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Princess at the academy. Varya Copper Princess at the Academy Princess at the Academy 2

Dedicated to my charming niece Olivia and all the princesses of the world

To my charming niece Olivia, and all the princesses in the world

Special thanks to Olga Zhakova and Elena Litvinenko

Chapter 1,
In which I listen to the prediction of things buns and violate the will of my father

“You know that we are proud of you, honey?”

- Yes, dad.

- And that the whole kingdom is very grateful to you ...

- Yes, dad.

- My clever.

He kissed me for the night, straightened the blanket and headed for the door. I honestly restrained myself to the last, but I could not stand it:

“I hate it, I hate dragons!”

“Shh,” dad looked up uneasily. - It’s not good to say that about the future spouse.

“How do you know that he will marry me?” What if he’s just eating it up?

- Well, you, honey, all this idle gossip.

“But surely no one knows!” I insisted. “No one knows what happens to the princesses that dragons take.” Everyone, of course, prefers to console themselves with beautiful fairy tales and raise cups for the health of young people, while the newly-made groom may have a bite of his bride!

My dad is not very tall, but when he makes such a serious face as he does now, it immediately becomes very impressive - it is immediately clear who the king is here and what is useless to argue.

- Olivia Victima Thirteenth, I no longer wish to listen to such speeches. We sacredly honor the ancient treaty between dragons and humans. Therefore, tomorrow at dawn you will be solemnly handed over to the hands, or rather, the feet of Yakul Kroverus, the lord of the mountain of Stenanii and Horror. We have already built a platform. What will I say to carpenters?

Yes, I know about this platform! All week, under the windows of the tower, they were banging. It is equipped with curtains. Dad said, they say, for beauty, but I guessed it: this is in case the dragon decides to devour me right on the spot. So I see this scene: from behind the curtain, there is a chomping and savory burping, and the first adviser Jesuitus explains to the audience that there is nothing to worry about, and the young ones just started the festive dinner.

No, you don’t think, my dad is good, he’s just the Heartless King. But still, she loves me very much - as soon as a person who has no heart can love. By the way, we discovered the last circumstance by accident. So, during the next scheduled examination with the royal life doctor, it suddenly became clear that this body was missing. At first, of course, everyone was alarmed, and the doctor even said that the king was not supposed to live without a heart, but when our court executioner walked under his windows with an ax, he immediately agreed that these were just structural features.

It was then that the kingdom was decided to rename Heartless and change the form of the courtiers to a more sinister one. Different guesses were made regarding what had happened, and only later it turned out that a dad had been cast a spell, so that he simply did not remember where and under what circumstances he had lost his heart.

He experienced, of course, at first, but then got used to it. He’s optimistic in my life and really sincerely believes that everything will be fine with me.

When he left, I got out of bed, fed my spider Magnus and decided to practice accepting sacrificial poses.

- I am submissive to my fate! I exclaimed, kneeling down and prayerfully clasping my hands.

“I hope my mortal flesh does not cause indigestion in you,” I said in a barely audible and very selfless voice.

It was impossible to come up with something more original: the mirror constantly giggled and knocked down the mood.

Of course, I secretly hoped that I would not have to say all this tomorrow, but it would be better to prepare, just in case. At such moments beautiful sublime speeches are expected from the princesses, and it would be awkward if I mumble something illegible.

I returned to bed, took a nightlight from the nightstand and shocked him. The fish immediately woke up, fussed and began to glow.

- And the dress? I realized. - Probably, it was necessary to order something white, but universal - so that it looked like a wedding one and, if something happened, it was convenient to redraw it into a shroud.

Halfway to the door I turned back: late, the court maid was already sleeping. The only one who could help me is the fairy with the cutters, but she has orders of darkness for a year ahead. And I promised my dad not to cross the threshold of the room until tomorrow morning.

I sighed and took a comb from the dresser to give shine.

“Ah, what adorable curls you have, Princess,” the scallop cooed flatteringly. - Aki the golden cloak.

I stuck out my tongue:

- Sneak!

But still nice.

Having counted seventeen times set by the number of years, she returned the comb to its place and walked along its golden cloak as follows - to give volume. And at that moment, when I reached for the third - with the scent of orchids, a noise was heard outside the window and red twinkles flickered in the opening. If I hadn’t known Mika, I would have decided that there was a fire outside.

I immediately rushed to the window. Mika hung with one hand clutching the masonry, the other with ivy and looking at me imploringly. He had a terrible hat in his teeth.

I grabbed his ears and, panting, somehow dragged him into the room. Both fell to the floor exhausted.

- And the door to what? I asked, puffing.

- So there is a guard! He explained, spitting out his hat and rubbing his ears. - So as not to arouse suspicion.

- Yes, there is nobody there. Today is the tournament, dad let go earlier than anyone. Besides, you are my page, so, in any case, you would not arouse suspicion.

“I decided to play it safe,” said Mika, scratching his palms.

“Oh yes, papa ordered poison ivy to be planted on the wall so that the knights would not roam.”

Mika indignantly jumped to his feet.

“What is your dad ... heartless!”

- And then! Why did you come? Say goodbye?

“You really don't know anything?” Proprietary Bun in the city!

- Can not be! I gasped.

“I tell you exactly.” From the right source I learned: arrived an hour ago, the session will take place at an abandoned gold-run factory. Just one night, by dawn will leave. So come on, let's go. - He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the window.

“Hold on,” I put my toes on the floor. - I can not go. Incidentally, they sacrifice me tomorrow. I must be mentally prepared.

- Are you kidding? You know what it cost me to get an invitation! - the page was indignant.

“Sorry, if only on any other day ...” I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

- What other one! - Mika began to pace the room, waving his arms and trying to reason me. - Yes, in the kingdoms that they don’t give a day to princesses to dragons. But Bun does not know when the next time he arrives.

Of course, I understood that he was right.

“I'm just trying to be an obedient daughter,” I said, meekly lowering my eyes. - Dad forbade me to cross the threshold of the room until tomorrow morning.

- So we climb through the window! - Mika was delighted. - We are fast: only there and immediately back. By the way, did you see the curtains on the platform? Thick ones made of velvet ...

“You know,” I resolutely jumped up, “you're right!” In the end, I didn't even have a bachelorette party. Magnus, don’t miss, we will be soon.

“So riot?” - clarified Mika.

- Riot! - I confirmed and rushed to the window, but at the last moment I froze.

- What else?

- Mika, I'm a princess, they recognize me. It was still not enough to ruin my reputation on the eve of the ceremony.

- So that's why he took it!

He lifted the hat off the floor, brushed it off and jammed it on my head.

“Now even I would not recognize you!”

I looked in the mirror and was forced to agree: the hat resembled a rickety chimney. It could not be worse.

