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Simoron technique of magic science. Simoron technicians. Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desire. Spelling Translation Technique

There are different directions in magic, and among them the simoron technique stands out, which at first glance may seem like a joke, but it is effective. There are many reviews that with the help of simple rituals you can change your life and fulfill your cherished dreams.

What is simoron?

This unusual term became known at the end of the last century. A couple of psychologists (Petra and Petr Burnalov) decided to open their own school of magic, the purpose of which was to change the usual and routine lifestyle. They argue that people themselves are to blame for the fact that their life cannot be called ideal, because they forgot how to dream. The simoron system contributes to the harmonization of man with the outside world. With its help, you can clear the mind of unnecessary information and get rid of existing fetters.

Simoron - why does it work?

Many people are surprised that comic rituals help someone, but there are several explanations for this.

  1. People are used to go with the flow, and Simoron gives a chance to go beyond and make progress in their own development.
  2. The simoron method involves the use of a game form, so a person abandons "internal control", freeing the subconscious.
  3. Rituals involve connecting a person to the huge energy of the universe, which is creative, positive and creative.
  4. It is believed that if the simoron technique does not work, then a person does not believe in its strength and tries to analyze every step.

Simoron rituals tested in action

The distinguishing features of such rituals include the fact that each person can adapt them for themselves, and this increases the chances of success. Simoron practices are based on several rules.

  1. It is important to learn how to enter a flight state, for which imagination is important, but if a person cannot imagine himself flying in the sky, it is recommended to dance. Performing various movements with eyes closed, you can relax and achieve the necessary state.
  2. Simoron is the magic of everyday life, which should be filled with positive. Take events with ease and then the changes will not take long.
  3. It is necessary to actively combat doubt. If during the preparation or conduct of the ceremony, thoughts arise that nothing will work out, then you need to stop and think about choosing a different technique.

Simoron to attract love

Many girls dream of a prince who will be smart, beautiful and caring. All of your requirements can be materialized using a ritual.

  1. It is necessary to take a large container, which must certainly be with a lid. It will be a materializer. Attach batteries to it, which will energize the energy necessary for the implementation of the plan.
  2. Put the main components in the container, and if you want the man to be smart, then put the book, sports - some kind of shell, for example, a dumbbell or a jump rope, sexual - a male deodorant, and rich - money. You can also guess the appearance of a lover by putting a picture of an attractive man.
  3. In order for the simoron technique to work, cover the container, hug it, dance with it and scream an intention spell, for example, “I want to meet a smart, handsome, rich and sexy man.” Repeat the words as many times as the chosen one should be. Capacity must be put in a prominent place.

Simoron for weight loss

A huge number of women dream of losing weight, using different methods of losing weight. You can use the help of magic:

  1. Not everyone can withstand, but there is an option suitable for everyone - the ritual of simoron for weight loss. Everything is very simple, so you need to take a regular sheet of paper and write the word "Diet" on it. Put it on a chair and sit on it, that is, on a diet. It is important to believe that the ritual will certainly work. The sheet can be taken with you and put it on a chair at work, at a party and so on.
  2. Prepare several bottles of water, with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. Cut off the labels, and instead of them stick new ones with different inscriptions, for example, “minus a kilogram”, “for weight reduction” and others. Drink a bottle of magic water every day.

Simoron for sale apartments

Not many people manage to quickly and successfully sell their living space, so a simple but effective ritual will be useful. The presented simoron technique involves the use of a hammer, but it must be rubber. For example, you can use a children's toy with a squeaker. Take it in your hands and walk around the apartment with an important look, knocking on the walls and shouting “Sold!”. It is necessary to introduce yourself as a leading auction, which successfully sells housing.

Simoron for good luck at work

In order to get a good job, advance your career and change your life for the better, you can use a simple ritual, which also helps to realize any desire. “Magic matches” is a simoron technique that involves passing certain stages:

  1. Buy a regular box of matches and remove labels from it. It is impossible to glue the surface, it must be cleaned.
  2. Take a small piece of paper to fit on the box, and write “Magic Matches” on it. After that, stick it on the box. It is important to do everything carefully.
  3. In order for the simoron to act on luck, it is necessary to activate matches. To do this, take out one thing, light it up and say a small desire, which can be immediately realized, for example, "I eat my favorite chocolate." After extinguishing the wick, do the above. Realizing the desire, the activation of other matches occurs.

