!

House in the alley

In a narrow Moscow alley with the rare name Little Nest, there is a house. He is very old and looks like a retired officer of the imperial army. Its growth is two floors, attic and roof. In the cold winter, the veteran smokes chimneys like cigarettes. The entrance to the house is high, solemn, even when a lost cat rubs on the threshold. If you could walk around the house, you would surely limp and groan. His ear walls are hopelessly deaf, his eyes and windows often watery, and the wooden steps under the weight of the residents and guests will certainly complain about life. Here it is, the old age of a cultural monument.

In Soviet times, a hostel was located here, and when the time came for offices and banks, everyone was resettled. Fortunately, the house did not become either an office or a bank, because it was far from avenues and wide streets. In the house they arranged four apartments with amenities and settled new residents. The third is the Beautiful family. With a capital letter, because it is a surname. She went to Valentin Valentinovich the Beautiful, as expected, from the pope, and now he is his father twice. Valentin Valentinovich has a wife, Alexandra Alexandrovna, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Glasha and the seven-year-old son Egor. All too, of course, Beautiful. But who is Gavryusha, where he lives and what he does is not easy to find out.

But we will try to tell you ...

Chapter first,
in which everything strangely disappears and appears

The morning began when Papa ran into another puddle, this time with his bare left foot. The previous trouble went to the right foot, and it was less fortunate, because when your toe and your feet get wet, you are already overwhelmed with double feelings.

- Egor! - called dad, studying the location of wet places on the floor.

I had to call in a whisper, because, as my mother said yesterday, “only at your work they can guess to arrange a meeting on Saturday early in the morning.” Dad then silently shrugged and promised to pack quietly.

Traces led him to the bathroom. Unsuspecting son, passionate about the game, met his father with the team "Pli!" and a gulp of numerous splashes. Valentin Valentinovich did not have time to dodge, for which he was struck by a direct hit in the only ironed shirt. By the way, my mother’s next words were recalled that “only our dad, unlike normal people, dresses before washing”. Thank goodness he hadn't worn trousers yet.

Papa prudently closed the door and made a stern face. The bathtub was almost full. Son concentrated nozzles nearby and fumbled with paper boats.

- Egor! Why are you awake?!!

The boy flinched and turned around. After making sure that mom was not on the horizon (and you can always agree with dad), he began to roll up his wet sleeves of his pajamas.

- Dad, I'll clean it. She won’t even guess, dad. Cool, right? - Junior smiled, pointing to the boats. “The Royal Navy is defeated again!” The Black Pearl is gone at the last moment! Pirates are free! Let's play, dad? I'll give you a boat ... maybe ... one.

- Egor! Where is my sock ?! I am late!!!

“I don’t know,” the boy did not answer immediately, examining Valentin Valentinovich’s white foot and looking at his sock. “Can you lend me this one?”

- What for? - Dad also looked down.

“He's black, like the smallest pirate flag ever!” Black flag! Black flag! Black flag!

“Oh dear ...” Val Valych (relatives called Valentin Valentinovich for short) hastened to leave the bathroom and cautiously leaked into the bedroom.

- What is our son doing? - Mom asked in the pillow.

“He has it there ...” - Dad reached for the closet, but the drawer with linen categorically refused to advance, “a sea battle.” Sleep, Sasha, Yegor will clean up, wipe the puddles ...

For a moment, he bit his tongue and stopped to understand - the last two words were actually spoken aloud or he only thought about them. Mom did not ask for anything, but flashed past with the roar of a police car. Her lively conversation with a minor pirate dispelled doubts - her father blundered too much.

Val Valych rummaged through his drawer, but did not find a pair of socks. Sighing bitterly, he decided on the left in a dark green cage. “But it's dry!” - he consoled himself, pulled on a sock, ducked into his trousers, tucked his splattered shirt on and hastened to flee into the hallway.

Glasha Beautiful is an owl. Not a bird, of course, but in the sense that in the morning there are no hours for her until eleven or twelve. Unlike a mother who is ready to jump from any sound, the young girl is sure that no dog will wake her on Saturday.

This time she was mistaken.

Blame, of course, is their roommate, the bathrocologist Innokenty Ivanovich, who managed to start the repair and make friends with his parents. He didn’t feel a warm voice for him, because he was afraid of his giant toads, like ... like ordinary girls are afraid of reptiles. And he himself looks like a reptile: eyes with beads, bald, and the eternal smile of thin lips to ears.

The fact is that the cunning Innokenty Ivanovich persuaded his mom and dad to keep his old bicycle for himself during the repair. The same bike that dad, trying to rush off quietly, and dropped like the Eiffel Tower, on his own foot.

Glasha abruptly switched from the "sleep" mode to the "what the hell?" and hunched menacingly on the bed, rubbing her eyes. Angry Alexandra Alexandrovna leaned out of the bathroom and, instead of wishing her father a good day, was indignant:

- I asked to clean it on the balcony! And if he crashed into a child? !!

“So you don't feel sorry for me?” - Dad groaned, jumping on one leg and wincing in pain.

“I am more worried about parquet and Innokenty Ivanovich,” my mother honestly admitted and focused on her wet son. - Egorushka, promise that you will no longer breed the blue sea here, okay?

The boy hugged the sour paper ships, looking longingly at the water running into the drain hole.

“Mom, think about it, Mom!” It’s cold outside, the kitchen utensils are dirty, the toilet is cramped. Where else am I going? Will you give me a dryer to dry the boats?

- Here's another! - Glasha seized the right to answer from mom. She was eager to take the combined bathroom for about forty minutes with songs, a hairdryer and a couple of secret calls on her cell phone. - Stricter with him, mom, stricter as with dad.

Yegor greeted his sister with his tongue sticking out, she traditionally showed her. Then the boy decided to give a speech.

- As you do not understand, I grow, I know the world, I need to develop! I’ll grow up and will like you - sleep, eat, work and surf the Internet. And now I need to play with someone. You have no time, because while you need to sleep, eat, work and surf the Internet ... I understand everything, but you also understand me. You know what? - Yegor handed the wet fleet to his mother and looked around his women with a look of a man who possesses the innermost truth. - Real pirates wear earrings, like girls, only one!

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