“It will be even worse this way,” Mika said and lowered the veil, resembling a frozen piece of dust.

He climbed first to help me go down.

- Where did you dig this out? I asked, already throwing my leg over the windowsill.

“My great-grandmother ...”

- Put on a wedding?

- Redid from the chimney.

“Caution, just don't grab ivy,” I reminded, and tiptoed along the edge of the eaves. “Will you really catch me?”

- Yes, jump already, I catch! - said Mika, opening her arms.

We fell into a thorn bush embracing.

* * *

There are disadvantages to maintaining incognito. So, upon arrival, we had to settle down at the very tail. Under normal circumstances, they cleared my path, rolled out the red carpet, and singing virgins sprinkled it with rose petals.

“We will grow old and die while we wait for our turn,” I whined. - And do not have time in the morning.

- Stop acting up. There are only two hundred and fifteen people left.

“Young people, could you please be quieter?” - the gnome standing in front shouted at us. “Ah, I'm sorry, Madame, I didn’t see that you were his great-grandmother.”

“Two hundred and fourteen people,” Mick poked me in the side.

“How do you deal with great-grandmother,” I grumbled, rubbing my ribs and craning my neck to examine at least something above my heads.

Suddenly, a deep, mysterious voice swept beneath the arches of the factory:

- you! Yes, yes, it’s you, granny in a terrible hat. Come here.

Everyone quieted down and turned to us.

“Come on, go,” Mick shoved me into the back and followed.

While I walked, those around me clacked with displeasure and cast reproachful glances at me.

Some kind of fairy tried to outrage, but she was immediately taken out of the building by two ambals - the personal guard of Bun. Actually, the official pseudonym of the prophetess of the Prophetic Kaladria, but everyone who had seen her at least once understood that she was not Caladria, but the Bun, and nothing else.

The store attendant was sitting at the usual stationery table, on which a skull and a crystal ball stood for entourage.

As soon as I sat down on a chair, we were fenced off with a curtain.

“No, no, you young man, please wait outside.”

Mika puffed out his lip, but obeyed.

“So,” the fortuneteller turned to me busily, “reach out your hand, princess.”

- Do you know who I am? - I was amazed.

The Proprietary Bun snorted, threw back a gorgeous sheaf of fake hair and flashed her eyes. One of her was green, the second was purple. Otherwise, there was nothing mystical about her. She looked like our palace barmaid.

“I know a lot of things that are beyond ordinary knowledge,” she said in a bewitching voice. “Well, in general, you slept in disguise.” You are the only one who dragged herself in it, in the end it’s clear to anyone: an important thing. So what did you come to ask, princess?

I mentally dropped a flower pot on Mika's head.

“I want to know what awaits me tomorrow.”

“Um ... I see a white robe ...”

- Is it possible in more detail? Is there a veil or white slippers?

- Shh! I hear the ringing of cups, congratulations ...

I squirmed in the chair.

- And then…

I craned my neck, trying to make out the same thing as the Bun. And she bent over my palm so low that it almost touched her nose.

- What then?

“That's it,” she announced, pulling away. - That's all. The line breaks.

- What does it mean - breaks off? - I got colder.

“My dear, I do not want to seem tactless, but tomorrow you should be sacrificed to the dragon.”

“No, no,” I said in a hurry. - Do not bring, but transfer to, pass in the clutches of the dragon Yakul Kroverus, the lord of the mountain of Wailing and Horror.

“Here I am about the same thing,” Bun nodded. “Do you think he was awarded this title for his meekness?”

“No, you don’t understand, all this is just idle gossip,” I muttered, feeling the trembling in my voice grow.

The bun handed me a handkerchief and tried to portray sympathy. It turned out like a surgeon with thirty years of experience.

“I'm sorry, you are a very sweet princess,” she said, pinching my cheek and barking: “Next!”

The curtain immediately squealed.

“No, wait,” I pulled the curtain back, “is there really nothing you can do?”

“I'm afraid not,” she answered dryly.

- Look into your glass ball.

- He, by the way, is crystal. And this is so, for the entourage. People feel deceived, having received only a correct prediction without all these candles, mysterious passes with their hands and an afterlife voice.

- Then lay out the cards.

- Baby, this is not necessary, your hands have already said everything.

- What are you ... callous!

“Just don't need scenes, princess.”

“And you know ... I recalled the incident, so distracted, about one person who, in a desperate situation, turned to a certain fortuneteller. And she took out gloves for her on the gray market with new lines of life. - I made a significant pause. - And since that person lived happily ever after.

“I heard that story, too,” Bun nodded coldly. - That's just, unlike the client, that fortune teller did not say hello. Someone handed her over, whispering about illegal fraud, and since then she was ordered to enter the kingdom. And she had to work undercover, each time changing the location of the session through proxies. And these rooms, I dare say, did not at all correspond to the garrison of her level.

She shrugged and looked around squeamishly.

“How sad it would be if history repeats itself,” I did not give up. - Well, for example, one very unhappy princess (obedient daughter, by the way) who was not used to hiding something from daddy could accidentally wander into the session. Do you think this time the soothsayer would have escaped with a simple deprivation of a license?

Yes, I know, I know how to be an ugly girl, but, you know, I had no choice.

The bun sighed.

“Well, the cunning princesses are gone now!” Well, let's just say that any contracts have a loophole.

I leaned forward, clutching at a straw:

- Please, I'm ready for anything!

- I have already understood it. - The bun waved in annoyance at the next visitor, poking behind the curtain. He glanced discontentedly at me and put his head away.

Whispers and growing murmurs were already clearly heard from the hall. I distinguished between “princess” and “daddy's ties.”

The fortuneteller clattered bright blue nails on the table.

- So, a deal can only take place if all conditions are met. Tell me, is this the standard agreement on transferring a princess to the clutches of a dragon in the absence of a knight protector?

I nodded vigorously.

- Well. So, there are only two conditions: an innocent person of royal blood is transferred to the dragon.

- I get it! - I happily jumped to my feet, knocking over a chair. “You mean, I need to find a knight who will challenge Yakul Kroverus?”

“No, not that.”

I lifted a chair and puzzled down on it.

“So it's all about my royal blood?” But I can’t stop being a princess ...

“Well, why do people always need to complicate things,” Bun grimaced. - The dragon needs innocent  royal maiden, dare you?

I dared five minutes, and then again jumped out of the chair, red and puffing like a chimney. The hat on my head got a second life.

“So I ... you suggest that I ...”

“No need to worry so much, Princess.” I do not offer anything. I just answered your question, and draw conclusions yourself.

“But I can't do that,” I pleaded. - But what about the very one, the only one for life? Yes, I can’t find anyone until the morning ...

- I can! - Mika burst into the partition. “I am ready to save the princess!” He declared, and his appearance was terribly noble.