Simoron - how to attract a man?

The presented rite is suitable for girls who want to successfully marry. To conduct it, you need to take a cup from your girlfriend or relative who is in a happy marriage. Also, buy a ring imitating a wedding band, a red ribbon 18 cm long and prepare nine grains of rice. It is important to clearly follow the specified parameters, as these numbers are aimed at attracting love.

  1. To conduct a simoron ritual for marriage, take a cup and put other objects in it in this order: ring, rice and ribbon. Place it at the head of your bed.
  2. Before you go to bed, you need to put a ring on your finger and visualize yourself with a man for some time, marriage and a happy family life. Decoration stays overnight.
  3. In the morning, remove the ring and put it back into the cup. It is necessary to carry out the ritual every day until the long-awaited event happens.

Simoron for pregnancy

Women who want a baby can use different rituals, which are important to carry out in a good mood. Simoron's magic will help to get what you want in a short time.

  1. You need to buy a pregnancy test and draw two strips on it, thereby fulfilling your dream. The result is a talisman that should be carried with you in a bag, and put at night under the pillow. Regularly imagine yourself pregnant.
  2. One of their simoron techniques indicates that you can catch a pregnancy from a woman who is in position. The task is to be with the pregnant women as often as possible, sit in their place, drink water after them, use their things and so on.
  3. For the next ritual, take a beautiful jar that is nice to hold in your hands. On it write “Vitamins for pregnancy” and put a few sweets, pieces of dried fruits and other goodies. Eat vitamins once a day, one at a time. When the jar is empty, the desire will become real.

Simoron to health

A vacuum cleaner is often used in rituals that help to suck in a financial stream or, on the contrary, get rid of something, for example, from diseases. Turn on the equipment at minimum power and hold the handset to a problem spot on the body. For the simoron magic to begin to act, it is necessary to imagine how the vacuum cleaner draws the disease into itself. It is important to walk in the patient’s room with a vacuum cleaner to remove all negative energy.

Simoron to raise money

There are a huge number of rituals aimed at attracting financial well-being. The simplest simoron technique is charging a wallet or banknotes. You need to take two finger batteries and wrap them in several large bills. Leave it all for a day. You can also take the wallet, insert the charge from the phone into it and turn it on. Continue charging overnight. Simoron and money are a great combination and this can be checked thanks to the following ritual:

  1. Take a beautiful transparent mug or glass and brew loose tea there, adding 1 teaspoon of honey.
  2. Place the cup on a piece of paper, which must always be green.
  3. Stir the tea with a regular but new pencil, moving clockwise for a minute. During this, think about the amount of money you need and how it falls into your hands.
  4. On paper write "Tea, there will be money." Drink a drink, and roll the sheet with the text and put it in your wallet. Keep it until what you want becomes a reality.

Soda loan repayment in simoron

According to statistics, the number of people who take loans is growing every year. There are often problems with paying off debts, and here a simple ritual can come to the rescue, for which you need to prepare ordinary soda and vinegar.

  1. To see the wonders of simoron, you need to write on the piece of paper: “Credit” and the details, that is, the name of the bank, amount, terms and so on.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of baking soda onto the paper and quench it with vinegar. During the hiss, imagine how you pay off your loan quickly and without problems.
  3. Discard the remaining paper.

The enthusiastic reviews of practitioners of the Simoron rites make us more interested in this teaching. Its simplicity and spontaneity captivate even harsh critics. Before you start familiarizing yourself with unusual rituals and rituals, you need to understand what Simoron is.

  • Simoron magic - changing life for the better

    Simoron is a school of wizards, only the teachers in it are not strict professors, but funny and mischievous sorcerers.   A kind of Hogwarts, founded in 1988 by a family of psychologists Petra and Peter Burlanovs. Here's how they themselves explain the strange name of their school:

    What does any name mean? A set of sounds that should help to somehow distinguish one thing from another. Say - "kangaroo" ... What is drawn to us when we hear this word? Funny animal with a woolen pocket on the belly and a spring tail. It is translated: "I do not understand you ...". So answered the Australian aborigine to an Englishman who asked about an unprecedented beast. The concept of “simoron” is from the same opera.

    The main idea is to changing habitual pictures of the world. A person who believes that something cannot be, should understand that such would be the reaction of people of the middle of the last century to mobile phones and video conferencing via Skype. But, as life shows, everything can be. Get rid of stereotypes, let the subconscious decide for itself what is real and what is not. Think only about what is really needed. The universe itself will find hundreds of ways to help and the desire will come true in an unexpected way.

    In Simoron, you can’t wait for the result, the process of creating magic is important. Any result is good on the principle that “no matter what is done, everything is for the best.” Do not think in patterns and try to plan the future in the framework of the familiar picture of the world. The basis of the simoron in free creativity, not limited by conventions. Spontaneity of actions leads to a large selection of options for the development of the situation.

    According to the law of attraction, like attracts to like. Therefore, good or evil will turn out, it depends on one’s own thoughts. Do not think about problems, otherwise they will be transferred to the category of an equal in strength enemy, which must be fought. Do not feed them with your energy. Problems are the fruit of attitudes towards life, change your approach, they will disappear. As they say: “Do not be sad because of nonsense. Nonsense does not make you sad. ”

    For a better understanding of the work of Simoron techniques, we give a comparison. The problem is the doll with which a person plays, fools around, worries about her, carry out daily activities, feed or put to bed. That is, it constantly scrolls the same scenarios in the head. And as soon as you play enough and stop remembering, it will immediately disappear from thoughts and the whole world.

    Pay attention to the signs.   Simoronists assure that with time, intuition becomes sharper, they begin to notice what they did not pay attention to before. This is called support signals. Upon receipt of the negative, it is worth repeating the ritual or checking the correctness of its implementation.

    Important 27. To the questions: “When or after how long will the desire come true”, the simoronists answer: “After 27”.Days or hours are optional. Only the universe knows how soon it can help. This number is considered magical, very significant. In numerology, it symbolizes success, in Feng Shui it is favorable, and in ancient civilizations the key. Therefore, 27 is actively used in many ceremonies.

    With the help of Simoron techniques and rituals, you can influence any situation, solve problems. To arrange personal life, to attract money, they can all. The only condition is to wish yourself and others exclusively good.

    There are no identical techniques. Each relies on individual sensations, so the followers of the simoron adapt the rite for themselves or come up with a new. Lack of understanding of further situations means not understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bpractices.

    Act as you want, follow the subconscious, most importantly, do it emotionally and cheerfully. The puzzled look of others is considered a good sign. It means the internal innovations that people began to feel. Following this, the surrounding world will change.

    Remember the words of Yankovsky in the role of Baron Munchausen: “I understand what your trouble is. You are too serious. All the stupid things on earth are done with this very expression ... Smile, gentlemen ... Smile ... "

    The main enemy of the Simoron rituals is doubt. Having caught yourself thinking that nothing will work, change the technique or come up with another one.

    To represent the images were brighter and more visual, use associations. Creativity is released when you create something. For example, writing the word “love” on a teapot, pouring from it each time, say: “I revel in love.” When spending money, identify it with a boomerang. A very interesting association is life as a zebra. Paint the black stripes in the picture with white paint every day.

    Words and expressions sit tightly in the subconscious. It unconditionally believes in their correctness. Therefore, the phrase "swim in the money," implying wealth, can be used in a simple ritual. Take a bath with coins or bills. To improve financial well-being, the phrase "money is like dirt." But “what has fallen is lost” will help get rid of problems and unnecessary things. are very popular.

    Self-hypnosis formulas, backed by action, work many times more efficiently. Acting and drawing a mini-performance is nothing more than creativity.

    To embark on a new path is as difficult as to risk changing something in yourself, at home. Try to turn from a critical realist into a wizard. Only in this way life can improve beyond recognition.

  • Differing from other methods of materialization, Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desire are different in that for them it is possible for a person to come up with his own rules and magically influence the development of his life. Such rituals are very effective and work great.

    We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting and powerful Simoron rites from online forums.