“Something you were not in a hurry to discuss the fight with the dragon,” I snapped and drew the curtain. - There are other options?

“We are not in the market, princess.” And where are you only taught to be so picky?

“Nowhere, this is innate,” I explained dejectedly, and immediately started up. “But every girl, no matter whether she is a princess or not, is supposed to be her betrothed, right?”

“Naturally,” said Bun. “Any fortuneteller would tell you that.”

“Where can I find him ?!” - I caught fire, ready to turn the whole kingdom overnight and even wake my betrothed, if necessary.

- Baby, if I knew the answers to such questions, do you think I would be sitting here?

She gazed with hostile gaze at the arches from which water was dripping.

- So you want to say that you can’t help me? - I almost lost heart.

- I did not say that. I just said that I don’t know who your betrothed is and where he is. You must find it yourself, like any other maiden. If you want, I can ask the higher powers for clues, but the rest is yours. Remember, Princess, no one will do your work for you.

- Then rather ask!

The restrained noise in the hall rapidly grew into an indignant hum. Mika, behind the curtain, restlessly shifted from foot to foot.

- Hurry up! He whispered.

The bun, too, was clearly nervous. She made a few passes over the crystal ball, and a milky fog filled it.

“You said he was for the entourage?”

She threw me a displeased look and thundered in a deep chest voice coming from the inside:

- Listen to it, maiden! Her eyes flashed, and two crystal moons reflected in them. “You recognize your betrothed in three ways: the golden glow on your chest ...”

- So shine. - I grabbed a fountain pen from the table and quickly wrote down the first sign on my palm.

“... a dark mark in an unknown location ...”

“Yeah, a dark mark ... what does it mean - a dark mark?” Don’t say that my betrothed Dark Lord is there!

She raised her hand, warning objections.

- III? - I craned my neck.

And then, under the arches of the hall, a cry rang out:

- Pointing dogs! This is a raid!

From all sides there were screams, squeals, the clatter of running legs, paws and hooves.

- Rather, the third!

She looked up at me completely black eyes and grunted:

“He's allergic to pistachios.”

Her eyes were back to normal.

- That's all. Wait a minute! - She grabbed my hand, rummaged in the table and quickly put a dirty candle in it. “This is a bonus for your silence.” Think about your fiancé, light a candle and find yourself as close to it as possible. Good luck princess!

At that moment, Mika burst into a nook, grabbed my hand and dragged me out. Already at the door, I turned around and managed to see how the security guards Bun through the back door. We ran all the way to the castle, and hunting falcons with magic flashing lights circled over our heads.

On approaching the tower, I had to dive into the gateway to wait for the patrol.

“Inflate your cheeks harder, and then you’ll definitely go for the puffer.” Are you really offended that you didn’t have time to ask your question?

- So, as a page, so immediately Mika, but as a narrowed one - only serve the prince!

The patrol rushed past, and the page, without turning around, moved to the castle.

- Why did you get that it would be the prince? Well, Mika, you're my friend! In addition, you do not have a golden glow, a dark mark, and an allergy to strawberries, not pistachios.

- Better just say: all because I'm your page and two years younger.

- Don't talk nonsense! And what is it about being a prince? Yes, now anyone can become one, there would be a desire!

Then I thought:

“Well, for example, a witch can curse you.” He will say: so that they become a prince!

We stopped at the foot of the tower.

“Um, yes, it’s possible ...” Mika rubbed his chin, smiled and planted me. I began to climb up.

“Do you understand what this means?” I asked over my shoulder.

“I'm a page, not a fool,” he muttered, panting from behind. “You will have to escape from the castle to find this one of your fiancées.”

- Mika, I myself would not want to do this, but only in this way can I once and for all get rid of the claims of Yakul Kroverus, while remaining an honest princess.

We burst into the room, while waking and scaring Magnus. He ran around the cage.

“And how are you going to do this?” Mika asked, brushing off his knees. - In the world of darkness, darkness of kingdoms, where to start?

- It will help. - I opened my palm and showed him a cinder. “The bun said it’s enough to think about what was appointed by fate, light a candle, and I’ll be with him ... or rather, close to him, hmm, or not far ...”

Then I had to stop for a while, because in the corridor I heard laughter and indifferent singing. The guard was returning from the tournament.

When everything calmed down, I turned to Mika:

“I’m running off to the kitchen, grabbing something to eat on the road, and you prepare my travel chest and Magnus.”

From the kitchen I grabbed a head of cheese, oatmeal cakes and, thinking, a bunch of bagels. They no longer fit into the bundle; I had to hang it on my neck.

When I returned, my luggage was already collected, and Mika was sitting on the bed with Magnus in his hands. Hearing the steps, the page raised its head:

“I fed him,” he said, and bowed his head again.

I sat down side by side and touched his shoulder:

- Mika, I’m not forever, I’ll be back.

“Maybe before my dad’s awakening, already with a betrothed ... Well, if you want, I won’t go anywhere?” I will stay here ...

- No, really! - He jumped to his feet, sniffed and, rummaging in his pocket, took out a massive ruby \u200b\u200bon a chain. - Hold on, this is for your luck.

- Where did you get it? Oh, and this is by chance not the “Ruby of Fortune” from Dad’s crown?

“Actually, he,” Mika admitted. - I assumed that you would need something similar soon, so I prepared myself. I thought, since you are one family, this is not a theft. Did I reason correctly? - He looked uneasily into my eyes.

- Of course, thanks! I hugged him tightly. - And the hole for the chain is very tiny, I think dad will not even notice anything.

The stone was a little warm to the touch and even seemed to pulsate slightly.

Mika pulled back and looked around me:

“You don’t have free hands and even a neck, so I suggest you give it to Magnus for storage.”

“How are you going to do this?” Ruby is too heavy for him.

- And like this. - Mika attached Magnus in the palm of his hand and waved his hand over him. Some silver-green streams escaped from his fingers and reached for the spider, enveloping it in a dense flickering haze.

- What is it?!

“Calmly, I know what I'm doing.” This is a swelling spell, we will only slightly increase it.

- Where did you learn this?

Princess at the Academy  Varya Copper

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Title: Princess at the Academy

About the book "Princess at the Academy" Varya Mednaya

The novel "Princess at the Academy" is a fabulous love fantasy. The author of the novel is a Russian writer, Varya Mednaya, who has several fantasy romance novels on her account. All the books of the writer are light and humorous.

The book "Princess at the Academy" can be described as a modern, kind, fantasy, humorous fairy tale. The main character, Princess Olivia, is the image of a classic princess who is struggling to be obedient and worthy of her royal family. Her father, heartless in the truest sense of the word, the king, is ready to sacrifice his daughter to the dragon. He is sure that this is necessary for the common good. However, the king, in spite of his royal duties, loves his daughter in his own way. But Princess Olivia's best friend and assistant is her page Mika, who is secretly in love with her.