    The technique of simoron is determined by visualization, as well as the mentality in working with images. In order to develop the skill, it is best to train on the little things. For example, to find a lost item you need:

    1. Formulate a cherished wish.
    2. Close your eyes and try to look up.
    3. It’s very good to imagine the subject and say: “ (item) appear!"Or" Agreement, sign! ".

    At the same time, attention should be paid to your inner sensations. Speaking words in this state, you can feel something disturbing. It can be regarded as a reaction of the Cosmos.

    Although this ritual, as they say on the forums, is designed for small requests, it is not forbidden to try this technique on a global desire. Who knows what will happen if every day you repeat “Beloved, come!”, Representing a man.


    The meaning of constant expression, proceeding from the quality of the sheet stick to an intimate placeis clear to everyone. Why can’t this be wrapped up in our own favor?

    • from thin paper should cut the sheet;
    • quite clearly on it write a goal;
    • fragment strengthens at a certain point;

    In an alternative variation, you can take the original from oak or birch, where you can attribute words with a marker. This kind of “tattoo” is worn for a couple of hours.

    If you use for this another part of the body, which closer to the brain, the results of such creativity will also not disappoint. With a pencil for eyeliner (or even lipstick) on the forehead, you should fix the result of what a person strives for: to be a beloved wife, mother, a famous person. Reflection in the mirror from time to time will remind you of the goal.

    Happiness in the Border

    Bender’s phrase about a saucer with a border is taken as the basis of this performance ritual. To the bottom cyan platesmine need to put the symbol of your dreams:

    • who wants to get married - a ring;
    • money - paper bill;
    • babies - a pacifier;
    • his house - his small modelb;

    It is necessary that at the request of a person this was given to him. To enhance the effect of the ceremony, you can cut bright shiny star   (from ordinary foil) and hang where the person spends the most time (on a chandelier in the kitchen). Under such a happy star it will be easier to live.

    Simoron Birthday Ritual

    The technique of fulfilling desires according to Simoron consists in such nuances.

    • On his birthday, a person needs to get raspberry jam. Since this berry is a true panacea for 7 diseases, and is associated with a delicious life, a jar with such a delicacy will be a guide to the world of real hopes.
    • On the jar you need to stick the sticker “Not a chef, but raspberries” or another kind of allegory.
    • After 27 days (the magic number in Simoron), jam should be eaten. It remains only to wait for change.

    Magic mirror

    • Need to use powder box with a mirror. It must be washed with water and salt to clear all the negative.
    • After the powder box will become a real tool for transforming thoughts into happy moments. With a pencil for eyes or eyebrows, you need to write a short phrase on the glass like “I am happy”, “I am healthy”. It should be very brief and fairly capacious to talk about your request.
    • Looking at the reflection, you need to say the secret phrase out loud.
    • And so do it every time you open the powder. At this moment, being in a bad mood and not believing in the power of magic is strictly prohibited.

    Another interesting way to ritual to health:

    25 dreams

    The main condition: all “desires” must be prescribed twice in a certain amount ( 25 wishes twice each). After very quietly one should say such magical expressions: “ All desires come true. It will be as I wish!».

    In the next ten days, you should pamper yourself: get a good lipstick, renew clothes, forget about a diet, and also attach importance to all those little things that raise a person’s mood. Experts have noticed that Cosmos very well and quickly fulfills the dreams of those who are in a good mood and give themselves joy.

    Simoron ritual "Jumping Tiger"

    Tiger   in the foreign version of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh" joyfully high hopped on tail. It is time to draw conclusions and:

    1. Find in your closet something striped   (or take a vest from your husband) or purchase socks and panties with horizontal stripes.
    2. In the absence of such things, you can make your own body art (pencil for lips or eyes).
    3. In addition to such an interesting alongside, the hair should be beaten and laid in extreme hairstyle.

    The actions taken should be in line with the image and plot of the cartoon. High jumps can be accompanied by the following words: “I’ll fly on the tail to the sky, but along the way I’ll also get money.”

    For the fulfillment of each specific desire will have its own rhyme.

    Need to implement   27 jumps   (as already mentioned, 27 is a magic number). Jumping with friends will be much more fun and better, as collective energy does real miracles.

    Magic Potion

    On the stove you need to put pan (best of all red)   with water. Near should be placed spices, as well as herbs and garlic. Adding components to the container in turn, you should reflect on your desires, and when adding a fresh portion they should be said. Each new phrase should end approximately like this: “I agree to any positive outcome”. The more seasonings there are, the more often they will need to be voiced.

    The secret of this Simoron rite is that the vibrations of the voice create in some way an energy field   (as in a conspiracy), which helps to quickly implement what was said. It is important to feel that moment well, without missing a single trifle.

    Cooked “soup” can be improved with sauce, sour cream, lemon or other tasty things, but remember that the dish should be edible. At that moment, all desires gain strength again. Then the soup should be poured into a plate with a gold rim, and three spoons are placed in the mouth. The process is needed to activate the necessary program, which a little later should be fixed with a second portion of the broth.

    Nodal ritual

    Many people admire the results of the “tied” desires. For a simple acting ritual will be needed shoelaces (just not black). The technique is very light: holding the shoelaces in your hands, you need to speak out the desire. The words "Wish", which must be formulated in the present tense, negative particles cannot be pronounced. The proposal should be very capacious and concrete. After the main phrase, another phrase should be said: “As the lace is tied, so the desire is tied”. A knot is tied. After that, the rope clings so that it hangs a little (from the door or chair handle). How many wishes, so much to impose and loops.

    A dream in a matter of days

    You can verify this in practice. This will take about 20 minutes. Necessary:

    • Make a wish and write it down.
    • Go into another room, close the doors and attach the sheet with tape to the canvas.
    • Read the text with enthusiasm and boldly go beyond the threshold.
    • Then go back and repeat the whole process. And so do it 27 times.

    The goal is to compose ease where welcome lightness, laughter and naturalness.   The portal of the door will be a real guide to a new life, where everything comes true.

    Rite with assistants

    Virtual assistants can also help in fulfilling wishes. First you need to cook   photos of famous personalities who created monetary empires or distinguished themselves in another field. Moreover, with their participation, problems, including love ones, can be resolved. It is better not to consider the characters of artists, since almost everyone has very scandalous stories. Pictures can be cut or printed.

    The photograph of one millionaire should be in the wallet, the second should be sprinkled with decoy, the third should be kept in a safe, or it may be attached to the table. Once a week, all posters at night should be placed in dishes with cereals. In this case, you need to follow events, deservedly praise or reproach yourself.

    Amazing rituals of simoron   can be called absurd, but they are very interesting and high-quality, and also quite simple to perform. Moreover, according to reviews on the forums, they work quite well.


    Simoron: wish fulfillment effortlessly

    Friends, I won’t be surprised if you already heard about the red shorts on the chandelier to attract money, about recharging your wallet and calling Vovan, which will fulfill your every desire.

    After all, all this and more -differently.

    If you are one of those who first hear this "absurdity", below I will talk about these techniques, and not only. Stay with me, and you will read a lot of interesting and unthinkable in this article.

    Important! If you are skeptical and do not believe in the possibility of an easy and enjoyable get what you want, this is normal. I also doubted until I got an unequivocal

    Simoron: fulfillment of desires with humor

    What is this - simoron?

    Simoron   - this is, above all, the fulfillment of desires. And this happens with the help of cheerful and positive thoughts that create your reality.

    Simoron   - means finding a way out of problems effortlessly, using funny and ridiculous rituals. This means putting everything upside down, going beyond the familiar and seeing everything in a new light.

    With the help of Simoron techniques you will achieve the fulfillment of any of your desires.

    Our life is a game. And simoron is also a game. This is a funny psychological game technique for joyful people.

    Remember the famous phrasebaron Munchausen:

    All the greatest nonsense in the world is done with a serious expression on his face. So smile, gentlemen, smile!

    I think - this is the very quote that describes the techniques of simoron well.

    Fulfill desires effortlessly

    Think about why it’s easier for a child to get what he wants than an adult?

    You will answer: "The desires of adults are more difficult to fulfill than children's ones." I do not agree. The difference is that when there is any “want”, an adult immediately begins to think over the mechanism for obtaining the desired.