The events of the novel “Princess at the Academy” take place in a fairy kingdom, where an agreement was signed between the king and dragons on the voluntary transfer of innocent princesses to dragons as wives. Everyone, including the king, suspects that dragons eat the princesses, but no one dares to oppose the treaty.

On the eve of the transfer of the seventeen-year-old Princess Olivia, the king is not able to calm and cheer his daughter. The princess, recognizing in her father’s voice a note of doubt about her safety, decides to run away with her friend Mika for a consultation with a well-known fortuneteller. The princess is concerned only with one question: what alternative way out of her situation can be found?

The young beauty receives valuable instructions from the magician and intends to go in search of her betrothed, who can save her from a terrible fate - to be eaten by a vile dragon. The forecaster even gave the princess a magic props for faster arrival at the desired place. Mik's page, saddened by the upcoming separation, helps Olivia to collect the necessary things and take her beloved spider Magnus with him. So the princess gets into the Lost Kingdom and discovers that her chosen one, apparently, is a student of the royal academy. The princess has little time, because she should not let her father down. However, she has to find out on three grounds who exactly will become her real chosen one and will be able to protect the princess and the kingdom from the threat looming over them.

The novel "Princess at the Academy" has a continuation, which Varya Mednaya very pleased fans of their novels. The works written by Varya Mednaya also include novels: “The Princess at the Academy. Dragon Club ”,“ Princess at the Academy. Narrowed "," Spider invites to dance "and others.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registering or read the online book “Princess at the Academy” by Varya Mednaya in the formats epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and true reading pleasure. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary mastery.

Quotes from the book “Princess at the Academy” by Varya Mednaya

Once again, I apologize, Mr. Kroverus. I don’t know what came over her: before, Olivia had never been late for dinner. In the meantime, are we waiting for a bath from the blood of virgins? I heard it calms the nerves ...

Professor Marbis’s cottage was enclosing a tall fence. The boards were pointed upwards and, in addition, were braided with some thorny plant, so that no one had any doubts: the guests are not welcome here. And if I still had a tiny hope still glowing, then at the sight of the “Shelter of Harmony", the spark went out.

Someone, I remember, was looking for adventure on his regal sirloin?

It is equipped with curtains. Dad said, they say, for beauty, but I guessed it: this is in case the dragon decides to devour me right on the spot. So I see this scene: from behind the curtain there is a chomping and savory belching, and the first adviser Jesuitus explains to the audience that there is nothing to worry about, and the young only started a festive dinner.

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I clenched my fists:

What are you doing? Bring him down immediately!

He didn’t even look in my direction. He tilted his head to his shoulder, carefully examining the prisoner.

And this is ifrit in any way? he whispered.

I felt uneasy at how easily the dragon recognized the true nature of Osriel.

You were not mistaken, ”Madame Cherata hastened to insert, blotting the reddened corners of her eyes. - This ifrit from the very beginning was in conspiracy with your property (I already suffocated, realizing who she had in mind) and covered her tricks. I tried to open Madame Lilith's eyes, but she didn’t want to hear anything. Admittedly, this girl - a nod in my direction - knows how to be convincing. I would be glad to say that the Irkanian fell under bad influence, but this is just the case when the spoiled blood per mile feels another one like that. You can imagine, no more than two weeks ago he arranged the real one in my class ...

The dragon, without turning, raised his hand, urging her to silence. Madame Cherata choked and gave me the hating look that was meant for him.

I stepped forward.

Release Ozriel! I will go with you, just set him free. - The voice trembled, no matter how I tried to speak firmly. - You are welcome!

The dragon, as before, was not looking at me, but at a man hanging in the air. The upper lip lifted even more, revealing black teeth.

Maybe you should take you with you, ifrit? And if the princess will not obey, then ...

Careless brush movement, and the noose eloquently dragged on another centimeter.

Osriel twitched, and then cast a desperate look at me - he could not speak - and with all his might squeezed the black stream. The fingers turned white with tension, and the appearance began to change rapidly, just like in Shakazavr that night: the face darkened, the cheekbones sharpened, blue branches of lightning ran under the skin. The scourge smoked and began to melt under his fingers, emanating from black streaks.

Blooderus shook his hand impatiently, causing Osriel tossed in the air from side to side.

Do you want to burn out, revealing your real appearance on earth, boy?

Osriel squinted at me and, barely moving his lips, wheezed:

Run Livi, save yourself ...

Don't you dare to die noble here! I got angry. - We still have to take your vow and deal with friendship!

He tried to answer something, but obedient to the will of the owner did not allow to whip. I was going to say that I would never leave him, but then I noticed movement from the outside through the open door leaf. The city center was literally teeming with residents. They all flocked from different ends to the square. I groped my eyes at the goal of their pilgrimage and almost clapped my hands in joy.

Osriel, hold on! I shouted, plugged my ears until Bloodus had time to give a new order, and jumped out.

I rushed off at all costs, afraid to turn around and find the chase, only briefly noted that Emilia for some reason was not at the gate, and where did Magnus go? But now is not the time to think. Our recent attempt with Osriel was doomed to failure in advance: would you run far from someone like Yakul Kroverus? But a minute ago, hope was kindled in me, because near the fountain, a familiar figure in a cream dress with a lush hem was standing with its back to crowded onlookers. She performed mysterious passes in the air, as if playing an invisible musical instrument, and did not pay the slightest attention to the audience who took the square into a tight ring. I had no idea what Madame Lilith was doing there, but it didn’t bother me. I was just eternally glad to see her.

If the area was a little further from the Academy, I would not have time to run away. But at least I was lucky, and I managed. True, onlookers were not in a hurry, they had to connect their elbows and sharp knees. From all sides, a grunt and response poked. Somehow I managed to get to the front rows. There, it turned out that the people didn’t just froze at a respectful distance - they couldn’t get any closer, because the patch with the fountain of the founding princes was covered with a translucent dome, shimmering in the sun like a soap bubble. Madame Lilith made sure that the curious did not interfere with her occupation.

The former rector of Princeford, and now the first adviser to Marcia, did not stand near the fountain, as it seemed to me from afar, but right in it. The hem of the dress got wet and darkened, but she did not even notice it, completely absorbed in her work.

I touched the dome, and he sprang up under his fingers.

Hey, it won't work! - shouted from the crowd.

You can’t get closer!

Do you think you haven’t tried it?

Look from here, like everyone else.

What she does? I asked the one on the left. It turned out to be ogre - not half-ogre like Garth, but the real one, similar to a hairy oak.

He wrinkled his forehead, moved his ear in the sores of the moss and asked with the arrangement:

Who is she?

I impatiently turned to the dome. I just need to reach Madame Lilith! No sound came from behind the barrier — not the words of the first adviser, although I saw her lips move when she turned her head, nor the murmur of a fountain. The cap seemed to not let them through.

I extended my arms and tried to go through it. The film was slimy to the touch. For a while she deceptively succumbed to my pressure, and then she reached the limit of tension and threw me back into the crowd. I fell into the hands of some elf, but then jumped up and pounded the bubble with my fists:

Madame Lilith, can you hear me? This is Livi, I really need your help!

The dome swayed and rippled. It felt like beating a jellyfish or massaging a piece of jelly.

Madame Lilith, meanwhile, stopped sorting out the air strings, raised the hem and moved along the sculptural group, circumventing it clockwise. She walked along the water until she was opposite Glutton the Medorevichny. There she froze and now stood sideways to us. I tripled my efforts and was rewarded for it: Madame noticed me.

She waved her hand, and the barrier disappeared. Some dwarf tried to rush after me, but he was thrown back into the crowd.

The buzz of the square, the creak of signage and weathercocks, the birdsong immediately subsided. I was right: the sounds from outside did not penetrate the hood, and therefore the splash of water under my feet was deafening.

Madame Lilith waited for me, frozen in her usual position: hands folded on the belt, her chin slightly raised. You might think she stands in the audience, and not in the middle of the fountain. Only something changed in the expression, and one of the braids, usually neatly wrapped around the ear, blossomed.

I ran and grabbed my side, catching my breath.

Madame Lilith, what a blessing you are here! You can’t even imagine! I was looking for you at the Academy, but I learned from August that you no longer work there and ... ”I waved my hand, interrupting myself. - It doesn’t matter, I’m here because of another, and the count goes on for seconds.

Is something wrong, Livi? she asked calmly.

Yes, madam, the fact is that ... - I clasped my hands on my chest. Now is not the time to guess what she will think about me. - A dragon appeared after me!

She paused, waiting for me to add anything else. I have not added.

Are you upset? she asked.

A goldfish jumped out between us, swallowed a midge on the fly and dived back into the fountain.

Sorry? I asked again. “No, not at all ... I'm in a panic, in horror, in despair!” I feel like a phoenix whose last feather is burned out, either as a person from under whom they pulled out a carpet, or as doomed, hanging on the edge of an abyss, grabbing at an insignificant bush, and watching how the roots are torn one by one from the ground!

That is, you are depressed, upset, oppressed, broken and completely destroyed? - clarified Madame Lilith.

Another fish jumped out of the water and dived back.

If before I could not unravel the facial expressions of a woman-girl standing opposite, now it has come out quite distinctly - a triumph.

Dedicated to my charming niece Olivia and all the princesses of the world

To my charming niece Olivia, and all the princesses in the world

Special thanks to Olga Zhakova and Elena Litvinenko

Chapter 1,
In which I listen to the prediction of things buns and violate the will of my father

“You know that we are proud of you, honey?”

- Yes, dad.

- And that the whole kingdom is very grateful to you ...

- Yes, dad.

- My clever.

He kissed me for the night, straightened the blanket and headed for the door. I honestly restrained myself to the last, but I could not stand it:

“I hate it, I hate dragons!”

“Shh,” dad looked up uneasily. - It’s not good to say that about the future spouse.

“How do you know that he will marry me?” What if he’s just eating it up?

- Well, you, honey, all this idle gossip.

“But surely no one knows!” I insisted. “No one knows what happens to the princesses that dragons take.” Everyone, of course, prefers to console themselves with beautiful fairy tales and raise cups for the health of young people, while the newly-made groom may have a bite of his bride!

My dad is not very tall, but when he makes such a serious face as he does now, it immediately becomes very impressive - it is immediately clear who the king is here and what is useless to argue.

- Olivia Victima Thirteenth, I no longer wish to listen to such speeches. We sacredly honor the ancient treaty between dragons and humans. Therefore, tomorrow at dawn you will be solemnly handed over to the hands, or rather, the feet of Yakul Kroverus, the lord of the mountain of Stenanii and Horror. We have already built a platform. What will I say to carpenters?

Yes, I know about this platform! All week, under the windows of the tower, they were banging. It is equipped with curtains. Dad said, they say, for beauty, but I guessed it: this is in case the dragon decides to devour me right on the spot. So I see this scene: from behind the curtain, there is a chomping and savory burping, and the first adviser Jesuitus explains to the audience that there is nothing to worry about, and the young ones just started the festive dinner.

No, you don’t think, my dad is good, he’s just the Heartless King. But still, she loves me very much - as soon as a person who has no heart can love. By the way, we discovered the last circumstance by accident. So, during the next scheduled examination with the royal life doctor, it suddenly became clear that this body was missing. At first, of course, everyone was alarmed, and the doctor even said that the king was not supposed to live without a heart, but when our court executioner walked under his windows with an ax, he immediately agreed that these were just structural features.

It was then that the kingdom was decided to rename Heartless and change the form of the courtiers to a more sinister one. Different guesses were made regarding what had happened, and only later it turned out that a dad had been cast a spell, so he simply did not remember where and under what circumstances he had lost his heart. He experienced, of course, at first, but then got used to it. He’s optimistic in my life and really sincerely believes that everything will be fine with me.

When he left, I got out of bed, fed my spider Magnus and decided to practice accepting sacrificial poses.

- I am submissive to my fate! I exclaimed, kneeling down and prayerfully clasping my hands.

“I hope my mortal flesh does not cause indigestion in you,” I said in a barely audible and very selfless voice.

It was impossible to come up with something more original: the mirror constantly giggled and knocked down the mood.

Of course, I secretly hoped that I would not have to say all this tomorrow, but it would be better to prepare, just in case. At such moments beautiful sublime speeches are expected from the princesses, and it would be awkward if I mumble something illegible.

I returned to bed, took a nightlight from the nightstand and shocked him. The fish immediately woke up, fussed and began to glow.

- And the dress? I realized. - Probably, it was necessary to order something white, but universal - so that it looked like a wedding one and, if something happened, it was convenient to redraw it into a shroud.

Halfway to the door I turned back: late, the court maid was already sleeping. The only one who could help me is the fairy with the cutters, but she has orders of darkness for a year ahead. And I promised my dad not to cross the threshold of the room until tomorrow morning.

I sighed and took a comb from the dresser to give shine.

“Ah, what adorable curls you have, Princess,” the scallop cooed flatteringly. - Aki the golden cloak.

I stuck out my tongue:

- Sneak!

But still nice.

Having counted seventeen times set by the number of years, she returned the comb to its place and walked along its golden cloak as follows - to give volume. And at that moment, when I reached for the third - with the scent of orchids, a noise was heard outside the window and red twinkles flickered in the opening. If I hadn’t known Mika, I would have decided that there was a fire outside.