    And here his subconscious begins to look for and come up with obstacles and obstacles, which, he thinks, will have to be overcome before his desire comes true. And only by this he attracts to himself, first of all, not what he wants, but what will interfere with the realization of his desire ...

    For those who are trying to analyze simoron, this magic does not work well. So tell yourself: “I play!” And allow any fabrications to happen.

    Do you want your wishes to be fulfilled effortlessly? And while being in a continuous stream of fun and sparkling humor, not thinking about the obstacles that may arise on the way to getting what you want?

    Then welcome tosimoron: fulfillment of desires   playfully!

    Attitude to life with a smile will allow you to live happily ever after, almost like heroes, beloved from childhood, fairy tales, and even better.

    Fulfillment of desires using the Simoron technique is possible in any areas. , meet love, get money, pull luck, increase self-esteem, but anything! All in your hands.

    Why does simoron work?

    Being in a game situation that is not subject to the laws of logic, we abandon the “internal controller” and release into the wild what lies in the subconscious. And this, usually, is beneficial.

    Performing Simoron techniques for the fulfillment of desires, we take responsibility, make certain decisions and allow ourselves to receive gifts from the universe.

    Accustomed to live with the flow of what is happening, we often do not even try to resist it. Each simoron technique is a step beyond the usual, which means manifestations of progress in its development. A person who has at least once left the comfort zone never returns to his previous position. This is the essence of physical and spiritual growth.

    If you believe the fact that everything around us is energy, then

    any Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of desires is a connection to a huge stream of creative, positive, creative energy of the Universe.

    The creators of the teachings of Simoron offer to look at the world as a child with wide eyes.

    Who came up with simoron?

    The word “simoron” itself does not mean anything at all - it’sa word-toy, an invention that successfully reflects the essence of practice: a cheerful and childishly open outlook on life.

    This technique was born in 1988. It was invented by director Peter Burlan and actress Petra Burlan, who live in Kiev.

    To this day, this couple speaks at live trainings, inspiring people to frivolity and easy fulfillment of desires. They created their own school of gaming psycho-training, or, as they say, the "school of wizards" Simoron.

    And, of course, they released the book “Simoron at first hand, or How to achieve what is impossible to achieve,” which is publicly available on the Internet.

    At first, the simoron was used as a psychological technique, but, as it should be true magic, quickly went beyond this framework and became a kind of practical methodology for the fulfillment of desires.

    Some researchers call simoron a modern form of shamanism.

    Others argue that this is a legacy of European ritual magic. Still others compare the Simoron exercises with the “controlled stupidity” practiced by magicians from the Latin American tradition of Carlos Castaneda.

    How I used the teachings of Carlos Castaneda you can read in my article

    If you ask the simoronists themselves what they are capable of, you will hear many incredible stories.

    According to them, they can change the weather, call the necessary transport, establish personal life, solve any material problems and treat diseases. Dozens of books have already been written about simoron; it has branched out into several schools. It is practiced almost throughout Europe.

    With all its magic and “frivolity”, Simoron practices are indeed capable of changing those who are ready to change.

    How to simoron?

    There are no ready-made recipes in Simoron, there are only wishes and examples. Exercises can be invented.

    It will be great if you are smart and add or change the content of the technique for yourself. Creativity is another step towards your desire. After all, using the techniquesimoron, fulfillment of desires   going easy and carefree, like the life of a happy child.

    And now, as I promised, Simoron techniques for the fulfillment of desires.

    How to attract money using Simoron?

    Simoron ritual with jam

    For this ancient and reliable ritual to attract money into your life you must:

    Any laminated document where your photo is.

    This can be a driver’s license, an all-Russian or a passport (the pages with photos are laminated there).

    Something sweet and sticky - honey, jam, yogurt, condensed milk, melted chocolate. Options can be very different.

    For better financial success you need:

    1. Take your laminated document in your left hand.
    2. Take a spoon in your right hand with something sticky and sweet.
    3. Put something sweet and sticky on your photo on your document.
    4. The most important thing! Thoughtfully licking your tongue with a photo is sweet and sticky. “Cash is poured directly from the person”

    All! Cash guaranteed!

    Simoronsky ritual "We charge money with batteries"

    Take a few banknotes (preferably a large denomination), because after the ritual they will attract even more of their kind to you.