I immediately rushed to the window. Mika hung with one hand clutching the masonry, the other with ivy and looking at me imploringly. He had a terrible hat in his teeth.

I grabbed his ears and, panting, somehow dragged him into the room. Both fell to the floor exhausted.

- And the door to what? I asked, puffing.

- So there is a guard! He explained, spitting out his hat and rubbing his ears. - So as not to arouse suspicion.

- Yes, there is nobody there. Today is the tournament, dad let go earlier than anyone. Besides, you are my page, so, in any case, you would not arouse suspicion.

“I decided to play it safe,” said Mika, scratching his palms.

“Oh yes, papa ordered poison ivy to be planted on the wall so that the knights would not roam.”

Mika indignantly jumped to his feet.

“What is your dad ... heartless!”

- And then! Why did you come? Say goodbye?

“You really don't know anything?” Proprietary Bun in the city!

- Can not be! I gasped.

“I tell you exactly.” From the right source I learned: arrived an hour ago, the session will take place at an abandoned gold-run factory. Just one night, by dawn will leave. So come on, let's go. - He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the window.

“Hold on,” I put my toes on the floor. - I can not go. Incidentally, they sacrifice me tomorrow. I must be mentally prepared.

- Are you kidding? You know what it cost me to get an invitation! - the page was indignant.

“Sorry, if only on any other day ...” I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

- What other one! - Mika began to pace the room, waving his arms and trying to reason me. - Yes, in the kingdoms that they don’t give a day to princesses to dragons. But Bun does not know when the next time he arrives.

Of course, I understood that he was right.

“I'm just trying to be an obedient daughter,” I said, meekly lowering my eyes. - Dad forbade me to cross the threshold of the room until tomorrow morning.

- So we climb through the window! - Mika was delighted. - We are fast: only there and immediately back. By the way, did you see the curtains on the platform? Thick ones made of velvet ...

“You know,” I resolutely jumped up, “you're right!” In the end, I didn't even have a bachelorette party. Magnus, don’t miss, we will be soon.

“So riot?” - clarified Mika.

- Riot! - I confirmed and rushed to the window, but at the last moment I froze.

- What else?

- Mika, I'm a princess, they recognize me. It was still not enough to ruin my reputation on the eve of the ceremony.

- So that's why he took it!

He lifted the hat off the floor, brushed it off and jammed it on my head.

“Now even I would not recognize you!”

I looked in the mirror and was forced to agree: the hat resembled a rickety chimney. It could not be worse.

“It will be even worse this way,” Mika said and lowered the veil, resembling a frozen piece of dust.

He climbed first to help me go down.

- Where did you dig this out? I asked, already throwing my leg over the windowsill.

“My great-grandmother ...”

- Put on a wedding?

- Redid from the chimney.

“Caution, just don't grab ivy,” I reminded, and tiptoed along the edge of the eaves. “Will you really catch me?”

- Yes, jump already, I catch! - said Mika, opening her arms.

We fell into a thorn bush embracing.

* * *

There are disadvantages to maintaining incognito. So, upon arrival, we had to settle down at the very tail. Under normal circumstances, they cleared my path, rolled out the red carpet, and singing virgins sprinkled it with rose petals.

“We will grow old and die while we wait for our turn,” I whined. - And do not have time in the morning.

- Stop acting up. There are only two hundred and fifteen people left.

“Young people, could you please be quieter?” - the gnome standing in front shouted at us. “Ah, I'm sorry, Madame, I didn’t see that you were his great-grandmother.”

“Two hundred and fourteen people,” Mick poked me in the side.

“How do you deal with great-grandmother,” I grumbled, rubbing my ribs and craning my neck to examine at least something above my heads.

Suddenly, a deep, mysterious voice swept beneath the arches of the factory:

- you! Yes, yes, it’s you, granny in a terrible hat. Come here.

Everyone quieted down and turned to us.

“Come on, go,” Mick shoved me into the back and followed.

While I walked, those around me clacked with displeasure and cast reproachful glances at me.

Some kind of fairy tried to outrage, but she was immediately taken out of the building by two ambals - the personal guard of Bun. Actually, the official pseudonym of the prophetess of the Prophetic Kaladria, but everyone who had seen her at least once understood that she was not Caladria, but the Bun, and nothing else.

The store attendant was sitting at the usual stationery table, on which a skull and a crystal ball stood for entourage.

As soon as I sat down on a chair, we were fenced off with a curtain.

“No, no, you young man, please wait outside.”

Mika puffed out his lip, but obeyed.

“So,” the fortuneteller turned to me busily, “reach out your hand, princess.”

- Do you know who I am? - I was amazed.

The Proprietary Bun snorted, threw back a gorgeous sheaf of fake hair and flashed her eyes. One of her was green, the second was purple. Otherwise, there was nothing mystical about her. She looked like our palace barmaid.

“I know a lot of things that are beyond ordinary knowledge,” she said in a bewitching voice. “Well, in general, you slept in disguise.” You are the only one who dragged herself in it, in the end it’s clear to anyone: an important thing. So what did you come to ask, princess?

I mentally dropped a flower pot on Mika's head.

“I want to know what awaits me tomorrow.”

“Um ... I see a white robe ...”

- Is it possible in more detail? Is there a veil or white slippers?

- Shh! I hear the ringing of cups, congratulations ...

I squirmed in the chair.

- And then…

I craned my neck, trying to make out the same thing as the Bun. And she bent over my palm so low that it almost touched her nose.

- What then?

“That's it,” she announced, pulling away. - That's all. The line breaks.

- What does it mean - breaks off? - I got colder.

“My dear, I do not want to seem tactless, but tomorrow you should be sacrificed to the dragon.”

“No, no,” I said in a hurry. - Do not bring, but transfer to, pass in the clutches of the dragon Yakul Kroverus, the lord of the mountain of Wailing and Horror.

“Here I am about the same thing,” Bun nodded. “Do you think he was awarded this title for his meekness?”

“No, you don’t understand, all this is just idle gossip,” I muttered, feeling the trembling in my voice grow.

The bun handed me a handkerchief and tried to portray sympathy. It turned out like a surgeon with thirty years of experience.

“I'm sorry, you are a very sweet princess,” she said, pinching my cheek and barking: “Next!”

The curtain immediately squealed.

“No, wait,” I pulled the curtain back, “is there really nothing you can do?”

“I'm afraid not,” she answered dryly.

- Look into your glass ball.

- He, by the way, is crystal. And this is so, for the entourage. People feel deceived, having received only a correct prediction without all these candles, mysterious passes with their hands and an afterlife voice.

- Then lay out the cards.

- Baby, this is not necessary, your hands have already said everything.

- What are you ... callous!

“Just don't need scenes, princess.”