    In addition, finger batteries will be needed. Wrap each battery with a paper bill, hide in a secret place for a couple of days.

    After that, get the money - and you can spend it. A powerful charge will attract you a lot of such pieces of paper !!!

    Use the batteries as intended.

    Another very famous way is to charge your wallet.

    Just as you charge your smartphone (phone) from the network. In the evening, connect the charger to the network and insert the other end into your wallet. Leave the wallet as it is for the night.

    Red panties on the chandelier to attract money

    You just buy beautiful red underwear, or take an existing one.
    Throw it on your chandelier and that’s it!

    The important point is that you need to throw your panties on the chandelier. You may not succeed the first time, but with your efforts you will show your intention to receive money.

    Yes and have fun at the same time.

    And red linen will begin to attract money to your home.

    How to attract a man with simoron?

    Simoronim for love using a computer

    For this ritual you will need a photo of some handsome man, you can on a white horse. With the help of computer software we narrow (make it narrow). Then the options are possible:

    1. Print and ask someone to hide. After that - to search and be sure to find this narrowed.
    2. Place the photo of the narrowed on the Internet, for example, on a free page in Yandex, and then search. Using search engines Yandex, Google, etc.
    3. Print a lot of these photos, hide them everywhere, so that your narrowed one gets everywhere, wherever you stick!

    You can still come up with, but the essence is the same: hide the narrowed so that you always find him! So that you even have such a habit developed - narrowed to find.

    Simoron for weight loss and beauty

      We are on a diet. We take a sheet of paper and write large on it - Diet. Every time we eat, we sit on this sheet. Helps control what is eaten. Do not like just Diet, write an Effective Diet.

    At night, a water bottle on a piece of paper with the inscription - water for construction. We drink during the day.

    Go to bed and ask the gnomes to vacuum your butt (well, if you want to remove excess cellulite or weight there). And then the work begins. Dwarves take the stairs, vacuum cleaners, various devices and begin to vacuum, level, pull up, etc. So it is possible with any part of the body and any task. They are very responsible in this sense and hardworking. Go to sleep, visualizing this picture, the gnomes then quietly leave themselves. And the most interesting thing is that every time they will joyfully come running and take on a new task to improve your body with new perseverance.

    When you go somewhere, say: "With every step, I am slimmer, healthier, richer."

    When drinking water or tea, speak the liquid in a cup: Voditsa voditsa help liberate fat. So much a kilogram down with this water. Do not immediately guess a lot. It is better to divide your excess weight into portions and lose weight gradually. First they dropped 5 kg, then another 5.

    The main thing to believe!

    Simoron affirmation of beauty

    I'm such a sweetheart! I am such a Swell!

    The beauty doesn’t stop looking at me!

    I'm so smart! I'm such a kral!

    You haven’t seen such a beautiful woman!

    I beloved myself and cherish!

    Ah, what a shoulders! Ah, what a neck!

    The waist is aspen, velvet skin.

    More beautiful every day, every day younger!

    Teeth like pearls are stronger every day!

    Legs are a sight for sore eyes, slimmer every day!

    Gorgeous hair - you never dreamed!

    Cooked for three - I got one!

    I don’t listen to anyone, Kohl shame and hoot!


    Simple Simoron rituals for health

    1. Make a plane from a piece of paper, then write your illness on it and send it to the window.

    "My disease is goodbye forever, because I am a healthy person."

    1.   We get up under the shower, imagining that we are washing off our ailment and saying:

    "Water is washing my disease, it cleanses of negativity."

    1.   We make tea, take a piece of sugar and call it our ailment. And then we put sugar in a mug and say: "As tea dissolves sugar, so my disease disappears." Then we drink to the bottom. Something similar was here:
    2.   Turn on the vacuum cleaner to the minimum power. Bring the tube to the area you want to heal and visualize how the vacuum cleaner sucks the disease.

    How to solve problems?

    Has the white stripe changed to black?

    Finally, take a flashlight and light your way! Yes, the most common flashlight. The brighter the better. Light everything around, walk along the "lunar" path.

    Do not stick things?