“And you know ... I recalled the incident, so distracted, about one person who, in a desperate situation, turned to a certain fortuneteller. And she took out gloves for her on the gray market with new lines of life. - I made a significant pause. - And since that person lived happily ever after.

“I heard that story, too,” Bun nodded coldly. - That's just, unlike the client, that fortune teller did not say hello. Someone handed her over, whispering about illegal fraud, and since then she was ordered to enter the kingdom. And she had to work undercover, each time changing the location of the session through proxies. And these rooms, I dare say, did not at all correspond to the garrison of her level.

She shrugged and looked around squeamishly.

“How sad it would be if history repeats itself,” I did not give up. - Well, for example, one very unhappy princess (obedient daughter, by the way) who was not used to hiding something from daddy could accidentally wander into the session. Do you think this time the soothsayer would have escaped with a simple deprivation of a license?

Yes, I know, I know how to be an ugly girl, but, you know, I had no choice.

The bun sighed.

“Well, the cunning princesses are gone now!” Well, let's just say that any contracts have a loophole.

I leaned forward, clutching at a straw:

- Please, I'm ready for anything!

- I have already understood it. - The bun waved in annoyance at the next visitor, poking behind the curtain. He glanced discontentedly at me and put his head away.

Whispers and growing murmurs were already clearly heard from the hall. I distinguished between “princess” and “daddy's ties.”

The fortuneteller clattered bright blue nails on the table.

- So, a deal can only take place if all conditions are met. Tell me, is this the standard agreement on transferring a princess to the clutches of a dragon in the absence of a knight protector?

I nodded vigorously.

- Well. So, there are only two conditions: an innocent person of royal blood is transferred to the dragon.

- I get it! - I happily jumped to my feet, knocking over a chair. “You mean, I need to find a knight who will challenge Yakul Kroverus?”

“No, not that.”

I lifted a chair and puzzled down on it.

“So it's all about my royal blood?” But I can’t stop being a princess ...

“Well, why do people always need to complicate things,” Bun grimaced. - The dragon needs innocent  royal maiden, dare you?

I dared five minutes, and then again jumped out of the chair, red and puffing like a chimney. The hat on my head got a second life.

“So I ... you suggest that I ...”

“No need to worry so much, Princess.” I do not offer anything. I just answered your question, and draw conclusions yourself.

“But I can't do that,” I pleaded. - But what about the very one, the only one for life? Yes, I can’t find anyone until the morning ...

- I can! - Mika burst into the partition. “I am ready to save the princess!” He declared, and his appearance was terribly noble.

“Something you were not in a hurry to discuss the fight with the dragon,” I snapped and drew the curtain. - There are other options?

“We are not in the market, princess.” And where are you only taught to be so picky?

“Nowhere, this is innate,” I explained dejectedly, and immediately started up. “But every girl, no matter whether she is a princess or not, is supposed to be her betrothed, right?”

“Naturally,” said Bun. “Any fortuneteller would tell you that.”

“Where can I find him ?!” - I caught fire, ready to turn the whole kingdom overnight and even wake my betrothed, if necessary.

- Baby, if I knew the answers to such questions, do you think I would be sitting here?

She gazed with hostile gaze at the arches from which water was dripping.

- So you want to say that you can’t help me? - I almost lost heart.

- I did not say that. I just said that I don’t know who your betrothed is and where he is. You must find it yourself, like any other maiden. If you want, I can ask the higher powers for clues, but the rest is yours. Remember, Princess, no one will do your work for you.

- Then rather ask!

The restrained noise in the hall rapidly grew into an indignant hum. Mika, behind the curtain, restlessly shifted from foot to foot.

- Hurry up! He whispered.

The bun, too, was clearly nervous. She made a few passes over the crystal ball, and a milky fog filled it.

“You said he was for the entourage?”

She threw me a displeased look and thundered in a deep chest voice coming from the inside:

- Listen to it, maiden! Her eyes flashed, and two crystal moons reflected in them. “You recognize your betrothed in three ways: the golden glow on your chest ...”

- So shine. - I grabbed a fountain pen from the table and quickly wrote down the first sign on my palm.

“... a dark mark in an unknown location ...”

“Yeah, a dark mark ... what does it mean - a dark mark?” Don’t say that my betrothed Dark Lord is there!

She raised her hand, warning objections.

- III? - I craned my neck.

And then, under the arches of the hall, a cry rang out:

- Pointing dogs! This is a raid!

From all sides there were screams, squeals, the clatter of running legs, paws and hooves.

- Rather, the third!

She looked up at me completely black eyes and grunted:

“He's allergic to pistachios.”

Her eyes were back to normal.

- That's all. Wait a minute! - She grabbed my hand, rummaged in the table and quickly put a dirty candle in it. “This is a bonus for your silence.” Think about your fiancé, light a candle and find yourself as close to it as possible. Good luck princess!

At that moment, Mika burst into a nook, grabbed my hand and dragged me out. Already at the door, I turned around and managed to see how the security guards Bun through the back door. We ran all the way to the castle, and hunting falcons with magic flashing lights circled over our heads.

On approaching the tower, I had to dive into the gateway to wait for the patrol.

“Inflate your cheeks harder, and then you’ll definitely go for the puffer.” Are you really offended that you didn’t have time to ask your question?

- So, as a page, so immediately Mika, but as a narrowed one - only serve the prince!

The patrol rushed past, and the page, without turning around, moved to the castle.

- Why did you get that it would be the prince? Well, Mika, you're my friend! In addition, you do not have a golden glow, a dark mark, and an allergy to strawberries, not pistachios.

- Better just say: all because I'm your page and two years younger.

- Don't talk nonsense! And what is it about being a prince? Yes, now anyone can become one, there would be a desire!

Then I thought:

“Well, for example, a witch can curse you.” He will say: so that they become a prince!

We stopped at the foot of the tower.

“Um, yes, it’s possible ...” Mika rubbed his chin, smiled and planted me. I began to climb up.

“Do you understand what this means?” I asked over my shoulder.

“I'm a page, not a fool,” he muttered, panting from behind. “You will have to escape from the castle to find this one of your fiancées.”

- Mika, I myself would not want to do this, but only in this way can I once and for all get rid of the claims of Yakul Kroverus, while remaining an honest princess.

We burst into the room, while waking and scaring Magnus. He ran around the cage.

“And how are you going to do this?” Mika asked, brushing off his knees. - In the world of darkness, darkness of kingdoms, where to start?

- It will help. - I opened my palm and showed him a cinder. “The bun said it’s enough to think about what was appointed by fate, light a candle, and I’ll be with him ... or rather, close to him, hmm, or not far ...”

Then I had to stop for a while, because in the corridor I heard laughter and indifferent singing. The guard was returning from the tournament.