    You will need two folders with a serious inscription “Case”. If they are embarrassed by their excessive pomp and severity, draw flowers on them. What? Let our affairs suddenly become quiet, become tender and airy!

    Take the glue, apply it on the back of each folder and glue it so that it becomes completely inseparable. During this important procedure, imagine that your affairs are getting better, problems are settling, and in general, that everything is now developing as it should.

    Not glued relationship?

    Draw two funny little men. One of them is you, the other is the person with whom you are in a quarrel or with whom you cannot find a common language. Glue the little men to each other with the “front side”, thinking that now everything between you is all right. So it will be.

    Do not stick health, love, money or work?

    Yes, it’s already global, because you have to glue yourself. In order to limit myself from pain and other unpleasant surprises, I suggest taking regular honey. Its viscous and sticky structure is just perfect for solving tasks.

    You can “glue” everything, you can stop on separate parts of the body, for example, palms. But the meaning is the same: we take honey, and pat our hands on our own, as if gluing an invisible “substance” with honey. To increase the effect, say: “I glue, I glue, I attach my love (health, money)”

    Do you have any problems? Put them down the toilet!

    Everything is very simple: in general, when you go to a secluded room (toilet) on business, take a pen or some other writing item with you, and write your problem on toilet paper ... you can even write your own torment about this problem ... and you can not write - it’s your business ... and then, having done the business - you drop this piece of paper in the toilet. That's all!

    How to attract good luck and success?

    Each of us has heard at least once in a lifetime the phrase “beat with a key”.

    So let us attract good luck and activate each of our “keys”.

    Pick up the key - a regular door key. A small clarification - the key should be yours. I do not think that there is at least one person who will have problems with this.

    And holding the key in your hand, think about the situation or event in which you want to succeed. And ... hit the key. Do not be surprised, just beat the key with anything - a wall, floor, table, door. And say: “My life is in full swing” or “My business is in full swing” or as your soul wishes, just use the phrase “in full swing”. You can beat as much as you want. And to increase the strength of the ritual, you can open the tap with water, thereby creating the effect that your life is already boiling and boiling.

    The ritual can be repeated as many times as you want. Just remember the important rule - success comes at the right time, at the right place, and at the right time.

    To attract perfect work

    Simoron Ritual: Toffee

    Take a toffee and dip it in something sweet, such as honey. Then put it on a beautiful saucer and place it in a place of honor. Talk with her, give her compliments, ask her to attract a good job for you.

    Employment contract for a new position

    You must write an employment contract for a new position in accordance with all the rules of registration, sign it on both sides, put it in your pocket - that's all, the position is in your pocket!

    Honey shower

    Before you take a shower, take a little honey and brush your body a little. Say: “I am so sweet, so attractive, for a good job I’m very attractive!” Repeat this ritual every day, and soon you will receive a very favorable offer!

    And, finally, I am sharing with you the Simoron odnoshodyami, which change your vibration!

    “I spent it, but there was only more money ...”

    - I will sell my dreams - for change!

    - The apartment has eight rooms, where are the slippers?

    - I’m going to drive my hips a little - they bring me money in buckets

    - What a strange feeling - here I am a millionaire ...

    - I’ll breathe in. As you exhale, I’m losing weight ...

    - Relax! Everything will happen by itself

    - So I live: all for nothing plus salary

    - I decorate the work with myself. A large salary is paid for this.

    - My wallet just swells with money ...

    - Again the banker calls, wants to get married ...

    - Well, again, they raise the salary!

    “They gave the diamond ring again ...”

    - And here is mine - on a white Mercedes ...

    - Beloved is waiting with flowers near the registry office ...

    “How good it is for me to live in a large apartment!”

    - There is so much space in the minibus in the morning ...

    - I stroked the cat's paws - that means there will be “grandmothers” tomorrow!

    - I stuck cotton wool in my ears - increased my salary

    - I read “Moidodyr” - there will be a new apartment!

    - Once a camomile, two camomile - money jumps into pockets!

    And this is only a small part of all the simoron techniques ...
    Well, how do you like such very unusual methods?
    In my opinion, this is simple, humorous and positive.

    This is another portion of frivolity, which is so lacking in our time for all of us.

    remember, that