When everything calmed down, I turned to Mika:

“I’m running off to the kitchen, grabbing something to eat on the road, and you prepare my travel chest and Magnus.”

From the kitchen I grabbed a head of cheese, oatmeal cakes and, thinking, a bunch of bagels. They no longer fit into the bundle; I had to hang it on my neck.

When I returned, my luggage was already collected, and Mika was sitting on the bed with Magnus in his hands. Hearing the steps, the page raised its head:

“I fed him,” he said, and bowed his head again.

I sat down side by side and touched his shoulder:

- Mika, I’m not forever, I’ll be back.

“Maybe before my dad’s awakening, already with a betrothed ... Well, if you want, I won’t go anywhere?” I will stay here ...

- No, really! - He jumped to his feet, sniffed and, rummaging in his pocket, took out a massive ruby \u200b\u200bon a chain. - Hold on, this is for your luck.

- Where did you get it? Oh, and this is by chance not the “Ruby of Fortune” from Dad’s crown?

“Actually, he,” Mika admitted. - I assumed that you would need something similar soon, so I prepared myself. I thought, since you are one family, this is not a theft. Did I reason correctly? - He looked uneasily into my eyes.

- Of course, thanks! I hugged him tightly. - And the hole for the chain is very tiny, I think dad will not even notice anything.

The stone was a little warm to the touch and even seemed to pulsate slightly.

Mika pulled back and looked around me:

“You don’t have free hands and even a neck, so I suggest you give it to Magnus for storage.”

“How are you going to do this?” Ruby is too heavy for him.

- And like this. - Mika attached Magnus in the palm of his hand and waved his hand over him. Some silver-green streams escaped from his fingers and reached for the spider, enveloping it in a dense flickering haze.

- What is it?!

“Calmly, I know what I'm doing.” This is a swelling spell, we will only slightly increase it.

- Where did you learn this?

- I had to. I was sent to my grandmother every summer as a child, so she always cursed that she was so skinny. So I had to learn to worry less.

- I somehow did not notice changes in you ...

“And when I returned, I used the reverse spell, refinement,” the page explained.

Then there was a clap, the veil abruptly dispersed, and we saw that in his palm sits a spider the size of a kitten. He had a heart on his back.

First Mika yelled, then I, and the last one shouted Magnus. Of all of us, the spider turned out to be the most seasoned:

From surprise, I stopped squealing.

- Are you able to talk?

“Well, of course.” All spiders are able. It's just that people are too big to hear us.

“So ... all this time you understood me perfectly? ..

And then I remembered the hours of intimate conversations with the spider, when I thought that I was just reasoning aloud:

About the benefits of lined bodices.

About not royal freckles at all.

About the biceps of the new father's guard.

“Magnus, how could you!” I gasped.

- How i am  could ?! - offended the spider. “Can you imagine what it was like to me?” I got the most talkative princess in the world. At the same time, I was locked in a cage, and no one heard my cries for help when you listed a hundred and one ways to reduce freckles and described the dresses of all seven daughters of the first adviser right up to the last mug and ... - Then he stopped short, noting a solid mark in the reflection on the back.

- What is it?

Mika was silently guilty.

- What is it, I ask you ?!

“Well, I've never before experienced a spell swelling spell ...”

- I demand to immediately remove this shameful brand!

“I ... can't,” the page admitted. “This is the only spell I know.” But you can always say that this is not a heart, but a combat peak, to intimidate enemies!

Magnus uttered a cry of despair and, apparently, was about to visually explain to Mike what intimidation was, but at that moment a royal rooster sang outside the window. The sky began to turn soft purple.

“Magnus,” I begged, “we don’t have time for this!” You heard everything and you know about my problem. Tell me, do you agree to go in search of me?

The spider was silent, pursing its hairs, and I suddenly realized that I could not imagine this journey without it. Magnus has been with me since childhood.

“Where am I going,” he finally grumbled. “I'm aware of what happens to spiders who knew too much ...”

- Thank you, Magnus, you are a miracle!

“That's it, it's time,” Mika hastened and put on a ruby \u200b\u200bchain that continued to growl, like a collar, wrapping it several times. He wanted to put him back in the cage, but now it was too tight for Magnus, so I put him on my wrist, and squeezed a bundle of food and a chest under my arm. I took a cinder in my right hand.

“That's it, I'm ready,” I announced.

Mika nodded, sighed and struck a flint. I squeezed my eyes shut.

Strange, I thought that at least I would feel something, well, there the earth will go out from under my feet or there will be a rumble, a tornado will catch me. None of this happened. But the chatter did not stop. I opened my eyelids and saw that Mika was still standing opposite, trying hard to carve a spark.

- Give it here.

I took the flint away from him and also tried. Nothing came of it.

“Maybe the flint is damp?” - handed out doubtfully Mika.

- Spinner, give me strength! Magnus rolled irritably all eight eyes, and then he snatched a spark from me flintingly and loudly - it flashed with a dazzling star. This time I didn’t have time to squint, so I could clearly see the sparkling whirlwind with azure flashes that lifted me from the floor. Magnus braced his wrist. Mika’s face still turned before my eyes for a while, I saw his lips move, but I didn’t hear a word.

And then everything abruptly ended, and I was thrown to the ground, or rather, to the pavement. A bundle and a chest landed nearby. The latter opened from the blow.

From all sides rushed oohs and akhs:

- You just look!

“How indecent ...”

- And in fact, she’s a decent girl.

“They all look like that.”

I looked up and found that I was lying in the middle of the roadway, and judging by the position of the sun, now is the height of the day. The street was unfamiliar to me, and the flags of another kingdom with the image of the spiral of infinity fluttered on the buildings. Everyone around was busy and in a hurry. A square was visible on the right hand, and on the left, a solid-looking mansion was built that looked like on the main streets: with porticoes, columns and high steps. Numerous offices and taverns squeezed between them here and there. Residential neighborhoods began right behind these buildings. The sea of \u200b\u200broofs went to the very horizon: pointed, sloping, flat, wooden, tiled, with turrets, spiers, carved weathervanes. They literally ran into each other and competed in intricacy.

“Magnus, where are we?”

- I would have a couple of flies, and there, you look, and I will think ...

His eyes still darted.

The next second, I was almost hit by a cart of gnomes that were transporting gems from the mine. I barely had time to dodge. The chest remained lying on the road. I took a step towards him and bounced again, because a mail carriage flashed in front of my nose. The coachman glanced at me and threatened with a whip. I made several more attempts to pick up my things. All unsuccessful.

- In our kingdom, even on the main street there is no such busy traffic! I'm already homesick, Magnus, ”I complained.

“This is by chance not yours, dear young lady?”

They put a chest and a bundle in my hands. I looked up and realized that my wanderings were over, for a young man was standing in front of me and the sun was shining in his chest.